Search Engine Thumbnail Image Reproduction Are Fair Use. Gideon, Jonathan and Nick.


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Presentation transcript:

Search Engine Thumbnail Image Reproduction Are Fair Use. Gideon, Jonathan and Nick

Key Words Copyright: the exclusive right to produce copies and to control an original literary, musical, or artistic work, granted by law for a specified number of years (in Britain, usually 70 years from the death of the author, composer, etc, or from the date of publication if later). Symbol: (c) Fair use: the conditions under which you can use material that is copyrighted by someone else without paying royalties Websites: a group of connected pages on the World Wide Web containing information on a particular subject Thumbnail Pictures: a small picture of an image or page layout. Search Engines: a program for the retrieval of data from a database or network, esp. the Internet.

Case Summary Kelly is a photographer and has many copyrighted images and Arriba runs an internet search engine and uses the copyrighted images. So Kelly sued Arriba and He said it was “ reproduction was fair use” and Kelly appealed.

Decision You would have to use the original images for it not to be fair use but taking directly from the website is not fair and is infringement.