Our Rule…
Its History… and its Application
A Quick Trip Down Memory Lane Our History – Our History – What happened? What happened? What’s different? What’s different? What will happen next? What will happen next?
* Most Orders in existence at the time of St. Francis - such as Augustinians & Benedictines - followed a monastic way of life. * Most Orders in existence at the time of St. Francis - such as Augustinians & Benedictines - followed a monastic way of life. Francis and his brother friars, on the other hand, lived in the world & in true poverty… they followed Jesus’ example of: Francis and his brother friars, on the other hand, lived in the world & in true poverty… they followed Jesus’ example of: Prayer and … Ministry –> Action in the world!
* Members of the Third Order of St. Francis, having family responsibilities, also followed Jesus’ example by living a life of prayer and action, but their poverty differed from that of the friars in that they followed the gospel value: “…poor in spirit”. (Matt 5:3) Poor, poor Clare – Poor, poor Clare – The papacy denied her and her companions the right to live in complete poverty as Francis did… and, so, they were relegated to live a monastic life style – this was NOT what Clare wanted… nor did the Pope expect a fight!
But First… How Did We Get Here? In 1206 Francis was inspired to pray in front of the Crucifix at the Church of San Damiano when… In 1206 Francis was inspired to pray in front of the Crucifix at the Church of San Damiano when… Jesus spoke to him! “Francis, go rebuild my house which as you see is falling apart.”
Rebuild the Church… ??? He was stunned… and didn’t realize the scope He was stunned… and didn’t realize the scope or full meaning of Jesus’ words Francis got to work rebuilding the Porziuncola and a few other small churches. Francis got to work rebuilding the Porziuncola and a few other small churches. But this was NOT the beginning of Franciscanism!
On 24 February 1209, after Mass at the Queen of the Angels Church (aka. The Porziuncola ), Francis asked the priest to explain the morning’s gospel… The story had been of about Jesus The story had been of about Jesus sending his disciples out to preach. “Take no silver, or gold or copper for your belts; no sack for your journey… the laborer is worth his wage.” (Mt. 10: 9,10) sending his disciples out to preach. “Take no silver, or gold or copper for your belts; no sack for your journey… the laborer is worth his wage.” (Mt. 10: 9,10) Francis exclaimed: “This is what I wish, this is what I seek, this is what I long to do with all my heart.” “This is what I wish, this is what I seek, this is what I long to do with all my heart.”
-1209 – The Three Companions Two Friends, Bernard da Quintavalle & Peter Catanio wanted to join Francis & to live as he lived. But, not knowing what to do with their possessions, Francis suggested that they and he visit the Church of San Nicolo for consultation. visit the Church of San Nicolo for consultation.
The Church of San Nicolo Once there, Francis opened the “ Book of the Gospels” three times… in honor of the Once there, Francis opened the “ Book of the Gospels” three times… in honor of the Blessed Trinity The texts found each time had similar messages! The texts found each time had similar messages! ( Matt. 19:21, Lk. 9:3, Matt. 16:24) Francis Proclaimed: Francis Proclaimed: “O Brothers, this is our life and rule… and the life and the rule of all those who wish to join us. Go therefore, and act on what you have heard.”
And What Was the Message? The Evangelical Counsels! *Sell what you have *Give the money to the poor * And then come follow me And they did! And then took the habit of poverty which Francis had already adopted.
Yes, it all began 800 years ago… With the First Order… at the Church of San Nicolo April 16, 1209
By definition, all Orders must be hierarchical… each must have a Rule of Life and General Constitutions. Our Order was erected under the authority of Rome (not a local Bishop). Therefore, our Order is directly accountable to the desires/needs of the Papacy – and the Papacy can even change our Rule! Our Order was erected under the authority of Rome (not a local Bishop). Therefore, our Order is directly accountable to the desires/needs of the Papacy – and the Papacy can even change our Rule!
