Design & Operation of ABI for PCW 11GOESRJPSS J19.2, 8 January 2015 This document is not subject to the controls of the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) or the Export Administration Regulations (EAR). The Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) is a NOAA funded, NASA administered meteorological instrument program. This document does not reflect the views or policy of the GOES-R Program Office. Arctic Weather Every 10 Minutes: Design and Operation of ABI for PCW Dr. Paul C. Griffith and Sue Wirth 11th Annual Symposium on New Generation Operational Environmental Satellite Systems 95 th American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, January 4-8, 2014, Phoenix, AZ
Design & Operation of ABI for PCW 11GOESRJPSS J19.2, 8 January 2015 This document is not export controlled. Use or disclosure of this information is subject to the restrictions on the Title Page of this document. Arctic Deserves Same Quality of Weather Predictions as CONUS Geostationary satellites cannot provide adequate spatial resolution LEO satellites cannot provide adequate temporal resolution Arctic weather models hampered by “aging pixels” for initial conditions Cannot dwell on evolving weather events Aging LEO constellations leading to fewer arctic observations Decreasing ice leading to increasing need for more accurate weather More frequent and intense Arctic cyclones More weather and environmental uncertainty Increased commercial shipping, operations, and permanent residents 2 Credit: United States Navy
Design & Operation of ABI for PCW 11GOESRJPSS J19.2, 8 January 2015 This document is not export controlled. Use or disclosure of this information is subject to the restrictions on the Title Page of this document. Maximize Quality and Quantity of Data Products at Minimum Risk and Cost Fundamental trade space for mission design Success achieved through mission-level optimization Rather than optimizing payload, satellite, or ground processing Key parameters for obtaining quality data products: Resolution Coverage – area and repetition interval Spectral bands SNR Radiometric accuracy Derived mission parameter: Orbit 3 Systems engineering: Obtaining optimum balance of requirements
Design & Operation of ABI for PCW 11GOESRJPSS J19.2, 8 January 2015 This document is not export controlled. Use or disclosure of this information is subject to the restrictions on the Title Page of this document. HEO vs. LEO Balances Resolution Against Coverage LEO: Low altitude provides good resolution Limited instantaneous coverage Poor temporal resolution (4 to 6 hours to form complete image) Cannot dwell on evolving weather events HEO: Resolution supports weather models Provides full view of Arctic Provides excellent temporal resolution (10 minute images) Provides ability to dwell on evolving weather events Requires two imagers for 100% coverage 4
Design & Operation of ABI for PCW 11GOESRJPSS J19.2, 8 January 2015 This document is not export controlled. Use or disclosure of this information is subject to the restrictions on the Title Page of this document. ABI Resolution in HEO Supports Weather Models 5 Distortion corrections required for VIIRS Edge of VIIRS Swath Edge of Full Disk U.S. National Weather Service (NWS) uses ≥3km grids Environment Canada, European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF), United Kingdom Meteorological Office, all use ≥2.5km UK model has regional analysis 1.5km grid for severe storms Both ABI/PCW and VIIRS are compatible with all requirements
Design & Operation of ABI for PCW 11GOESRJPSS J19.2, 8 January 2015 This document is not export controlled. Use or disclosure of this information is subject to the restrictions on the Title Page of this document. Choice of Specific HEO Orbit Balances Resolution and Lifetime Tundra resolution acceptable Only 20% greater than Molniya Tundra provides significant lifetime improvement (3x Molniya) Mission optimization: Tundra is best Significantly lower 15 year life cycle cost while still meeting needs Added benefit of significant Antarctica coverage 6 Molniya TAP Tundra GEO-sized GEOMolniyaTAPTundra Perigee (km)35, ,10023,144 Apogee (km)35,78639,81943,50048,442 Apogee/GEO100%111%122%135% RadiationModerateSevere ~GEO ABI Lifetime15 years5 years7 years15 years
