Business development services for microentrepreneurs REM annual conference Nice September 9th, 2008
2 BDS in France Some quantified reports (APCE source ): >48% of the micro-entrepreneurs starting up their own business don’t ask for any kind of advisory service >However numerous structures propose them… Chamber of commerce, business consultancies, certified public accountants, professional consultants… Backed up by state and local authorities >…With encouraging results: Business création services improve startup conditions for 60% (Obtaining governmental subsidies, exemptions, startup capital...) BDS reinforces development and consolidation (variations from 5 to 20 points on long-term sustainability rate after 3 1/2 years)
3 Needs of micro entrepreneurs financed by Adie Business creation services >Half of those who didn’t benefit from a start-up advice (25%) estimate that they would have needed it >37% carried on their activity in an informal way before obtaining Adie financing Business development support : >The majority have a CA < €/year >Commercial difficulties are the first cause of business shutdown Management support : >30% of the financed micro entrepreneurs would need a second loan but can’t obtain it from banks > cash flow problems are the 2nd cause of business shutdown Providing general administrative assistance Knowing whom to turn to : >Only 25% say they turn towards Adie when facing difficulties
4 2. Adie’s BDS : objectives From the very beginning Adie has been committed to BDS. First focused on individual follow-up, it has evolved constantly and developed into a full range of new tools and services intended to : 1.Reinforce self-sufficiency and professional insertion of people financed by Adie 2.Improve long-term sustainable BDS 3. Develop micro-credit through upstream / downstream services
5 3. Adie’s BDS : rules Clients: >The entrepreneurs financed by Adie >or entrepreneurs potentially eligible for financing Method: >Proposed systematically by the credit officer >Free for the entrepreneurs >An open door : training courses « Startup well » in order to present a full range service platform and avoid startup errors Contents: >Upstream / downstream services >Individual and group services >Network implementation
7 A new Adie business creation service Futur entrepreneur Idea in progress Project in progress Créajeunes Under 30 years old Training & tutoring 2 to 4 months Short-term start-up advice 1 to 3 interviews + short trainings 1 month Other tailored services (invitation to tender > specific client group) Individual Advice 3 to 6 months
8 4. Organization Teams: A strong mobilization of volunteers (over 800, with various missions according to personal competences and availability) Leaded & backed up by paid staff Service distribution : A proximity offer is proposed to all entrepreneurs financed by Adie: Resource center for BDS : Located in the most attractive and dense places of interest Offer the full range of Adie accompaniment tools 20 resource centers by the end of 2008 / 40 by the end of 2009
9 Resource centre visual support : example
10 First results in 2008, already : 1300 entrepreneurs having attended to « Bien démarrer » 2400 entrepreneurs having benefited from a BDS (excluding « Bien démarrer » and « Adie Contact») Satisfied entrepreneurs : an average of 25% of the entrepreneurs accessing several services 1600 entrepreneurs followed up by Adie Contact 351 entrepreneurs initiated to data processing via Adie 560 requests processed by Adie Conseil
Issues Key objectives: implementation of a full range basic offer (creation - development) in each area adapted to client requirements Diversify the offer (new services, start-up advice, ending of business activities,…) Implement an efficient distribution and promotion strategy open to all (credit and BDS cluster) Provide BDS sustainability (financing, organization…)
12 Diversify the offer : some examples My business on Internet >3 work in progress modules : create your won web site, reference it, sell on Price Minister >In partnership with Microsoft and Price Minister Business development >Reinforce the offer through specialized business development tools (modules : « client prospect », « merchandising », « increase business visibility »…) >Help our clients find new markets and business opportunities (Partnership Primagaz, UPS…) Financial education : >Training modules (« Mange my budget », « the bank and me », …) BDS towards self-efficiency >Develop new methodologies focused specifically on self-efficiency methods for the most fragile Adie clients
13 Implement an efficient distribution and promotion strategy To reinforce the regulation: : >To train new credit officers >To improve information circulation through our new data management system >To improve client relationship To improve marketing offer >Develop specific communication tools >Test initiation methods (training checks, prices…)
14 Provide long-term sustainable BDS Diversify our field of action in order to : >To position ourselves on invitations to tender issued by state and local powers >Keep our independence towards our partnerships >Without loosing coherence: our target-client Diversify our financing sources : >Develop private Partnership, financial support and sponsorships (Microsoft, Mondial Assistance, Linklaters…) >Test client financial participation towards specific services with a strong added value (for example computer training) >To call upon private donations (project of starting a foundation recognized for public utility) Develop microcredit : >By finding new clients through upstream advice services and by reinforcing credit renewal process
With Microcredit create your own job !