The purpose of a Rule is to bring order to an Order – to enact a common goal and a common lifestyle. St. Francis wrote a Rule for the Brothers and Sisters of Penance in 1221… But… the original text was lost! However, its content was preserved through a revised text issued in 1228…
Francis’ Rule sustained “The Third Order” for the next 68 years… UNTIL1289… Pope Nicholas IV, ofm Revised the Rule Apostolic Constitution “Supra Montem” September 16, 1289
The Nicholine Rule, added three articles: 1)In its prologue, Blessed Francis is named as founder of the Order (But Francis had already been canonized in 1228) 2) The Order must have Franciscan Friars as Spiritual Assistants 3)The Order should not select a specific apostolate, but instead, its members were to live good Christian lives in brotherhood. Apostolates would follow and bear FRUIT !!!
The following 600 years were filled with good times and bad… ’s 1300’s The Pope was kidnapped & the papacy was moved to Avignon, France. It remained there under seven popes and was not returned to Rome until 1378.
1400’s --- A Time of Total Confusion !!! - Three Popes at the same time - Many Priests trained only to say Mass! - Church hierarchy was corrupt! Bishoprics were sold Bishoprics were sold Bishops absent from their diocese Bishops absent from their diocese Hierarchy amassed money & power Hierarchy amassed money & power
Christopher Columbus sailed the ocean blue, and… discovered the New World! This opened the doors leading to the expansion of missionary fields all over the world.
(The Next 400 years) The Period of Reformation & the Inquisition -- The names of Martin Luther, John Calvin and Johann Hess were spoken everywhere.
The Council of Trent was called in response to the Reformation The Council of Trent was called in response to the Reformation The Reformists became people of “The Book” (The Bible) The Reformists became people of “The Book” (The Bible) Catholics became people of Tradition & Liturgy. Catholics became people of Tradition & Liturgy. Daily Mass became common; adoration of the Blessed Sacrament become popular. Daily Mass became common; adoration of the Blessed Sacrament become popular. The decisions of the Council caused the divide between the Church and Reformists to deepen. The decisions of the Council caused the divide between the Church and Reformists to deepen.
Galileo excommunicated Galileo excommunicated The Period of Enlightenment Begins Galileo introduced the scientific view that the SUN is the center of the universe… NOT the earth ! This was against Church teaching! And Rome was not happy!
The Third Order was sent in a new direction! The Third Order was sent in a new direction! Pope Leo XIII (Third Order) -- Decided that Pope Leo XIII (Third Order) -- Decided that The Rule of the Third Order of St. Francis The Rule of the Third Order of St. Francis no longer met the needs of the Church. He updated the rule to apply to “modern life” by issuing a Papal Bull: "Misericors Dei Filius" (3 May 1888). Prayer and Indulgences were to become the most important aspects of the Order Prayer and Indulgences were to become the most important aspects of the Order Jesus was NOT mentioned in this Rule - NOR was the gospel or Ministry (action) Jesus was NOT mentioned in this Rule - NOR was the gospel or Ministry (action)
The Leonine Rule consisted of a series of numbered rules – not just one *** Rule! *** - It consisted of three chapters, followed by an appendix of three chapters. by an appendix of three chapters. - It set out indulgences and privileges of third order members third order members - It adapted the old Rule as best it could and modified whatever seemed outdated. and modified whatever seemed outdated.
The Third of Order of St. Francis followed the Leonine Rule for the next five generations… …and its numbers grew! – a period of time when HISTORY HAPPEND FAST !!!!
1902 – Production of automobiles began Man Can Fly! The Wright Brothers were the first to take to the air!
1945 the unthinkable… An Atomic Bomb destroyed Nagasaki… a major Catholic Population center in Japan. WWII came to an end The First World War 1929 –The Great Depression 1939 –World War II began Pearl Harbor bombed, & USA entered the War
The Dead Sea Scrolls are Discovered Catholic Biblical scholarship began in earnest under Pope Pius XII The Psalms Scroll with transcription.
< 1957 – Russia launched the first satellite into < 1957 – Russia launched the first satellite into space – Sputnik! 1958 – USA launches its first satellite –> Explorer I !!! Explorer I !!! <> The Space Race is on!
