Owls: Did You Know…
Burrowing Owl The burrowing owl is only 9 to 10 inches tall. It can be found in the prairie and range lands.
The Jungle Owlet This owl eats grasshoppers, lizards, small birds, and mice. Unlike most owls, the jungle owlet hunts during the day.
The Barn Owl The barn owl has a heart-shaped face. Barn owls are found in Nova Scotia. They like to eat mice, rats, butterflies, and lizards.
The Snowy Owl The snowy owl is mostly white so that it can hide in the snow. The habitat of this owl is the northern tundra in Canada.
The Northern Hawk Owl This owl is about 16 inches tall and has a wingspan of 28 inches. The Northern Hawk owl eats small mammals, voles, and birds.
The Snowy Owl The Snowy Owl eats squirrels, rabbits, and mice. This type of owl is about 27 inches tall and has a wingspan of 45 to 60 inches.
The Great-Horned Owl The Great-Horned Owl eats rats, fish, rabbits, and other owls. This owl is between 24 and 33 inches tall with a wingspan of 1 meter!
The Snowy Owl The Snowy Owl wears the thickest coat of all. It has thousands of feathers. Feathers even covers its legs and feet! The habitats of this owl are prairies, marshes, open fields, and shorelines.
The Elf Owl The Elf Owl is only 5 ½ inches tall! It is brown and gray with a white belly. If you catch an Elf Owl, he’ll play dead.
The Snowy Owl The Snowy Owl does not have tufts. It likes to eat mice, other rodents, and birds. It can sometimes be found in Nova Scotia.
The Elf Owl The Elf Owl has yellow eyes and a short tail. It eats bugs, mice, and lizards. This type of owl is not found in Nova Scotia.
The Snowy Owl The Snowy Owl is about 24 inches tall. Polar bears are possible predators of this owl. The habitat of the Snowy Owl is the Northern tundra.
The Barn Owl The Barn Owl is about 18 inches tall with a wingspan of 49 inches. They are brown, white, and beige in color. They do not have tufts.
The Great-Horned Owl The Great-Horned Owl is reddish-brown or gray and black in color. It has very large eyes. It eats rodents, rabbits, smaller birds, snakes, worms, fish, and frogs.
The Snowy Owl The Snowy Owl has tufts but they are hard to see. Their feathers are white and brown. They have black beaks.
The Barn Owl Barn Owls are white and brown. It has a heart-shaped face. It eats mice, rats, butterflies, and lizards.
The Great-Horned Owl The Great-Horned Owl is the second biggest owl in Canada. It is about 25 inches tall. Its call is ‘Hoo Hoo Hooo Hoo Hoo’
The Snowy Owl The Snowy Owl is about 2 feet tall with a wingspan of 1 foot. It has white, brown, and black feathers. It has yellow eyes.
The Barn Owl The habitat of the Barn Owl is open, low-lying areas. This type of owl lacks tufts. The Barn Owl eats mice, rats, voles, gophers, and shrews.
The Great-Horned Owl The Great-Horned Owl is a good hunter. They can be very fierce when defending themselves. They eat snakes, rats, mice, birds, rabbits, fish, and frogs.
The Burrowing Owl The Burrowing Owl has a very short tail. It lives underground. It eats small birds, snakes, and grasshoppers.