Adapted but by Amanda Wally, Katie Rie, Chris Tapia (2008) SWBAT: Explain the differences between criminal and civil law. Do Now: Discuss some differences with a partner (2-3 min).
Copy the following: You will complete. Define: Civil law List two examples of civil law. What are the differences b/w civil and criminal? Define: Criminal Law List two examples of criminal law
Body of law pertaining to crimes against the state or conduct (felonies and misdemeanors) detrimental to society as a whole. Definition: Protects society and maintains order Violation of criminal statues are punishable by law. Jail, Prison, Parole, Probation: Community Supervision…
Murder Rape Abuse Theft Trespassing Destruction of private property (Vandalism)
Charges are pressed in degrees –1st –2nd –3rd –Felony –Misdemeanor –Bail is sometimes set for a person to be released from jail, sometimes people are released on their own recognizance. Arraignment: 1 st time a defendant sees judge, bail set, lawyer appointed, plea entered…
Civil law deals with private offenses, such as violations of contracts, failure of professional duty (sexual harassment, discrimination), Tort Law, Family Law. Def: Regulates relationships b/w people. The standard of proof for crimes is higher than for civil proceedings....(beyond a reasonable doubt %; Civil: by a preponderance of evidence 51% (Why?) Example: OJ Simpson Trial
Tort Law Marriage Divorce Custody Adoption Contracts Order Of Protection
Although civil law is not punishable by jail time- civil and criminal law go hand in hand a majority of the time. Civil law issues: orders of protection, custody/visitation rights, child support, etc. Criminal law comes into play when somebody violates court order (breaks an order of protection, or fails to pay their child support)… There are 12 jurors for a criminal case: All 12 agree There are usually 6 jurors on a civil case (5/6) ( Both vary depending on state)
Complete NOW Define: Civil law List three examples of civil law. Explain the differences b/w civil and criminal? Give an example Define: Criminal Law List three examples of criminal law How do the two intersect (sometimes overlap?)