The 50’s & 60’s! 1956 – Elvis Presley is the King of Rock N Roll Music King of Rock N Roll Music 1960 – John Kennedy – 1960 – John Kennedy – a Catholic - elected as a Catholic - elected as 35 th president of the USA… 35 th president of the USA… And assassinated in in Neil Armstrong is first Neil Armstrong is first man to walk on the moon. man to walk on the moon.
But, then, earlier in the 60’s… SomethingBIG Happened !
Pope John XXIII (Third Order) called for a Church Council with these words: “Open a window and let in some fresh air.” The Vatican II Ecumenical Council
Council of Vatican II The Vatican II Council convened with more than 3500 Bishops in attendance. Leaders of other churches came to observe the proceedings. The Vatican II Council convened with more than 3500 Bishops in attendance. Leaders of other churches came to observe the proceedings. The documents of Vat. II required many major changes within the Church… even to Canon Law, Liturgical Law, and the Rule of Life for many Orders … The documents of Vat. II required many major changes within the Church… even to Canon Law, Liturgical Law, and the Rule of Life for many Orders … Documents such as:
Vatican II Documents -Lumen Gentium -Gaudium et spes -Perfectae Caritatis -Perfectae Caritatis
“Lumen Gentium” * The Dogmatic Constitution on the Church* - Is the basis for all remaining documents - Speaks of the People of God: the laity, religious & ordained laity, religious & ordained - Speaks of living the gospel (Article 4 of our Rule ?) (Article 4 of our Rule ?) & the Church’s call to holiness & the Church’s call to holiness
“Gaudium et spes” Pastoral Constitution On The Church In **** The Modern World **** Addresses work, universe (ecology), marriage, family, respect for human life, education, economic & social life, political life, warfare and peace. Addresses work, universe (ecology), marriage, family, respect for human life, education, economic & social life, political life, warfare and peace. Articles of our Rule are based in this document Articles of our Rule are based in this document
“Perfectae Caritatis” “Decree On The Up-To-Date Renewal **** of Religious Life” **** Those in religious orders take vows for life. We Secular Franciscans make public promises for life. Our Order and the various religious orders have each been canonically erected within the Church. Those in religious orders take vows for life. We Secular Franciscans make public promises for life. Our Order and the various religious orders have each been canonically erected within the Church. This document required all religious orders to re- examine their “General Constitutions” and “Rule of Life” so as to be in harmony with their charism and the needs of the Church. We were required to do so as well. This document required all religious orders to re- examine their “General Constitutions” and “Rule of Life” so as to be in harmony with their charism and the needs of the Church. We were required to do so as well.
“General Constitutions”: a document that guides interpretation of an Order’s Rule & it must agree with Canon Law. <> And because Canon Law must agree with all the Church’s teachings (the Council’s documents included), we had to wait for Canon Law to be rewritten before we could address our GC’s.
Canon Law Approved ! Code of Canon Law: Code of Canon Law: 301.3Associations of the Christian faithful which are erected by competent ecclesial authority are called Public Associations 301.3Associations of the Christian faithful which are erected by competent ecclesial authority are called Public Associations 303Associations whose members lead an apostolic life & strive for Christian perfection while living in the world & who share the spirit of some religious institute under the higher direction of that same institute are called third orders or some other appropriate name. (SFO) 303Associations whose members lead an apostolic life & strive for Christian perfection while living in the world & who share the spirit of some religious institute under the higher direction of that same institute are called third orders or some other appropriate name. (SFO)
The “Third Order of St. Francis” is a Public Association and changed its name… it became the Secular Franciscan Order ! - The Order was no longer considered “third class”, but recognized as a true order (Benedict XV 1921, Pius XII 1956, JP II 1988)
But We Had More Work To Do! -The Order did its homework, re-wrote our Rule, and submitted it to the Papacy for approval After several attempts, our Rule was finally approved and…….
