NCCU Library Reference Service Section TEL: (ext.63182) update How to Find Journal Article
Outlines Searching Strategies : Basic Concept Basic Searching Flower Main Functions of Journal Databases Popular Journal Databases ProQuest Database EBSCOHost Inter-Library Service Inter library loan service Inter library documents delivery service
Searching Strategies: Journal Articles 3 Search for journal article Search for a specific article(given title, volume, date and pages) Search by topic Citation Database (Tracing the development of the research and related scholars) General Journal Index Photocopy journal in paper Nationwide Document Delivery Service (NDDS) Full-text database Index abstract database Index database Photocopy full-text 1 cate 、 NCCU library catalogue Get full-text online Journal Ranking
Searching flower Analysis the keywords: Break up your search topic or theme into keywords. (Include of synonym, antonym, etc. ) Analysis the research topics Choose the database Develop the retrieval strategy and testing Satisfy with the result Select the result items Output the result Modify the strategy Yes No Choose databases: according to the research topic or other requirement to choose the database. Develop and test the retrieval strategy: The specific filed or across fields searching. Subject or Keyword searching. Boolean searching (ex. And, Or, Not) With specific conditions, like year and type. Using the Index or Browse function. Using the Thesaurus. Output the result: by print, save file, , import the bibliography management software. Modify: broaden or narrow the subject or keywords.
Main Functions of Journal Databases Search(basic and advanced ) Browse Thesaurus Search History Journal Alert, Search Alert Article link Export (save file, , import to bibliography management program)
Popular Journal Index Databases ProQuest Databases (Proquest research library ) Search for coverage of a broad range of subjects including arts, business, children, education, general interest, health, humanities, international, law, military, multicultural, psychology, sciences, social sciences, and women's interests. EBSCOhost Databases (Academic search complete) The world‘s most valuable and comprehensive scholarly, multi-disciplinary full-text database, with more than 6,100 full-text periodicals, including more than 5,100 peer-reviewed journals. In addition to full text, this database offers indexing and abstracts for more than 10,100 journals and a total of more than 10,600 publications including monographs, reports, conference proceedings, etc.
ProQuest Databases Interface- Advance Search Use Boolean logic to search to more than one keyword. Modify your search by selecting different fields.
ProQuest: Results Functions Mark the articles to mail, cite or export
ProQuest: Article Functions Select citation style, such as APA 、 MLA. Search more data related to this one.
EBSCOhost Databases Interface- Advance Search Register an account for more service
EBSCOhost : Results Functions
EBSCOhost: Article Functions Choose citation style, such as AMA, APA.
Inter-Library Services When I can’t access the documents from NCCU libraries…
Inter-library loan service for books How to request the loan service? (A):Faculty, staff, students with valid NCCU library card may register an inter-library loan card with NCCU library card at the NCCU main library 1F circulation desk. How many books and how loan can I borrow with the loan card? (A):Each interlibrary loan card could borrow 5 books, borrowing period is 3 weeks (or according to the rules of cooperative library). Can I renew or request items? (A):Renewing and request service is not provided. How to return items? (A): When the due is up to date, you should return items back to library on your own. If the items belong to National Taiwan, National Taiwan Norma University, Tamkang University, Chinese Culture University, you may take advantage of our ”Five Interlibrary Return Services” to return these interlibrary loan items.
Inter-library documents delivery service Why do use the service? (A): The “National Document Delivery Service Prepaid Service” is provided to allow faculty to receive inter-library materials without visiting the library in person. How to request the delivery service? (A): The NCCU faculty and students may apply for inter- library photocopying or loan service from local or overseas libraries, and submit the application online via National Document Delivery Service (NDDS).National Document Delivery Service (NDDS)
Where to log in the NDDS?
Request an account for the first time.
Make a request through the Union Catalog. Make a request through the Union Catalog. Make a request using the form. Journal Union Catalog Conference papers Journal Union Catalog Dissertation and These CONCERT E-Journals REAL Federated Search Taiwan Journal article abstract and index National Bibliographic Information Network (NBINet) National Digital Library of T&D in Taiwan Government Research Bulletin (GRB)
EX. To make a request through the Journal Union Catalog. (1)You can find the price policy by using your mouse cursor near the library name. (2)Click the library name hyperlink to apply the new request. EX. To make a request through the Journal Union Catalog. (1)You can find the price policy by using your mouse cursor near the library name. (2)Click the library name hyperlink to apply the new request.
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