Science that Drives Technology QMAXX PRODUCTS
Water Displacement Excellent Cleaner Lubricates Corrosion Protection Electrochemical Insulation Penetration for Long-Term Reliability What Makes QMAXX Products Unique?
QMAXX formulations are heavier than water. When applied to a surface, QMAXX formulations will displace and remove water from the material surface. Continued use of QMAXX formulations results in a protective layer of chemicals in molecular contact with the applied surface. Water Displacement
QMAXX products utilize a unique heavy solvent cleaner that dissolves carbon and displaces dirt and debris from the surface of the material. After continued use of QMAXX formulations, material surfaces become resistant to absorption of debris on a molecular level. Excellent Cleaner
Corrosion is the result of a chemical reaction between a metal, oxygen and water. QMAXX formulations, which are heavier than water, allow corrosion protection chemicals to form an intermolecular bond with the metal atoms. This bond halts existing corrosion and prevents future corrosion caused by water. Corrosion is also accelerated by the voltage potential caused by the transfer of electrons that occurs when the metal starts to corrode. QMAXX formulations are very good electrical insulators which eliminate the electro- potential that drives the chemical corrosion reaction. Corrosion Protection
Generalized Reaction To Create Rust The generalized corrosion reaction for pure iron is 2Fe 0 + O H 2 O = 2Fe(OH) 2 This reaction requires the dissociation of water which is defined by the following equilibrium: H 2 O = H + + OH - Also adjusting the water equilibrium is the solubility of the sodium chloride, the solubility of carbon dioxide in water, the dissociation of Carbonic Acid, and the dissociation of Hydrochloric Acid NaCl = Na + + Cl - H 2 O + CO 2 = H 2 CO 3 = H + +HCO 3 - HCl = H + + Cl - All of these equilibriums and dissociation reactions contribute to the available path for the corrosion of the iron. In the presence of NaCl, oxygen and water, there is a favorable environment for iron to be corroded It should be noted that pure water alone will not corrode iron. It requires dissolved oxygen and hydrogen ions from the dissociated water. NaCl allows the water to dissociate and generate hydrogen ions in the presence of metal (Fe) which leads to corrosion
Overview of Chemical Corrosion Iron Atoms in a metal alloy Fe OO H O H OO OO OO H O HH O HH O H Oxygen Molecules Water Molecules Since water molecules are polar they are always attracted to the free electrons on metal surfaces. Water vapor is always present ! Water and oxygen will start the corrosion process on the metal even in the driest environment.
Water Displacement Accomplished by Qmaxx Corrosion Protection Products Iron Atoms in a metal alloy Fe OO H O H OO OO OO H O HH O HH O H Oxygen Molecules Water Molecules The application of QMAXX Corrosion Protection products displaces water and forms a barrier to water.
QMAXX Corrosion Protection Products also insulate the surface of metal to stop electrochemical corrosion such as galvanic corrosion, which occurs when two different electrochemical metals (such as steel and aluminum, etc.) are placed in contact with each other. QMAXX Corrosion Protection Products also insulate the surface of undermined or scratched painted metal to stop electrochemical corrosion. QMAXX Corrosion Protection Products also insulate and enhance corrosion protected metal - such as chromate conversion coatings on aluminum. El ectrochemical Protection
Continued application of QMAXX products to metal will establish a corrosion protected surface that not only inhibits corrosion, but aids in cleaning of debris such as carbon Penetration for Long-Term Reliability