 What is Harassment?  Define, list terms, different types and/or examples of what you believe Harassment is.  Respond to Harassment Video 


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Presentation transcript:

 What is Harassment?  Define, list terms, different types and/or examples of what you believe Harassment is.  Respond to Harassment Video  g&list=FLsitTJEf5Kezx3TFaOLJCPA&index=4&fea ture=plpp_video g&list=FLsitTJEf5Kezx3TFaOLJCPA&index=4&fea ture=plpp_video

Mr. Schafer Freshmen Health Education

 What is Harassment?  Why Do People Harass Others?  Different Types of Harassment.  Strategies for Students to Prevent Harassment

 Harassment is any unwanted physical or verbal conduct that offends or humiliates you.  Harassment can consist of a single incident or several incidents over a period of time.

 Abuse of power  Impaired judgment  Fear of changing roles

 Ignorance of or lack of sensitivity toward others.  Prejudices, beliefs, or out- dated views  Personality disorder or mentally ill

 Cyber bullying  Religious Harassment  Stalking  Bullying  Sexual Harassment  Racial Harassment  Disability Harassment

 Bullying -- Unwanted behavior that is meant to undermine, patronize, humiliate, intimidate or demean a person  Verbal insults & name calling  Playing jokes on someone  Abuse of power or position that can be physical, verbal or non-verbal

 What makes up a bully?  Why do bully’s bully?  Why don’t bystanders step in?  If they don’t step in, do you believe that is a form of bullying? Why or why not?

 Harassment by computer --- the use of information and communications technology (the Internet) to harass someone.  Can include;  False accusations  Stalking or the transmission of threats.  Identity theft  Damage to data or equipment  Gathering information for harassment purposes  Offensive s  Sexual pictures or the solicitation of minors for sexual purposes

 Being cruel to others by sending, posting or engaging in social aggression while using the internet or other digital or electronic technology.  Types of technology ▪ Instant messages, websites, social networks, text messages, chat rooms, blogs.  Examples:  Offensive messages  Angry fights online  Stalking, threats or rumors  Revealing confidential information  Evaluating/rating on web pages, posting embarrassing/altered photos, sending messages under someone else’s name/account.

 GVUQ GVUQ  Reaction?

 Know your “friends”  Protect your accounts  Use privacy settings  Keep private information private  Watch what you say, send, or post  Don’t respond, block bullies, record attacks  Talk to a trusted adult, service provider or school official  Stand up for those being cyber bullied!

 Stalking--- Unwanted contact which directly or indirectly communicates a threat or places the victim in fear.  Examples: A constant annoyance of an individual:  In person  In writing  Using electronic formats  On the telephone.  Following or spying on an individual that causes them distress  May involve violence or fear of violence

 Unwanted attention of a sexual nature that ridicules or is intimidating.  May be physical; unwanted touching, groping, invasion of personal space, sexual assault, rape or indecent exposure.  May be verbal; unwanted personal comments, belittling, suggestive, vulgar or abusive remarks.  May be dirty jokes, compromising invitations, including demands for sexual favors or sexual gossip.  May be sending sexually explicit s, displaying pornographic material, or sexual graffiti. Sexual Harassment --- Unwanted sexual behavior which affects the dignity of a person. Including gender and sexual orientation harassment

QUID PRO QUO  Expression or demand for sexual favors in exchange for some benefit ▪ Example: a promotion, a raise, a good grade or recommendation  To avoid something negative from happening ▪ Example: termination, demotion, a failing grade in the workplace or in the classroom.  Is done by someone in a position of power (the harasser) over another (the victim) HOSTILE ENVIRONMENT  Severe or persistent unwanted conduct that it creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive educational or working environment.  Conduct may be physical, verbal or nonverbal.  Is done by someone in a position of power (the harasser) over another (the victim)

 t85NnmAzA t85NnmAzA  Reactions?

 Racial Harassment-- Unwanted behavior based on race, ethnic or national origin.  Written threats, offensive graffiti, verbal threats, Abusive comments or jokes, name calling & insults based on race, ethnicity or skin color  Damage to property based on race, ethnicity or skin color

 Religious Harassment--- Unwanted behavior based on religious beliefs or practices.  Insulting comments against an individual’s beliefs.  Ridiculing items worn for religious reasons  Belittling cultural customs  Denying requests for holidays for religious or cultural festivals

 Disability Harassment--- Unwanted behavior based on disability or impairment.  Comments that are insulting, intimidating, hostile or an offensive environment for people with disabilities  Inappropriate reference to disability  Unwelcome discussion of the impact of disability  Refusal to work with and exclusion of people with disabilities from social events or meetings

 Why does harassment often go unreported?  What should you do if you or someone is being harassed?

 If someone harasses you, tell him or her to stop.  If you are harassed, tell someone.  Whether a fellow student or an adult is harassing you, the school is required by law to listen to your claim and take action.  Keep a journal of your experiences with harassment.  This will help you remember particular details and dates.  Keep notes, s, text messages and photos. Don’t be a bystander.  Interrupt any harassment you observe.  Get involved with student groups that works on harassment issues  Help create a better school environment