Engineering for Health Olaf Diegel
Subtractive Manufacturing 101 The really old way: Take a block of material and carve it out The more modern way: You want to make a sphere... Generate 3D model Generate CNC program Machine away unwanted material If possible, recycle waste
Additive Manufacturing 101 Generate a 3D model Software slices the 3D model into thin slices Machine builds it layer by layer
Medical Applications Hip socket, Ala Ortho, Italy, made on Arcam machine Laser Sintered Hearing Aids, EOS/Materialise
Dental Crowns and Bridges, EOS
Adding Aesthetics to Utility People who feel good about how they look are likely to be happier than people who are uncomfortable. Bespoke Innovations has taken this philosophy to heart and, through AM, has created what they call prosthetic Fairings.
Beauty and the beak
Know your baby before its born… Tomohiro Kinoshita, of FASOTEC, the company offering the 'Shape of an Angel' model, even offers parents a miniature version which could be a 'nice adornment to a mobile phone strap or key chain.'
BioPrinting CBS Evening News
Food Printers MIT Media Lab
FabCafe in the Shibuya, Tokyo offers custom-printed chocolate, that resemble a customer’s face. It’s done with 3D printing technology “Eat Your Face Machine” (EYFM) is a 3D printer developed by David Carr and the MIT Media Lab
Home Manufacturing Old toothbrush New toothbrush Home 3D Printer Customization: Bristle hardness Colour Handle Style and shape Etc. Laser scanner to input personalized data But will this just lead every Joe Bloggs producing badly designed products?
That’s all folks… “I have seen the future, and it works...” Lincoln Steffens