Sponsored by the BYU Management Society Southern California Region Connections Conference 2012 The ‘Essentials’ of Chapter Management
The Marriott School is… “If all else fails, read the instructions!” The LEADERS GUIDE is a great resource. USE IT!
It is ESSENTIAL to know what the society is about FROM THE LEADERS GUIDE About the Society The Vision Purposes of the Society Cultural Beliefs Marriott School Mission
About the Society The BYU Management Society is a premier organization for business professionals to make connections, network, develop careers, serve communities, and support BYU and the Marriott School. It is a unique, global organization committed to growing moral and ethical leadership throughout the world. Members meet regularly to interact, attend seminars, and hold gala events such as charity golf tournaments and awards banquets. Speakers provide exposure to current events and topics in business and the community.
The Vision Growing moral and ethical leadership around the world
Purposes of the Society Updating and Enhancing Skills: Career Development Making Connections: Networking Building the future: Support the Marriott School & BYU Strengthening communities: Community Service
Focus Efforts Meet Purposefully Grow People Act Professionally Think Globally Align with BYU & Marriott School Live the Vision Cultural Beliefs
Education Research Outreach Friendship The Marriott School’s Four-Fold Mission
The Marriott School is… The ESSENTIALS of Chapter Management Global Organization Support Advisory Board Executive Committee Member Involvement Dean’s Chapter of Excellence
BYU Mgt Soc Global Organization
Chapter Advisory Board Influential community leaders Know goals and practices of the society Interested in BYU & Marriott School Willing to participate in functions Live the vision of the society Recruit, train new members & leaders Invite high-profile speakers, etc. Advise chapter executive committee
Chapter Executive Committee The core leadership of the chapter President, pres.-elect, past pres., exec comm. This structure provides continuity Five to ten members or more to function Spreads the workload Variety of experiences, interests, professions Governs the chapter operations Trained by steering comm., pres., advisory board Strong committee essential for strong chapter Should establish chapter bylaws
Basic Executive Committee President President-Elect Past President Secretary Treasurer Directors (or VPs) Membership Programs Placement Publicity and Public Relations Webmaster
Member Involvement- Other Possible Committee Titles Scholarships Golf Tournament Service Committee Communications Student Liaison Young Professionals Special Events Employment LDSERS Networking Women’s programs Internships Mentoring Sub-Comm. member Etc, etc, etc
Upcoming Improvements Membership Options Basic Premium Website Development
BYUMS - Benefits of BASIC (Free) Membership Access to the online member network, including your Professional Profile (Connect with Fellow members and employers) (Enhance your business network) Access and notification for all local events and programming. (Meet and listen to world class speakers and presenters.) (Participate in golf tournaments and scholarship/awards banquets. Access to your local chapter newsletter. Access to job board/resources Access to your local chapter LinkedIn Group. Access to the general BYUMS LinkedIn Group. Access to BYUMS Online website/resources. Access to BYUMS chapters around the world. (You’ll be part of an international professional organization)
BYUMS - Benefits of BASIC (Free) Membership (Cont.) Partnership with LDS Employment Services and Career Fairs. Membership in a world wide network of LDS business professionals who share your values and convictions for moral and ethical leadership. Connection to the BYU Marriott School of Management and their extensive resources for leadership and business training. Opportunities to give and receive mentoring for students and young professionals. Access to local Young Professionals and Women in Business groups. Community service opportunities. Small business workshops Mentoring opportunities to LDS college students. Involvement and networking with BYU Law Societies, BYU Alumni Association
BYUMS -Benefits of PREMIUM Membership Tax deductible membership fees Free subscription to the Marriott Magazine Discounted admissions to all events, programs, workshops, webinars and social activities Your premium dues will help support LDS students with college scholarships Free access to educational and professional development webinars Early notice and access to event registration
Dean’s Chapter of Excellence Program objectives: Set standards and measure performance Outline models to follow - of excellence and success Recognize and honor excellent chapters Criteria in four major elements Leadership Activities Service Reports and Databases Chapters DON’T have to “re-invent the wheel” Possibly have pres-elect “bull-dog” progress all year
Chapter of Excellence Matrix ACTIVE CHAPTERCHAPTER OF EXCELLENCEGOLD CHAPTER OF EXCELLENCE Complete 1 requiredComplete 2 required, 2 optionalComplete 5 required, 1 optional 3 or more Executive Committee members (required) 5 or more Executive Committee members (required) 8 or more Executive Committee members (required) Active President-Elect (required) 3 or more on Advisory Board (optional) 3 or more on Advisory Board (required) 1 attendee to Annual Leadership Conference (optional) 1 attendee to Annual Leadership Conference (required) LDS Employment Rep on Executive Board (optional) LDS Employment Rep on Executive Board (required) * If ERC is in area. Law Society and/or Alumni Assoc rep on Executive Board (optional) Hold board leadership training (optional)
Complete 1 required. Complete 5 required.Complete 7 required. 1 chapter event per year (required) Quarterly chapter events (required)Monthly chapter events (required) Hold two kinds of events (speaker, gala banquet, cultural, golf tourney, young professionals, women professionals, etc) (required) Hold three kinds of events (speaker, gala banquet, cultural, golf tourney, young professionals, women professionals, etc) (required) Executive Board meets at least 4 times per year (required) Executive Board meets at least 6 times per year (required) Participate in one regional conference call (required) Participate in two regional conference calls (required) Provide ONE of the following (required): 1. Member networking and employment resources 2. Co-sponsor an event with LDS Employment 3. Hold one activity focused on networking/employment 4. Hold Career Fair 5. Provide 1 internship or employment to a Marriott School student Provide THREE of the following (required): 1. Member networking and employment resources 2. Co-sponsor an event with LDS Employment 3. Hold one activity focused on networking/employment 4. Hold Career Fair 5. Provide 1 internship or employment to a Marriott School student
Complete 1 required.Complete 2 required. Conduct ONE of the following services (required): Conduct TWO of the following services (required): 1. Scholarship Program 2. Community Service 3. Mentoring Program for students 4. Mentoring program for young professionals
Complete 3 required.Complete 5 required.Complete 7 required. Use 1 of the following (required): Use 3 of the following (required): Use 5 of the following (required): 1. Have an updated homepage 2. Use the online membership database 3. Keep leadership up-to-date in database 4. Use the online calendar 5. Communicate through database ( or newsletter) Respond to surveys/reports as requested by BYU (required) Submit annual financial report (required)
The Marriott School is… Questions & Answers The ‘Essentials’ of Chapter Management