Lesson Objectives: To know that Jesus had Twelve disciples and know the account of Peter being called by Jesus to be a disciple To understand why Jesus may have picked ‘ordinary’, imperfect people to be his followers and spread his message
Disciple = a follower of Jesus Jesus asked 12 people to leave their jobs to follow him and spread his message They were regular people e.g. Simon Peter was a fisherman, Matthew was a tax collector, James and John were known as ‘Sons of thunder’, due to their fiery temper! When Jesus was alive, the disciples did not fully understand that he was the Son of God, so they made quite a lot of mistakes! However, Jesus forgave them, which Christians see as evidence of what Jesus will do for anyone who asks Jesus for forgiveness. Why else might Jesus have picked people like this to be his disciples?
You are going to put yourself in Peter’s shoes, and write 3 diary extracts about his experiences of being a disciple. Using the Bible passages to help you, you are to write, from Peter’s perspective what happened, and how he felt about the experiences.
Think back to your original list: how does Peter compare to your view of a good friend? Why do you think Jesus chose him?