The Rule Today …it was Promulgated by Pope Paul VI (THIRD ORDER) He wrote: He wrote: “… we approve & confirm with our apostolic authority & sanction the Rule of The Secular Franciscan Order… we abrogate the previous rule of what was formerly called the Franciscan Third Order.” Signed: Signed: “Given at Rome at St. Peter’s under the ring of the Fisherman on June 24, 1978…”
The Rule of 1978 The Rule was delivered to our Minister General and it took effect October 4, 1978 BUT… Manuela Mattioli, OFS, Minister General said: “We must still arrange for the renewal of the Constitutions and Statutes.”
We Have Returned to our roots!!! (Perfectae Caritatis) Our Rule again reflects Francis’ vision for the Order Our Rule again reflects Francis’ vision for the Order Our General Constitutions were promulgated!!! Our General Constitutions were promulgated!!!
What’s Different? What’s the same? -During our first 700+ years there was virtually no link between fraternities- – we now know each other and work together. -The Order’s identity came thru the Franciscan Friars --- – now we must take charge of our Order.
*** Gospel Life *** - The Leonine Rule did NOT mention the gospel… - but the Pauline Rule Does!!! It states in Article 4: “Secular Franciscans should devote themselves especially to careful reading of the Gospel, going from gospel to life and life to the gospel.”
Under the Leonine Rule: We wore a small scapular and cord We wore a small scapular and cord *** Today we wear a Tau Our dress was to be simple and quiet--- Our dress was to be simple and quiet--- *** Today, if I were bold, I could wear a nose ring! (But, why?)
Under the Leonine Rule we were to stay away from profane spectacles: *** Many took that to mean they should avoid movies, plays & Las Vegas. - Not according to the Rule today, - Not according to the Rule today, … but we should always give good example *** We were to exercise moderation in eating!!! - Still a good idea! …but this is not in the Rule either!!!
Under the Leonine Rule we were to take communion once a month *** Our GC’s suggest that we attend mass & receive communion often Our prayer life was specific & spelled out Our prayer life was specific & spelled out *** Today, our GC’s suggest prayer forms to be used, such as Adoration or reciting The Hours (Art. 14) We were required to make a will We were required to make a will *** Today, this is strongly recommended by our General Constitutions (Art. 23)
Is Governed by our Rule! Opens with a Prologue (written by St. Francis) concerning those who do/do not do penance, followed by three Chapters and a Blessing of St. Francis Opens with a Prologue (written by St. Francis) concerning those who do/do not do penance, followed by three Chapters and a Blessing of St. Francis And it is…
Simple and to the Point <> Chapter 1 – The Secular Franciscan Order Article <> Chapter 2 – The Way of Life Articles 4 – 19 <> Chapter 3 – Life in Fraternity <> Chapter 3 – Life in Fraternity Articles
* Chapter I * Defines who we are Defines who we are States our purpose States our purpose Places us in the Franciscan Family Places us in the Franciscan FamilyAND… This Rule replaces the previous Rules: Memoriale Propositi (1221) Nicholine Rule (1284) and Leonine rule (1889)
* Chapter II * What our Rule of Life is What our Rule of Life is How & where we should find Jesus How & where we should find Jesus Evangelization Evangelization Prayer life Prayer life Mary’s place in our lives Mary’s place in our lives Obedience, Poverty & Chastity Obedience, Poverty & Chastity Love, Dignity & Service Love, Dignity & Service JPIC (formerly commissions) – Justice, Work, Family, Ecology, & Peace JPIC (formerly commissions) – Justice, Work, Family, Ecology, & Peace
* Chapter III * Fraternities – local, regional, national, international Fraternities – local, regional, national, international Elected Fraternity Councils Elected Fraternity Councils Local Fraternities to be established Canonically Local Fraternities to be established Canonically Admission to Order / Profession Admission to Order / Profession Frequent Meetings and Fraternal Life Frequent Meetings and Fraternal Life Financial Responsibilities Financial Responsibilities Make Request of Religious Franciscan Family for a well prepared and suitable Spiritual Assistant Make Request of Religious Franciscan Family for a well prepared and suitable Spiritual Assistant
-About a life that mirrors gospel values -About Formation -About a life of prayer that leads to a deepening of our relationship with God and service to others. -About witnessing Christ to the world -About living in the spirit of the Beatitudes -About life in fraternity and the Franciscan Family What is our Rule about ??? It is a Rule of Prayer and Action !!!
