Some extra tips on using LexisNexis® Butterworths
Topics 1.Quick Find 2.Explore 3.My Bookshelf 4.Sources 5.Tutorials 6.Alerts 7.LexisNexis® Butterworths certificate
LNB homepage When you have logged into LNB, click on the Home tab. You have three options: Quick Find Explore My Bookshelf (Note: if, at any point, you wish to return to the LNB homepage, click on the LexisNexis® Butterworths logo at top left-hand corner of screen.)
Topic 1: Quick Find Use Quick Find to quickly search, from one screen, various types of documents: Legislation Cases Journals
Quick Find – example Use Quick Find to search for information concerning the Criminal Justice Act Use the Legislation option to find the actual statute. Use the Journals option to find journal articles about this Act.
Topic 2: Explore Use Explore to do a general trawl for information. Enter your keywords in the Search Terms box. – Note: using this option usually retrieves a huge number of results. – Use “Connectors”, e.g. and / or, to focus your search (for more info on Connectors, click on Search Tips at bottom of screen). Use the tick-boxes to select the content you want to search through.
Explore – example Find information on the unfair dismissal of teachers. – Enter these keywords = unfair dismissal teachers lecturers How many results do you get? – Run the search using keywords with “connectors”, e.g. unfair dismissal and teachers or lecturers How many results do you get now? – Run another the search using other “connectors”, e.g. unfair dismissal w/5 maternity and teachers or lecturers How many results do you get now?
Topic 3: My Bookshelf Use My Bookshelf to create a list of your favourite sources, arranged by category. Click on the Add/remove/sort sources link to change which sources are displayed. Use the Select source type options to select content you wish to add to your bookshelf. Click on Done to confirm your choice.
My Bookshelf – example From Cases, add the All England Law Reports to your bookshelf. From Legislation, add the UK Parliament Acts to your bookshelf. From Commentary, add Halsbury’s Laws of England to your bookshelf. From Journals, add the New Law Journal to your bookshelf.
My Bookshelf – example (continued) Every time you enter LNB, you now have quick access to your favourite sources, in this case: All England Law Reports UK Parliament Acts Halsbury’s Laws of England New Law Journal To delete items from your bookshelf, click Cancel.
Topic 4: Sources Use Sources to quickly search, or browse, individual sources of legal information. From LNB homepage, click on Sources tab. Choose the source you require from the A-Z index.
Sources – example 1 Example 1: find the Journal of Criminal Law. On the A-Z index bar, click on J; tick the title you require and click on Browse. You now have the option to search, or to browse, this individual title.
Sources – example 2 Example 2: find Halsbury’s Laws of England. Use Halsbury’s Laws of England to find an authoritative statement of the law on a particular subject The notes to each statement provide references to relevant legislation and leading cases.
Sources – example 2 (continued) On the A-Z index bar, click on H; tick Halsbury’s Laws of England. Find information on dangerous dogs. In the Quick search box, type dangerous dogs. In the Search within Results box (top right-hand corner of screen), narrow your search by typing fighting dogs.
Topic 5: Tutorials Tutorials are interactive lessons which teach you how to use key features of LNB. From LNB homepage, click on the General tab. In section titled View tutorials, click on Overview. This provides interactive tutorials on: Searching Selecting Sources Working with Results
Topic 6: Alerts An Alert is a search you save to run automatically at intervals you specify. Click on the My Research tab, then click on the Alerts sub-tab. Click on the Update Wizard.
How to create Alerts Step 1: Select Content Select your Source, Topic, and Jurisdiction. Click on Next Step. Step 2: Set Frequency Select Weekly; click on Next Step. Step 3: Specify Delivery Type your address; click on Next Step Step 4: Confirm Settings In Update name, give a title, e.g. LexisNexis Alert; click on Save.
Topic 7: LexisNexis® Butterworths certificate This certificate proves you have reached a certain level of competence in using LNB. You can list this certificate on your CV to potential employers. Go to: on/
For extra help You have three options: 1.Click on the Help link (top right-hand corner of screen). 2.Phone the LNB Helpdesk: