David A Man After God’s Own Heart “The Lord has sought for Himself a man after His own heart.” 1 Samuel 13:14.


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Presentation transcript:

David A Man After God’s Own Heart “The Lord has sought for Himself a man after His own heart.” 1 Samuel 13:14

1. He Kept the Commandments of the Lord 1 Samuel 13:13-14 “who will do all My will” (Acts 13:22). David became the standard by which all other kings were judged (1 Kings 15:3). A man after God’s own heart is a person who is committed to doing all of God’s will.

2. He Defended God’s Honor 1 Samuel 17 He spoke out in defense of God’s honor (v. 26). He volunteered to do something (vs ). He acted out of faith (vs ). A man after God’s own heart is a person who is moved with righteous indignation and will stand up for God.

3. He Honored God’s Annointed 1 Samuel 24:1-7 Saul was “anointed” in that God had chosen him to be king and appointed him to that position by His divine will and authority. David realized he did not have the right to interfere with God’s choice (26:9-11). A man after God’s own heart will respect God’s authority, even when it inconveniences him.

4. He Fought the Battles of the Lord 1 Samuel 25 Abigail appealed to David’s righteous conduct and character to save her husband. David did not fight to take personal vengeance; He fought the battles that mattered to the Lord (v. 28). A man after God’s own heart will fight the Lord’s battles, not try to recruit the Lord to approve of his own battles.

5. He Honored His Word 2 Samuel 9 David kept his promise to Jonathan. A man after God’s own heart is a person who is faithful to their word. James 5:12; Psalm 15:4

6. He Handled His Sin in the Correct Manner 2 Samuel David condemned himself (12:1-12). He immediately confessed his sin (v. 13). He took responsibility for his actions and accepted the temporal consequences of his sin. A man after God’s own heart is a person who values his fellowship with God above all other things, and will do what is necessary to maintain this fellowship (Acts 8:22; 1 John 1:9).

7. He Refused To Insult God 2 Samuel 24 “No, but I will surely buy it from you for a price; nor will I offer burnt offerings to the Lord my God with that which costs me nothing” (v. 24). Malachi 1:6-8, A man after God’s own heart will not insult God with any sacrifice or service that is less than his best.

Challenges from the Life and Example of David Do I seek to walk in all the ways of the Lord? Will I take a stand to defend God’s honor? Will I respect God’s will and authority? Will I set aside my pride and opinions and only fight the Lord’s battles? Will I be a man/woman of my word? Will I handle my sin in the correct way? Am I unwilling to insult God by offering Him less than my best?