Vocabulary Idioms & Phrases Reading -Paragraphs 4-7 Post-reading.


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Presentation transcript:

Vocabulary Idioms & Phrases Reading -Paragraphs 4-7 Post-reading

Listen to paragraphs 4-7. Skip

Now, answer the following questions.

____ Scientists genetically engineer plants to ____ them against insects. (A) kill (B) prevent (C) protect (D) raise C

____ Genetic engineering can produce plants that ____. (A) bear more fruit (B) grow without sunlight (C) grow without air (D) grow without water A

____ Those who object to genetic engineering say ____. (A) it should not be developed (B) it causes terrible disease (C) it has to be stopped or limited (D) it may make our lives better C

____ The writer didn’t use the example of ____ to support his argument. (A) tomatoes (B) cattle (C) insects (D) fish D

Readin g

Two specific objections come to mind. come to mind = spring to mind = enter/cross one’s mind 忽然想起,浮現心頭 I needed someone to take care of my puppy and your name came to mind. 原句 = Two particular reasons of disapproval are recollected.

One is that the balance of nature might be upset. 原句 = One objection is that the balance of nature might be disturbed/spoilt /badly affected.

Suppose, for example, that scientists are able to genetically engineer certain plants so that insects will not eat them. suppose (that) = supposing (that) = if 其後接一個句子,用來假設某個情境 或動作。 Suppose/Supposing you lose your job, what would you do? Next

Suppose, for example, that scientists are able to genetically engineer certain plants so that insects will not eat them. 原句 = For instance, let's say that scientists are able to genetically engineer some plants in order that insects will not eat the plants.

This will protect the plants, but the insects will be deprived of a food supply—and other animals that depend on those insects for food will lose their food supply, too. The other objection is a moral question. Is it acceptable or right for us to change the makeup of living things?

Supporters of genetic engineering say the benefits outweigh the dangers. 原句 = Those who support genetic engineering say there are more advantages than disadvantages.

Look at all the improvements that can be made in plants raised for food, they say. they say 是一種引述子句,可以放在 主句句首、句尾或插入主句中。主句 可以有引號,也可以省略。 Next

Look at all the improvements that can be made in plants raised for food, they say. 科學報導性的文章有三多: (1) 被動語態多 (can be made, are raised) (2) 句型多 (improvement that...raised...) (3) 動詞名詞化多 (improvements) 本課屬科學報導性的文章, 有很多這類結構。

Look at all the improvements that can be made in plants raised for food, they say. 原句 = Supporters say, “Look at all the improvements that can be made in plants which are raised for food.”

Because of genetic engineering, plants that produce more fruits and vegetables and resist disease can be grown. 原句 = Because there is genetic engineering, plants can be grown [that produce more fruits and vegetables and resist disease].

In a world where more and more food will be needed in the future, this is a benefit. 地方副詞片語 in a world 提至句首有 加強語意作用。 原句 = This is a benefit in a world where more and more food will be needed in the future.

The medical advances provided by genetic engineering, say the supporters, are even more impressive. say the supporters 是一種引述子句, 插入主句中,主句引號省略, 本引述子句的動詞 say 倒裝到 主詞之前。 副詞 even 用來強化比較級的 程度。 The project is even more difficult than I expected.

The medical advances provided by genetic engineering, say the supporters, are even more impressive. 原句 = The supporters say, “The medical advances that are provided by genetic engineering are even more impressive.”

Consider cancer, for example. → Take cancer for example. → Cite cancer as an example.

However, given man’s history, it’s unavoidable that someday this technology could be used to harm people. given 乃介系詞,表「若考慮到」。 Given his lack of experience, this failure need not surprise us. Given his age (= considering how old he is), he is remarkably active. Given her interest in children, teaching seems the right job for her. Next

However, given man’s history, it’s unavoidable that someday this technology could be used to harm people. unavoidable 「不可避免的」一字由 avoid 「避免」與表「不 … 」的字首 un- 以及表「可 … 的」的字尾 -able 組 成。 於此 could 乃表「推測」的助動 詞,非過去式助動詞。

However, given man’s history, it’s unavoidable that someday this technology could be used to harm people. 句型 : It + be + Adj + that – clause.

In the hands of so-called rogue nations, it could be wrongly used. so-called 乃形容詞,作限定用法, 表「所謂的」之意 。 Her so-called truth is a lie. Tom’s so-called friend did not offer him any help while he was in trouble. Next

In the hands of so-called rogue nations, it could be wrongly used. 所謂 rogue nation 「流氓國家」是指: a country which is violent, lawless, willing to trample the weak and ignore international law and morality to enforce their will, and which has massive stockpiles of chemical,

In the hands of so-called rogue nations, it could be wrongly used. biological, and nuclear weapons, ignores due process at the United Nations, refuses to sign and honor international treaties, and has come to power through illegitimate means.

Historically, many scientific advances, originally meant to help people, have been used as weapons of mass destruction. historically 乃副詞,表「歷史上 (= over a long period in the past) 」。 Historically, there have always been close links between the two countries. Next

Historically, many scientific advances, originally meant to help people, have been used as weapons of mass destruction. (be) meant to V 是為 … 而做的,註定要做 … Rules are meant to be kept. He was meant to rule the country. Next

Historically, many scientific advances, originally meant to help people, have been used as weapons of mass destruction. weapons of mass destruction 是指: weapons that can kill thousands or millions of people over a large area 。 Next

Historically, many scientific advances, originally meant to help people, have been used as weapons of mass destruction. 原句 = In the past, many scientific advances, which were originally meant to help people, have been used as weapons of mass destruction. Back

Reading for the Main Idea _____ 1. Many people think they can benefit from genetic engineering because it helps. (A) keep people informed (B) people go on with their debate (C) improve people’s lives (D) people kill insects without chemicals C

Reading for the Main Idea _____ 2. Other than the concern that the balance of nature might be upset, what opponents of genetic engineering worry about is ____. (A) a matter of time (B) a moral problem (C) a medical advance (D) a matter of money B

Reading for the Main Idea _____ 3. The debate on genetic engineering will _____. (A) come to an end soon (B) begin before long (C) go on (D) soon be brought to an end C

1. It is reported that about 60 percent of the crops imported into Taiwan are GM (genetically modified) foods. How do you feel about the report?

Reference answer : With so many GMOs (genetically modified organisms) on the market, consumers may think these foods are the same as ordinary foods. But if a plant’s genes have been changed by GE, it is different. The effects will not be known until people start to get ill or even die. To avoid the dangers of biological pollution and other risks, all GMOs are supposed to be carefully tested and clearly marked or labeled before being sold in supermarkets.

2. When human organs are allowed to be genetically engineered, what do you think the results will be?

Reference answer : Such technology might help cure and wipe out certain diseases. Some organs can be used for transplants. For example, people with lung cancer may simply have their lungs replaced with healthy ones. Illnesses such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Disease can be prevented. Besides, armies of identical perfect humans are created for warfare, labor, teaching, performance, etc. However,

Reference answer : headless human bodies might be found in hospitals being stored as spare parts. That’s quite terrible. On TV once I saw some scientists “grow” a human ear on the back of a mouse. The mouse looked strange and abnormal. Such technology is definitely against nature. That makes me wonder where genetic engineering will lead us: to a promising future or a total destruction. Back