Design & Operation of ABI for PCW 11GOESRJPSS J19.2, 8 January 2015 This document is not export controlled. Use or disclosure of this information is subject to the restrictions on the Title Page of this document. GSD for HEO ABI at Apogee Better than GSD for CONUS from GEO ABI GEO ABI: “1 km” GSD = 1.5 center of CONUS HEO ABI: “1 km” GSD = 1.36 center of Arctic at apogee 7 CONUS Arctic GEO HEO
Design & Operation of ABI for PCW 11GOESRJPSS J19.2, 8 January 2015 This document is not export controlled. Use or disclosure of this information is subject to the restrictions on the Title Page of this document. PCW Objective: 100% Coverage Above 65N Latitude “Coverage” means images at least every 20 minutes Goal is at least every 15 minutes Desire is to be comparable to next generation geostationary imagers (i.e. every 10 minutes) Plus regional observations Collected in addition to Full Disk image, not instead of it Used to monitor rapidly evolving weather events Current LEO imagers only provide Arctic images every 4 to 6 hours Would require dozens of satellites to meet PCW coverage requirements 8 Based on RFI released by Public Works and Government Services Canada in November 2013
Design & Operation of ABI for PCW 11GOESRJPSS J19.2, 8 January 2015 This document is not export controlled. Use or disclosure of this information is subject to the restrictions on the Title Page of this document. HEO PCW Provides Arctic Same Weather Data Coverage as Geostationary Imagers 9 Imagers Exelis EUMETSAT GOES-R West PCW Coverage 100% 95% 90% Himawari-8 GEO- KOMPSAT-2A MTG GOES-R East
Design & Operation of ABI for PCW 11GOESRJPSS J19.2, 8 January 2015 This document is not export controlled. Use or disclosure of this information is subject to the restrictions on the Title Page of this document. PCW Provides 24 Hour Coverage of Arctic New Full Disk Images Every 10 Min 10 Telesat Tundra Orbit – Notional Equator Crossings LONG 1(LAT 0) LONG 2(LAT 0) Satellite Satellite ≥ 20° elevation Minimum coverage > 4 hours everywhere on Earth
Design & Operation of ABI for PCW 11GOESRJPSS J19.2, 8 January 2015 This document is not export controlled. Use or disclosure of this information is subject to the restrictions on the Title Page of this document. Orbital Snapshots Demonstrate HEO ABI Timeline’s Autonomous Operations Timeline repeats automatically Meso collection automatically adjusted for orbital motion Swaths overlapped to ensure no gaps Earth rotation Orbital motion Spacecraft yaw Apogee -3 hoursApogee -2 hoursApogee -1 hourApogeeApogee +1 hourApogee +2 hoursApogee +3 hours Minimal ground station commanding 11
Design & Operation of ABI for PCW 11GOESRJPSS J19.2, 8 January 2015 This document is not export controlled. Use or disclosure of this information is subject to the restrictions on the Title Page of this document. ABI-Class Imager Designed for Spectral Flexibility to Meet Customer Needs ABI provides all 12 PCW priority 1 bands Plus four priority 2 bands Meets all resolution requirements Meets most goal resolutions 12 Color Key: Not in ABI Different FPA FPMFPA Resolution (km) Center wavelength (µm) ABIAHIAMIPCW VNIR A A A A A A MWIR A A A A A LWIR A A A A A
Design & Operation of ABI for PCW 11GOESRJPSS J19.2, 8 January 2015 This document is not export controlled. Use or disclosure of this information is subject to the restrictions on the Title Page of this document. Conclusion: Mission-Level Optimization Maximizes Products & Minimizes Life Cycle Cost Tundra orbit provides optimum balance for PCW Sufficient resolution Significantly lower life cycle cost ABI operational flexibility is ideally suited to PCW mission Rapid Full Disk coverage Interleaved regional observations Autonomous operation Sixteen spectral bands include all PCW priority 1 channels Resolution meets all requirements and most goals Only next generation geostationary imager currently operating in orbit 13 Four of seven ABI-class imagers have been delivered