Formation is About Growing in Faith Formation is not about information… Formation is not about information… it is about being formed and re-formed Formation is not just for those who join us in Orientation and Inquiry. Formation is not just for those who join us in Orientation and Inquiry. Formation is not just for Candidates Formation is not just for Candidates Formation is on-going for Fraternities and Councils Formation is on-going for Fraternities and Councils at all levels
We Are To Serve Jesus did not come to be served but to serve. (Mk 10:45) Jesus did not come to be served but to serve. (Mk 10:45) We are all called to serve one another and the world around us We are all called to serve one another and the world around us Our Council members are to act as servant leaders - in service of the Order and the Church Our Council members are to act as servant leaders - in service of the Order and the Church
The First Order and TOR are still jointly required to supply Spiritual Assistance for the Secular Franciscan Order … but how will they manage with a shortage of Friars?
Lay Spiritual Assistants Have you heard?!! Documents have been approved by the Conference of General Ministers in Rome that allow LSAs to function in the place of a Friar Have you heard?!! Documents have been approved by the Conference of General Ministers in Rome that allow LSAs to function in the place of a Friar The LSA is to be appointed by The LSA is to be appointed by the Friar Provincial The LSA functions as an Agent The LSA functions as an Agent of the First Order and/or TORs of the First Order and/or TORs
We Are Not To Be Left Orphans! LSAs have already been appointed to some Local Fraternities LSAs have already been appointed to some Local Fraternities LSAs have been appointed to a Regional Fraternity --- OURS! --- St. Francis Region! LSAs have been appointed to a Regional Fraternity --- OURS! --- St. Francis Region! Could LSAs be appointed to National and Inter-national Fraternities? Could LSAs be appointed to National and Inter-national Fraternities? YES! It’s Possible! Many fraternities have been without a SA due to the shortage of Friars. The Holy Spirit has been working overtime and directed the Friars to think outside the box… and there we were! Many fraternities have been without a SA due to the shortage of Friars. The Holy Spirit has been working overtime and directed the Friars to think outside the box… and there we were! … And with a little training… WOW!!!
The Excitement Continues ! The Excitement Continues ! Our Order has served the Church according to the wishes of the papacy for many years. Since Vatican II’s mandates, we are once again the Order that Francis envisioned -- only now we are looking forward with 21st Century eyes and tools. - We have come - “Back to the Future”.
What Happens Now? Open the Rule and see! The values and goals of St. Francis have returned! (Art. #1) The values and goals of St. Francis have returned! (Art. #1) We belong to an International Order (Art. #2)… that is 400,000 strong! We belong to an International Order (Art. #2)… that is 400,000 strong! We exist “to meet the needs and expectations of the Holy Church in the conditions of changing times.” (Art. #3) We exist “to meet the needs and expectations of the Holy Church in the conditions of changing times.” (Art. #3)
Are Our Hearts On Fire for the Lord?!!
Francis Said: “ Preach the Gospel Always And Use Words When Necessary.”
It Takes A Real Commitment To Follow Our Rule We promised to MIRROR the gospel with our lives… & THEN allow the gospel to MIRROR our lives (See Rule, Art. 4) We promised to rebuild the church (evangelize) in communion with our pope and bishops and priests
NOW… It’s Up To You and me …and the Lord! …and the Lord! (and not in that order)
Consider the Following 1. Why was it important to revise our Rule? 2. What’s the same? What changed? 3. Why is the history between 1200 & 1900 important to understand our Order? important to understand our Order? 4. Why do some groups still want to follow the Rule of 1221 or the Rule of 1888? the Rule of 1221 or the Rule of 1888? 5. Where will the Rule of 1978 take us?