Writing Portfolio with Mr. Butner. Writing Portfolio Due Date: December 18th Requirements (3 sections) 1. Analytic Essay 2. Comparison/Contrast Essay.


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Writing Portfolio with Mr. Butner

Writing Portfolio Due Date: December 18th Requirements (3 sections) 1. Analytic Essay 2. Comparison/Contrast Essay 3. Poetry (two poems) Materials Needed 1. Paper 2. Pencil/Pen 3. A folder, specifically for the portfolio materials.

Writing Portfolio Note The two essays you will write will look exactly like what will be asked of you in February on the writing assessment. In other words, this is going to help you. :)

Analytic Summary Essay Using the informational text “The Woman Called Moses,” students will write one analytic essay. The purpose of this essay is to analyze the different aspects (parts) of the article. We will discuss how to do this later.

Comparison/Contrast Essay Students will use the informational texts “The Woman Called Moses” and “Leaders of the Civil War Era: Harriet Tubman” to write a comparison and contrast essay. You will use both articles in your essay. You will compare and contrast the points of view and opinions of each article. Again, this essay will be discussed at a later date.

Poetry Select and compose two different poems from the list below: 1. Review Poem (Figurative Language) 2. Who Am I? Poem 3. Cinquain 4. Colorful Poem

Analytic Summary Essay This essay will cover the article “The Woman Called Moses” by Walter Oleksy and Meg Mims. The essay is an analytic summary, which means that you will summarize the articles main points, yet you will also break down or explain each main point.

Analytic Summary Essay The Prompt: After you have read the article, determine one central idea from the text and write an essay that both summarizes and analyzes how that central idea is conveyed through particular details. Cite evidence from the text to support your analysis. Follow the conventions of standard written English.

Analytic Summary Essay Essay format: I. Introduction A. Hook B. General discussion of the topic C. Thesis statement II. Body Paragraph A. Topic sentence B. 2-3 supporting details C. Concluding sentence III. Body Paragraph A. Topic sentence B. 2-3 supporting details C. Concluding sentence IV. Body Paragraph A. Topic sentence B. 2-3 supporting details C. Concluding sentence V. Conclusion A. Restate the thesis statement. B. General summary of the essay C. Strong concluding sentence

Analytic Summary Essay Introduction I. Introduction A. Hook B. General discussion of the topic C. Thesis statement What is a hook?

Analytic Summary Essay Introduction A hook is an attention getter. Hooks are extremely important as they set the tone for the entire essay. A strong hook is like a firm handshake; it lets the reader know you mean business, and you will entertain and inform them along the way.

Analytic Summary Essay Introduction For this essay, select one of the following types of hooks. Each of the examples could be a way to begin “Little Red Riding Hood”: 1. Begin your essay with a strong simile or metaphor. Example: The wolf was a tornado changing the lives of all who crossed his path. 2. Begin with an interesting question for the reader to ponder. Example: Who would have thought that a simple trip to Grandma's house would end in tragedy? 3. Use a string of adjectives Example: Tall, dark, and with an air of confidence, the woodsman entered the house.

Analytic Summary Essay Introduction Sample Hook Like a hidden, flickering lantern, Harriet Tubman lit the way to freedom for hundreds of slaves trapped within the darkness of the nineteenth-century South.

Analytic Summary Essay Introduction General Discussion of the Topic Provide one or two sentences that briefly summarize your topic and what you will be writing about. DO NOT use anything like this: In this paper, I will talk about... I'm fixin' to tell you a story... If you do, a monkey will find you during lunch and proceed to throw bananas at your face, so just don't. Please.

Analytic Summary Essay Introduction Thesis Statement The thesis statement is where you state your claim for the paper. It will include the article title, author, what you believe the central idea to be, and the three points you will write about. Your thesis statement will be one sentence. Example In the article “The Woman Called Moses,” Walter Oleksy and Meg Mims assert that Harriet Tubman's words reveal who she was as a person; evidence of this claim in Tubman's childhood, when she escaped, and also when she lead slaves to freedom on the Underground Railroad.

Analytic Summary Essay Introduction At this point, your introduction should basically be written. All you need to do is put the pieces together. Sample Introductory Paragraph Like a hidden, flickering lantern, Harriet Tubman lit the way to freedom for hundreds of slaves trapped within the darkness of the nineteenth-century South. Years before the Civil War would begin Tubman sought her own freedom, and additionally, she risked her life to ensure the freedom of many other Southern slaves. In the article “The Woman Called Moses,” Walter Oleksy and Meg Mims assert that Harriet Tubman's words revealed who she was as a person; evidence of this claim in Tubman's childhood, when she escaped, and also when she lead slaves to freedom on the Underground Railroad.

Analytic Summary Essay Body Paragraph For each body paragraph, you select a point from your thesis statement and develop it further. You provide a topic sentence (what the paragraph will be about) then 2 or 3 supporting details from the article. (Cite line numbers in parentheses.) II. Body Paragraph A. Topic sentence B. 2-3 supporting details C. Concluding sentence

Analytic Summary Essay Body Paragraph Sample Body Paragraph Even as a young child, Tubman began developing words that analyzed slavery. Looking back, Tubman remarked, “I think slavery is the next thing to hell. If a person would send another into bondage, he would... send him to hell (20-22). Additionally, Ozleksy and Mims note a night during her childhood when her owners celebrated a harvest. Stars twinkling in the sky, “Harriet's fear was replaced with a single focus: to escape from slavery and to live free (13-14). Clearly, Tubman possessed great strength of character from and early age.

Analytic Summary Essay Conclusion The conclusion wraps up the essay, reminds the reader of you main points, and ends with a strong sentence. V. Conclusion A. Restate the thesis statement. B. General summary of the essay C. Strong concluding sentence

Analytic Summary Essay Conclusion Sample Conclusion In conclusion, through her words, Tubman displayed great fortitude during childhood, after escaping bondage, and while leading slaves via the Underground Railroad. Only a handful of people throughout history commit their lives to such a monumental task, but Harriet Tubman did. Stalwart, staunch, and steadfast, Tubman altered the course of history.

Comparison/Contrast Essay This essay will cover the articles “The Woman Called Moses” by Walter Oleksy and Meg Mims and “Leaders of the Civil War Era: Harriet Tubman” by Ann Malaspina. The essay is an comparison and contrast essay, which means that you compare and contrast ideas found within both of the articles.

Comparison/Contrast Essay The Prompt You have now read two texts about Harriet Tubman. Write an essay that compares and contrasts the authors’ purposes and how their purposes are conveyed in the two texts. Be sure to cite evidence from both texts to support your analysis. Follow the conventions of standard written English.

Comparison/Contrast Essay Block Essay Format I. Introduction A. Hook B. General discussion of the topic C. Thesis statement II. First item A. First point about this item B. Second point about this item C. Third point about this item III. Second item A. First point about this item B. Second point about this item C. Third point about this item IV. Conclusion A. Restate the thesis statement. B. General summary of the essay C. Strong concluding sentence