Aghiad Al-Kutoubi MD, FRCR, DMRD Professor & Head IR Division, AUBMC Middle East Editor, CVIR Founding President PAIRS President, Arab Board of Radiology & Medical Imaging
Lebanon Population : just under 4 million Strongest educational system Recognized for pioneering medical facilities in the Region Strong medical links with neighbouring countries Medical tourism destination
AUBMC Hotel Dieu St George
The American University of Beirut Established in 1860 Protestants & Quackers Radiology service became available in 1895 less than six months after the discovery of X-rays Medical Center is a tertiary & quaternary referral center
Hotel Dieu Du France Established in 1875 Jesuits St Joseph University Tertiary referral center
St George’s Hospital Established in 1887 Orthodox Community University of Balamand Secondary & some Tertiary referral center The only hospital with a helipad
Radiology in Arab World 1999
Health Care in Lebanon Estimated expenditure 12.3% of GDP ( compared to average “third world” 5.7% ) Radiology & Lab billing 17-18% of total 1 MRI / 60,000 population 1 CT/ 40,000 population
Radiology Residency Education 1934 Hotel Dieu Du France 1950 AUB
Many “Firsts” in the Arab World First open heart First renal transplantation First IR programme First endovascular aortic repair First intracranial aneurysm treatment
Interventional Radiology “Invasive Radiology” : Angiography, AEG etc. mid 50’s Procedures in the early 70’s : Simple biopsies, AVM management, Active bleeding treatment Early 80’s: Angioplasty; nephrostomies & biliary drainage, stenting & other complex procedures Mid 90’s : Neurointervention Late 90’s : Endovascular aortic programme
Interventional Radiology 25 registered interventionalists ; 1:160,000 Multi system intervention Full Gamut of intervention Endovascular & neurointerventional surgeons Cardiologists
Parliament square, Beirut 4.25 am pm