Project summary This task is to design an app that can be used by anyone particularly students. To achieve that, we in a group of 4 got off to brainstorming of ideas to achieve this. Identifying that daily, everyone have to spend money on one thing or the other, and most times we suddenly realise spending more that we intended, we thought an app that would help put someone in check in their spending spree would be a good idea. In pre – production we thought thoroughly how this would work. Putting on our various thinking caps, ideas came about what name, a logo, template, prototype design etc; then we arrived at a money management app titled; CLEVER SAVER.
Form As a group we discussed on the pre – design for example what contents are expected to be on the app. We also delegated task for each individual. We sketched out the prototype of the app. Sources use for design Appfurnace LucidChart
Content and Concept We decided on how the logo would look like and agreed to have a smiley face, currency icon and the app title around the smiley face to give it a unique distinction as a mark of impression about the app. The prototype of the app is attached herewith: The features of the app are: Bar code scanner Home bottom Help button Where to input each money spent Graph generator Expenditure indicator
Who the app is design for: The app is designed and would be used by students and anyone conscious of managing their money spending activities through incoming and outgoing be it daily, weekly or monthly. Who influenced our idea: The people that have influenced our final idea are students due to the fact that most are unemployed while the employed ones might not manage their money well because of their lifestyle whilst studying. This made us agree to come up with a friendly money management app that would help anyone stay in control of their money during their day to day activities while at university or college.
Evaluation The team effort was actively engaging, we read through every requirement carefully and collaborated without any obstructions. In other to ensure maximum and effective outcome, Joseph suggested the group (acronym Csaver Group) agree to delegate tasks defining roles and responsibilities to every member. Having agreed on this, we went further to do just that; thus: Design logo: Shah Presentation: Sulaimon Research & Referencing: Avraj Development: Joseph As a team player, my role was to put a presentation together on behalf of the group. Mr. Joseph’s role was the app developer, Mr Avraj was saddled with the task of research and referencing while Afia designed the app logo. As a group, we functioned very smoothly with ideas contributed and welcomed by everyone. However, there were times when someone’s suggestion or idea may not be taken on board, it was equally acceptable without grudge of feeling of reject. Overall, the feeling within the group was amazing throughout. We encouraged ourselves with smooth communication flow inside and outside university. Given the chance, we would work to gather again. project. As a part of this group I was in charge of research of the app and also with the paper designs and logo designs which we did at the start in the first few weeks. Creating the logo: We all had ideas of what the logo should be. We brainstormed and created different styles. It was decided among us that the logo should be simple yet eye catching. The thought of over spending and not having any savings left can be a depressing. As our app was for helping people stay in budget and to manage their spending we came up with the idea to create a smiley face to put a smile on our users faces. I created this logo on Microsoft Word. I used shapes to create this. Once I had finished creating the logo, we viewed it as a group and suggested how or if it could be improved. Once we was all happy with the logo we used it on our app. Needed skills to design a perfect logo i.e. mastering software use for logo design
Referencing This is the list of websites, books and any other information, which was used in the research of making this phone app, I will be presenting this this list of references in Harvard referencing style and also saying why this was used in my research of the app. Google store(2015) Featured logos [Online] Available from: 2. [Accessed: 12 January] This website was used to find the different apps on Google play which we could compare to ours and to find what we could do differently which could benefit people from the idea we had. Google store(2015) Featured logos [Online] Available from: Realbyte Inc. [Accessed: 12 January] Inc. This was the second app which we looked at as a group which was very similar to the app we are making because It was about managing your money but we found that it was very complicated and we wanted to create something which was user friendly and also easy to understand and does what it says. 6. Google store(2015) Featured logos [Online] Available from: Handy North [Accessed: 12 January] North
3. This app was another app we found in our research, which was the closest to what we was aiming for with the results of what is being spent by the user. In our app we have added a barcode which the user can scan the item and they can see what they are spending according to their budget which I think makes our app stands out to the other ones. 4. Tomsguide(2015) 10 Best Budgeting and Personal Finance Apps [Online] Available from: expense-apps.html[Accessed: 12 January] expense-apps.html This was another website which I have come across online when researching different mobile apps which was about what apps are good and the website shows us some screen shots of some apps of how they work for the user which I found was very useful because gave us some idea of what it will look like in terms of design. 5. Google(2015) Used it for research[Online] Available from: [Accessed: 12 January] This was the main website which was used during our research when finding out about different mobile phone apps 6. Logo moose(2015) Featured logos [Online] Available from: 12 January]
Logo moose(2015) Featured logos [Online] Available from: 12 January] Link to the app: