Lions Adrian & Logan
What They Look Like They are big cats. Lions are 8 feet long. They have big heads. Lions have big sharp teeth. The males have hair around their neck. The hair protects its head and neck from sharp claws. Older lions have black manes. Lions have yellow and orange or golden hair.
Lions in Zoos Lions are the most strongest animal in zoos. Lions are an endangered species. Some lions live in zoos. Lions are popular and show off.
Where They Live/Facts They live in Africa on rocks. They live in Savannahs with thick bushes. 100s of lions live in zoos. The males patrol their territory. The groups are called prides. They hunt together not alone.
Eating Lions are carnivores. They eat zebras and wildebeest. They eat anything. They’re meat eaters. Lions put their claws out to attack. The cubs eat meat at three months old. They get their adult teeth around 9-12 months old.
What They Do Female lions hunt. They are good climbers. Lions rest 20 hours a day.
Roars Lions roar mostly at night. Their roars can be heard 5 miles away.
Males And Females The males are bigger and stronger. Males weigh around 400 pounds, and the females weigh around 290 pounds. The male lion does most of the territory marking. Females are called lionesses.