The MOPACT Coordination Team The University of Sheffield Department of Sociological Studies Northumberland Road Sheffield, S10 2TU, UK T: +44 (0) F: +44 (0) E: Funded by the European Commission’s Seventh Framework Programme FP7-SSH /No
Policies and Practices in Germany, Spain and the UK Andreas Cebulla, David Wilkinson, Ana Rincon-Aznar (NIESR) Jürgen Bauknecht, Gerhard Naegele (TU Dortmund) Extending Working Lives Funded by the European Commission’s Seventh Framework Programme FP7-SSH /No
Taking stock – Prevalence: flexible working, occupational health – Innovation: redeployment, corporate value campaigns Transferability potential and prospects – Probably high as market driven and informed by ‘globalised’ business strategies – But context dependent (labour market, public policy, regime politics) – Economic conditions and public policy co-determine corporate policies Findings Funded by the European Commission’s Seventh Framework Programme FP7-SSH /No
GermanySpainUK Age-neutral/blind recruitment Variable(older women)√ Partial/phased retirement Sabbaticals, time banksReduced hours (new workers) Retirement planning Flexible workingTemporary work, extended annual leave, lifetime working account √Esp. carers (all ages) RedeploymentJob/task rotation√√ Skills transferMixed-age teamsOld-to-young workplace mentoring Corporate Policies Funded by the European Commission’s Seventh Framework Programme FP7-SSH /No
GermanySpainUK Training & lifelong learningCorporate training institute; 50+ apprenticeships; coaching LLL; no age limit on apprenticeships Occupational healthMedical check ups, nutritional advice, sports, corporate health days, mental health counselling Ergonomics, medical health checks Physiotherapy, wellbeing strategies On-site recreational facilitiesPool tables, internet Corporate values campaign√ Corporate Policies Funded by the European Commission’s Seventh Framework Programme FP7-SSH /No
GermanySpainUK Labour market activation Disability rules tightened (“half- disability”); end to status security Disability benefit reduced; access rules tightened Access to disability benefits tightened Pension age reforms Age up (65 to 67: 2012 to 2031). Min. contributions: 45 years (63 rising to 65) Age up (65 to 67: 2013 to 2029). Min. contributions: 38.5 years Age up (60/65 to 68: 2024 to 2046). Min. contributions: 30 years Default retirement age gone from 2011 Early retirement-3.6% pension penalty p.a. < 65 -7% pension penalty p.a. < 65 Public Policies affecting older workers Funded by the European Commission’s Seventh Framework Programme FP7-SSH /No
GermanySpainUK Hiring incentivesEmployer exemption from u/e insurance if hiring 55+ year olds. €10,000 subsidy to employers taking of people with disability Employer social security reduced by 40% for workers 59+ employed 4+ years. 60+ on permanent contracts: 50% reduced plus 10pp per additional year of age N/A Public Policies affecting older workers Funded by the European Commission’s Seventh Framework Programme FP7-SSH /No
Germany: increased demand for labour across economy benefiting older workers UK: economy operating below capacity with neutral-to-adverse effect on older workers Spain: increased supply of labour faces lower demand -> more unemployed older workers Economic conditions Funded by the European Commission’s Seventh Framework Programme FP7-SSH /No
Labour market conditions Funded by the European Commission’s Seventh Framework Programme FP7-SSH /No
Labour market conditions Funded by the European Commission’s Seventh Framework Programme FP7-SSH /No
Transferability = – Business motivation and drivers + – Public policy + – Economic conditions + – Socio-cultural context. Focus of business case studies Looking ahead Funded by the European Commission’s Seventh Framework Programme FP7-SSH /No
Thank you! Funded by the European Commission’s Seventh Framework Programme FP7-SSH /No