Roman baths By Marion Griffin. what they look like The average bath house would have mirrors covering the walls, ceilings were buried in glass and the.


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Presentation transcript:

Roman baths By Marion Griffin

what they look like The average bath house would have mirrors covering the walls, ceilings were buried in glass and the pools were lined with rich marble and complicated mosaics covered the floors. Even though it looked like a swimming pool now back then the romans understand the values of steam and cold water on your skin, They were built of marble and bricks

History about the roman baths Roman baths were a central part of Roman social life, as well as a way for the citizens of Rome to stay healthy. Roman baths were located in almost all Roman cities, most certainly in the largest and most prominent. Far from simply being a place for people to cleanse themselves. Romans baths provided an opportunity for citizens to socialize, exercise, and unwind after a days or weeks work. Today some of the larger ancient Roman baths can still be viewed at various locations; the largest and most spectacular bath can be found in Bath, England. Transportation to Bath from London is convenient, and a coach makes trips between the cities each day.

Fun facts The bathhouse was not only a place for washing, but a good place to meet friends or do business. The baths also had towels, slaves to wait on you, steam rooms,exercise room and hair cutting salons. Ancient Rome had as many as 900 public baths. Small baths held up to 300., and the largest bath held up to 1500 people.


Facts about roman baths Water had to be constantly supplied, in rome this was 640 kilometers of aqueducts (a superb engineering feat. The bath themselves could be huge. The romans bath are unsafe for bathing, since the water had passed through the still- function lead pipes which were constructed by the romans.