Map Of Ukraine
Ukraine is a country of Central-Eastern Europe with territory of 603, 7 thousand sq kilometers. Ukraine is located in moderate latitudes and has outlets to Black and Azov Seas. The capital city is Kyiv.The population of Ukraine is about 46 million people. Ukraine has land borders with the Russian Federation, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Poland, Slovak Republic, Hungary, Romania and the Republic of Moldova Ukraine is a country of Central-Eastern Europe with territory of 603, 7 thousand sq kilometers. Ukraine is located in moderate latitudes and has outlets to Black and Azov Seas. The capital city is Kyiv.The population of Ukraine is about 46 million people. Ukraine has land borders with the Russian Federation, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Poland, Slovak Republic, Hungary, Romania and the Republic of Moldova
Kyiv – the capital of Ukraine
Kiev is the capital of Ukraine with population of about 3 million citizens. It is situated on the Dnipro River and has many amazing architectural monuments. Kiev is the largest cultural, scientific and industrial center of Ukraine. It is very attractive for tourist. Its beautiful landscapes, parks and gardens charm and captivate.
Cherkasy is our native town. It is located on the right bank of Dnipro River. It’s small but very green and beautiful. The population of Cherkasy is 287,583. Cherkassy is famous for its parks which are beautiful in each time of the year. It has museums, many monuments and churches. Cherkasy is our native town. It is located on the right bank of Dnipro River. It’s small but very green and beautiful. The population of Cherkasy is 287,583. Cherkassy is famous for its parks which are beautiful in each time of the year. It has museums, many monuments and churches.Dnipro RiverDnipro River
Cherkasy parks
Cherkasy Specialized School 17
Cherkassy specialized school number 17 is a school of community property.School is the largest comprehensive educational institution of Cherkasy region. At the beginning of the school year the school enrolled 1,802 students who are taught by 136 teachers. Our school has two buildings an old one and a new one. At primary school kids have classes in the old building( but it looks really nice inside) and after the 4 th grade the study in the new one. Kids study English from the 1 st grade. Cherkassy specialized school number 17 is a school of community property.School is the largest comprehensive educational institution of Cherkasy region. At the beginning of the school year the school enrolled 1,802 students who are taught by 136 teachers. Our school has two buildings an old one and a new one. At primary school kids have classes in the old building( but it looks really nice inside) and after the 4 th grade the study in the new one. Kids study English from the 1 st grade. I’m very happy to work at this school and to take part in eTwinning. I’m very happy to work at this school and to take part in eTwinning.