Going to the Dogs!
Presented by: Debi Martin – TVI/O&M for San Juan USD and puppy raiser for Guide Dogs for the Blind Leslie Thom – Guide Dog user Aerial Gilbert – Outreach Manager for Guide Dogs for the Blind and Guide Dog user Contributions by Marcia Vickroy, Gilly Club, CA School for the Blind
Special Canine Presenters Custer – working Guide Dog Splash – working Guide Dog
Why we chose a Guide Dog lifestyle Testimonials from Leslie & Aerial, Guide Dog users
Incorporating a Service Dog into the student’s curriculum
Dog Care: Incorporating Concepts into Your Daily Routine Responsibility Schedule/time management Organization Fine Motor Skills Stress Relief Concept Development Reward for a Job Well Done
Responsibility Doing what you are expected to do Dog expects basic food, shelter, and exercise Ensure that your dog is well behaved
Time Management Feeding time Relief Schedule Grooming Schedule Health Maintenance Schedule
Concept Development Laterality (left/right) Faster/slower Front/side/back Up/down More/less Next to/away from Under/over
Fine Motor Skills Measure dry food Fill bowl with water Brush dog’s teeth Brush dog’s coat Clean dog’s ears Pick up after your dog (practice with play doh)
Grooming Brush the dog Bathe the dog Brush the dog’s teeth Trim the dog’s nails Clean the dog’s ears
PLAY TIME! Hide and Seek Tug of War Swimming Hiking Petting and “snuggle time”
Snuggling with Mina
Reward for a Job Well Done “Quality time” with your dog can be motivating to your student, and can result in better student behavior, and better completion of assignments. Students really enjoy: Walking the dog (supervised) Brushing the dog Earning “snuggle time” with the dog Reading to the dog
Lily always wears her helmet!
Lily is a great Algebra tutor.
What are those kids up to?
Zola really, really likes kids!
Guide Dog Programs for Youth Camp GDB Outline of the 4-day summer camp program Goals/Opportunities of the camp Workshops/Sessions working with Junior Blind of America, San Francisco Lighthouse, CA School for the Blind Dogs go to camp at Enchanted Hills and Camp Bloomfield
Camp GDB
Goals/Opportunities of Camp 1.Explore companionship, independence & responsibility of guide dog mobility lifestyle 2.Get hands-on instruction with guide dogs with emphasis on understanding the specific O&M skills that make a successful guide dog user 3.Develop necessary fitness & endurance required for guide dog travel
Goals/Opportunities of camp 4.Learn about how our organization works and about the communities of support that enhance our programs. 5. Opportunities for social activities and development of new friendships.
GDB K9 Buddy Program What is its purpose? Qualifications Buddies bridge the gap for VI kids at school From K9 Buddy recipients to Guide Dog Handlers
Ambassador Dog Program Motivates kids to perform well in school Great conversation starter Positive advertisement for any type of service dog Demo dogs used in workshops
East Bay Workshop
BBF with Fernando
Hands-on Activities Experience the difference between a cane and a Guide Dog Learn how to care for your dog: 1.nail care 2.toothbrushing 3.ear care 4.grooming