Recruiting Volunteers for your Event How to get recruit effective volunteers and allow them to help you put on a great event!
Identifying your volunteer needs The larger your event, the more volunteers you need The more your event offers, the more volunteers you need Create a DOR itinerary and walk through the day’s tasks to help you identify where you’ll need help
Common volunteer tasks Set-up Registration/Check-in Parking Course Marking/Monitors Traffic/Safety First Aid Aid Stations Finish Line/Timing Awards Food Preparation Tear-Down/Sweeping Timing volunteers at the 2010 CATnip Friday 5k
Where can you find volunteers? People who have volunteered for your event or a nearby event in the past Area high schools or community centers/organizations Sponsors of the event Friends and family Event participants “Buying” volunteers ORRC club members and a local Boy Scout Troop helped at the 2010 ORRC Summer Solstice Sundowner
Provide options and COMMUNICATE! Many volunteers ENJOY their work. Find out what will make someone happy and try to put them in that role. Explain to each volunteer what their role is and why it’s important. If they see the big picture, they’ll understand how valuable their role is!
Volunteer recognition Race shirts, goodies Discounts at other events On-site recognition Personal, heartfelt thanks And – take care of them! If it’s cold, make sure there are space heaters. Hot? Pop-up tents for shade and lots of water!
Volunteer Empowerment A volunteer that doesn’t know what to do will be an unhappy volunteer –Provide them with: A detailed task An event schedule Contact information for key people A definitive start and end time – people like structure! Cascade Lakes Relay volunteers – like these exchange volunteers - are encouraged to dress up, hand out treats, and be a huge part of the event. They know they’re important!
Solicit volunteer feedback After the race, get volunteer suggestions and comments –It will improve your event –It will demonstrate a volunteer’s importance –It will make your job easier! You will have to ASK for feedback – but it will be well worth your time