Performance and Development Process 2015
What to take from 2014/15 Improved understanding of the guidelines Reflective Teacher Practice Genuine and meaningful conversation and feedback from reviewer Recognition of high quality practice across the school
Changes for the 2015 cycle The Department has changed to a default calendar year cycle, therefore the 2015 cycle will end in December Balanced scorecard has been removed Weightings have been removed Numerical ratings for assessment of each domain removed and replaced with met, partially met or not met Numerical ratings for overall assessment removed and replaced with met or not met Online assessment tool removed
2015 cycle Requirement for professional conversations and feedback Dimensions are now called Domains of Teaching (3) with a Student Outcomes-Focused Goal (1) Setting of a maximum of one goal for each domain and student outcomes goal (four goals total) Progression Cycle remains May to April Option to complete PDP document using Google Docs
Domains of Teaching & Student Outcomes
Outline of the Australian Standards
Impact of the Changes 6 month cycle- plans need to be achievable within this timeframe Meeting times may occur at peak times Staff link goals to the standards on PDP document Ensure SMART methodology is implemented in goals and strategies to ensure clarity
Timeline for 2015 Start Cycle Phase: Term 2 Week 7-10 (Reflection and goal-setting) Following a meeting with your reviewer, the document is refined and re- submitted to reviewer before end of term 2 Mid Cycle Phase: Term 3 Week 8-10 (Professional practice and learning) End Cycle Phase: Term 4 Week 7-8 (Feedback and review)
Where do I start? Refer to the Staff Outline document
CLASSIFICATION RESPONSIBILITIES AND FOCUS Classroom teacher Range 1- Graduate Classroom teacher Range 1- Proficient Classroom teacher Range 2- Highly Accomplished Leading teacher- Lead Principal Class Demonstrating knowledge and understanding Identifying strategies Demonstrating knowledge and understanding Identifying strategies Demonstrating knowledge and understanding Identifying strategies Demonstrating knowledge and understanding Identifying strategies Demonstrating knowledge and understanding Identifying strategies Designing, developing and implementing strategies Support and share with colleagues strategies, practice and programs Model high-level teaching Support and share with colleagues strategies, practice and programs Model high-level teaching Support and share with colleagues strategies, practice and programs Model high-level teaching Initiate, develop and lead programs Lead colleagues Monitor and evaluate initiatives Model exemplary teaching skills Initiate, develop and lead programs Lead colleagues Monitor and evaluate initiatives Model exemplary teaching skills Leading teaching and learning Developing self and others Leading improvement, Innovation and change Leading the management of the school Engaging and working with the community
Tips for Success Reflect on practice regularly to improve teaching practice
Tips for Success Reflect on practice regularly to improve teaching practice
Tips for Success Collect evidence throughout the cycle Question for above data: I believe the 2014/15 Performance and Development Process has……….
Evidence The impact of the evidence can be described as the following categories: Change in behaviour/action: As a result of the strategies implemented through the goal, the teacher or leader has brought about a change in the behaviour and actions of others. Change in thinking: As a result of the strategies implemented through the goal, the teacher or leader has brought about a change in thinking for others and/or themselves.
Tips for Success For each strategies of your 3-4 strategies, identify a piece of evidence that will be created from each of the strategies. A range of different types evidence should be collected by the staff member
2015 PDP Template
Outcome Assessment To successfully achieve the Performance and Development Requirements the staff member should: have set and made progress towards the performance and development goals demonstrate an understanding of each of the four domains demonstrate each of the 7 standards demonstrate professional growth and development
Resources Dandenong High School developed resources to be ed to staff Department Resources available on EdugateEdugate