By. Olivia Booth
T ABLE OF C ONTENTS Page 3- Choosing the right dog for you Question List. Page 4- Choosing the right dog for you Page 5- Choosing the right dog for you Page 6- Choosing the right dog for you Page 7- Choosing the right dog for you Page 8- Supplies needed for a dog Page 9- Taking Care of your dog- Day by Day, Weekly Page 10- Taking Care of your dog- Monthly, Yearly Page 11- Your Responsibilities Page 12- Your Responsibilities Page 13- Video “cleaning up after your dog”.
C HOOSING THE RIGHT DOG FOR YOU. Dogs come in all shapes and sizes. They have all kind of personalities. Here are some of the many questions you should think about when finding the dog best for you.. Age Do you have other pets? What and how much Physical Maintenance does the breed require? How big does that breed grow ? What kind of temper is the breed known for having?
C HOOSING THE RIGHT DOG FOR YOU. -Age -If you are choosing to buy a puppy, make sure you have the time and patience to teach/or train this puppy. Adult dogs you don’t usually have to worry about training. Older also have a calm attitude but sometimes don’t have the best tempers.
C HOOSING THE RIGHT DOG FOR YOU … Do you have other pets? When bringing home a new dog you should choose one that does well with other animals. You also want to make sure that the animals you already have will be ok with bringing a new animal into the house.
C HOOSING THE RIGHT DOG FOR YOU What Physical Maintenance does the breed require? All dogs need basic grooming, certain breeds need more based on the type of hair coat that breed has. Are you willing to take your dog to the groomers every few weeks, or would you prefer a dog with minimal maintenance?
Choosing the right dog for you… -How big does that breed grow -You want to choose a dog that fits into your life style, so that you and your dog can still live comfortly.You don’t want to but a huge dog into a small apartment.
-Temper the breed is known for having? Certain breeds are known for having better tempers then others. When choosing a dog you want to take in the consideration that certain breeds have better tempers than others. If you have children or other pets, you want to look for a breed that is know to do well with children and other animals. C HOOSING THE RIGHT DOG FOR YOU …
S UPPLIES NEEDED FOR A DOG. After you choose the breed of dog you want, you’ll need to buy the proper supplies needed to take care of the dog. Water & Food Bowls Leash Collar & Dog tag Toys Dog Food- There are many different brands and categories of food to choose from. Make sure to chose the brand of food that best fits your dog, for example its age, size and coat and health issues. Dog Crate Dog Brush & or Comb Dog Bed- For large dogs a dog bed can prevent pressure on joints and relieve oncoming arthritis discomfort with age.
Feeding - Puppies eat 2 or 3 times a day, grown dogs eat 1 or 2 times a day. Make sure dogs have fresh water at all times. Teeth Brushing- Its best if Large dogs should have their teeth brushed a least once or twice a week, smaller dogs need their teeth brushed 4 or 5 times a week. Bathroom- Dogs need to be let out to use the bathroom every few hours. Exercise- Dogs, especially large dogs need to be taken for a walk at least once a day Brushing- dogs should be brushed once a day to maintain its nice healthy coat.
Bathing and grooming- Dogs need bathed once in a while, but should not be bathed more than once every 1 or 2 months. Many people take their dogs to there groomers to get for baths, and to also get their ears cleaned, and nails trimmed Vet Visits- Dogs need to go to the vet once EVEY year. At the vet they will receive its shot that will prevent him/her from getting ill. Flea and tick treatment- Most flea and tick treatment are needed every month, this is very important for dogs to have this to prevent health problems. Dog licenses -Valid for one year. They are important so that your dog may be returned if lost.
Training - This is for mostly puppy buyers, when you buy a puppy, be prepared to spend hours and hours on training your new puppy right from wrong. Like where to use the bathroom, what he or she can or cant play with, or its obedience skills. Spending time with your dog- Just like humans, dogs need love and attention. Always take time out of the day to spend time him or her.
Make sure your dog wears a dog tag when out in public places- this is important so that your dog can be returned to you if lost. Cleaning up after your dog in public places- Dog waste can carry bacteria and viruses including, tapeworm, roundworm, E. Coli, Parvo and more. Fines for not cleaning up dog waste can be as large as 1500 dollars.