Supplementary, Complementary, Corresponding, and Alternate Angles Review Blue Creek Elementary School Mr. Heath Spring 2012
Complementary Angles The sum of the measurement of complementary angles is 90 degrees.
Complementary Angles The sum of the measurement of complementary angles is 90 degrees. 90 degrees
Complementary Angles The sum of the measurement of complementary angles is 90 degrees. 90 degrees 25
Complementary Angles The sum of the measurement of complementary angles is 90 degrees. 90 degrees – 25 =
Complementary Angles The sum of the measurement of complementary angles is 90 degrees. 90 degrees – 25 = 65 65
Complementary Angles The sum of the measurement of complementary angles is 90 degrees. 90 degrees – 25 =
Complementary Angles The sum of the measurement of complementary angles is 90 degrees. 90 degrees – 25 = – 42 =
Complementary Angles The sum of the measurement of complementary angles is 90 degrees. 90 degrees – 25 = – 42 = 48 48
Supplementary Angles The Sum of the angles = 180 degrees
Supplementary Angles The Sum of the angles = 180 degrees
Supplementary Angles The Sum of the angles = 180 degrees What is the measure of this angle?
Supplementary Angles The Sum of the angles = 180 degrees What is the measure of this angle? 90
Supplementary Angles The Sum of the angles = 180 degrees 47
Supplementary Angles The Sum of the angles = 180 degrees – 47 =
Supplementary Angles The Sum of the angles = 180 degrees – 47 =
Supplementary Angles The Sum of the angles = 180 degrees 106
Supplementary Angles The Sum of the angles = 180 degrees – 106 = 74 74
55 60
Link to Interactive Site ngle/interactive-transveral-angles.php ngle/interactive-transveral-angles.php
EOG STRATEGIES 1.Brain Dump. 2.Read each question carefully. 3.Re-read each questions. 4.Write in book. 5.Underline / Highlight Key Words 6.Draw a model, table, or chart. 7.Look for clues in other questions. 8.Verify your answers. 9.After each question that is a multiple of 10 (10, 20, 30, etc.) Check back over last Check to make sure that your answer in the book matches your answer on the answer sheet.