Tell your partner one thing that you would like to have achieved by the time you reach retirement. Who is the saddest character in Act 1. List them from most sad to least sad.
Can you think of a character in any film or literature that you would describe as a ‘tragic hero’?
1. Well born (noble) 2. Hubris (over-reaching pride) 3. Hamartia (fatal flaw) 4. They must fall and suffer 5. Anagorisis (discovery – move from ignorance to enlightenment) How many of these were true for the characters we named? So far, how many are true of Willy?
1. Find at least one way in which Willy and Biff are similar. (page 51) 2. What is the effect of Linda’s excitement at the start of Act 2? (page 53) 3. How is the purchase of the house described? What does this tell us about the world that they live in? (PAGE 52) 4. What do you think Linda means when she describes Willy as a ‘little boat looking for a harbour?’ (page 54)
“Show me a good loser, and I'll show you a loser.” Vince LombardiVince Lombardi Do you agree with this quote or not? What sport do you think he coaches? Is this significant? In your culture, is winning the most important or is it the manner in which you conduct yourself?
What right does Will have to expect the company to help him after 34 years? What would you do as boss if he came to you? 1. How does Miller show Willy´s desperation is growing? (between pages 57 and 59?) 2. What role does the taperecorder play in creating meaning? 3. What is the importance of the figure Dave Singleman? What evidence can you find that the world of a salesman has changed since Willy started working in it? (page 58/59)
What are the 2 contrasting ideas represented by Ben and Linda on page 62?