Safety Thumbs Put your Thumbs Up if it is SAFE. Put your Thumb Down if it is NOT SAFE.
Clean up spills after you have finished preparing a meal.
A sharp knife is safer than a dull one.
When slicing foods, slice them on a cutting board or cutting mat.
Pan handles should be turned outwards from the stove top range so they are easy to grab when you are cooking.
Direct steam away from your body when lifting up a lid.
Use cold water to put out a grease fire.
Putting butter on a minor burn is the best treatment.
When peeling or cutting foods like vegetables, cut away from the body.
Whenever possible, use a metal spoon for stirring foods being cooked on the range top.
A wet potholder works as well as a dry one.
Keep drawers and cupboards open during cooking for easy access.
Rinse dishes with cold water.
Set hot pots and pans on the counter top to cool.
When using an electric mixer, turn it on only when it’s down in the food you are mixing.
If you cut yourself, apply pressure with a cloth and elevate the cut immediately.
The first thing you should do in the case of an emergency is call
Step 1: Scrape food off dishes Put the food in the garbage.
Step 2: Pre-rinse Dishes Get any large food chunks
Step 3: Stack dishes in groups Groups dishes by plates, silverware, pots, knives, etc.
Step 4: Wash by groups in HOT soapy water. Start with the cleanest items first such as silverware, plates, and other dishes. This will keep your water cleaner longer. Save the pots and pans for last.
Step 5: Rinse in HOT water. Make sure you get ALL of the soap off of the dishes. If you don’t, it makes people sick.
Step 6: Dry & put away dishes. Carefully dry the dishes. Put them in their proper place so they can easily be found.
Other Dish Washing Tips: Let dirty pots and pans soak in hot water to make scrubbing easier. Start with one sink of hot soapy water, use the other side for rinsing. Use the HOTTEST water your hands can stand. Knives should be washed separately. NEVER drop knives into soapy water– someone could get cut! Sticky peanut butter and shortening should be rinsed with HOT water first, then scrubbed with hot soapy water.