Content Objective We will: Identify a variety of ways for students to enhance their learning through hands-on practice and application of new knowledge.
Language Objective We will : Use appropriate vocabulary to connect content words in a graphic organizer to demonstrate our understanding of hands-on practice. Process information and examples presented to create activities for ELs to practice and apply new content and language knowledge.
Hands-on Practice with New Knowledge Application of New Knowledge in New Ways Practice & Application Features Activities Integrate All Language Skills
Guiding Principles 5. Students learn language and culture through meaningful use and interaction. 6. Students use language in functional and communicative ways that vary according to context. 7. Students develop language proficiency in listening, speaking, reading, and writing interdependently, but at different rates and in different ways.
Hands-on Practice with New Knowledge Application of New Knowledge in New Ways Practice & Application Features Activities Integrate All Language Skills
Example: Practice & Application Activities
James Madison -3 branches -bicameral Congress -population based NEW JERSEY PLAN VIRGINIA PLAN small state plan -equal voting -group executive -promoted state’s rights COMPROMISES -Great Compromise House Senate -3/5 Compromise -Slave Trade Compromise CIVICS & ECONOMICS,SLHS Nov Burnett/Wilkes
Example: Practice & Application Activities Let’s think about this example for a moment. This geometry lesson activity clearly fits elementary and middle school classrooms. What would work for a high school classroom?
Supermarket “shopping” activity – sorting items, identify & explain properties (four corners)
Let’s Practice & Apply … Use the following content and language knowledge you have gained so far and prepare a graphic organizer to demonstrate your understanding Using Post-it notes, write ONE vocabulary word from the list below per note to include in your graphic organizer Create a graphic organizer that demonstrates connections between the vocabulary words When finished, “read” your organizer to a neighboring table WORD BANK Words can be used more than once contentapplyoutputinteraction languagemanipulativesreadingcomprehensible speakingacquisitionscaffoldedlistening writingstudent achievement hands-on comprehensible inputwrittenpractice
OR Let’s Practice & Apply Piece O’Pizza Demonstrates the parts of the whole Groups decorate their slice of pizza with bits of information or illustrations Create a group of Eight Each team member takes a different SIOP component and decorates their slice of pizza to illustrate and explain that component.
Hands-on Practice with New Knowledge Application of New Knowledge in New Ways Practice & Application Features Activities Integrate All Language Skills
Practice and Application in Middle School Science Think about while you watch: 1) What types of hands-on activities did you see in the classroom? 2) What does this teacher do to help students practice and apply language and content knowledge?
Hands-on Practice with New Knowledge Application of New Knowledge in New Ways Practice & Application Features Activities Integrate All Language Skills
Example: Collaboration 3 rd grade WIDA Consortium os.aspx#VideoContest
Integration of Language Skills The Frame up Students work in groups for 4 The topic is written in the center of the frame Students take turns interviewing the others in the group about their ideas for filling in one side of the frame. A second student asks the group for ideas on filling in the second side of the frame and so on. Students can then write about the topic using the frame as a graphic organizer
How do you use ALL language domains in your classroom? Create groups of four Write the above question in the center of the frame Take turns interviewing the others in your group about their ideas for using the language domains Then write about the topic using the frame as a graphic organizer
Paper Slide Video
Gap-filling informational text (guided practice) Carbohydrates are organic molecules that ___________ carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. Cells ________ these molecules for energy. The simplest sugars ____________ monosaccharides. GLUCOSE Glucose is a monosaccharide. Plants __________ glucose during the process of photosynthesis. Plants _______ energy from the sun, water, and carbon dioxide to make glucose. FRUCTOSE Fruits _______ sweet because they contain fructose. Fructose is also a monosaccharide. The complex sugars___________ polysaccharides. Examples ________ starch, cellulose, and glycogen. _________________________________________________________________ Use these VERBS to complete the paragraphs: produce are called make store taste include
Paired Reading and Comprehension Check Questioning
Info transferred to a graphic organizer
Review 2 Biomolecules Groups of 3, use a maximum of 15 key words related to your assigned biomolecule and design a graphic organizer to show what you know about the topic. Include verbs/function words to connect the vocabulary words. Share the graphic organizer with the class.
29Practice & Application
Reflection Think about your last 90 minutes of instruction with your students. Estimate how many minutes your students spent: Listening Speaking Reading Writing What activities did they do to practice and apply these language skills? Considering the information we have just discussed, what would you continue to do the same and what would you try to change?
REMEMBER-practice should: be divided into short, meaningful amounts incorporate both content and language concepts of the lesson/topic/unit be introduced using clear, sequential steps and directions be modeled to ensure students understand what to do
WRAP UP An idea that I am going to try is ____ because____. Share your idea with a partner at your table
Sample SIOP Lesson Plan
Continue to write a lesson plan you can use including the features of Practice & Application Hands-on materials and/or manipulatives provided for students to practice using new content knowledge in the classroom Activities provided for students to apply content and language knowledge Activities integrate all language skills Owning Practice and Application
Content Objective How did we : Identify a variety of ways for students to enhance their learning through hands-on practice and application of new knowledge.
Language Objective How did we : Use appropriate vocabulary to connect content words in a graphic organizer to demonstrate your understanding of hands-on practice. Process information and examples presented to create activities for ELs to practice and apply new content and language knowledge