Kiev, Ukraine By Ryan Johansen
Kiev can also be spelled Kyiv
The location of Kiev in Ukraine
Population The population of Kyiv is million
Kiev, Ukraine in Ukrainian The name of the city in Ukrainian is Київ, Україна
Map of Kiev
Interesting Facts The name of the city (Kyiv) derives from the name of one of its four founders Kyi. The city began as a Slavic settlement on the trade route between Constantinople and Scandinavia. Kiev became the capital of Ukraine after the Soviet Union fell, and Ukraine gained its independence in the year 1991
Pictures (continued)
Kyiv Skyline
Kyiv Flag
Aerial View of Kyiv
Sources ukraine-maps.htm map&um=1&ie=UTF- 8&hq=&hnear=0x40d4cf4ee15a4505:0x764931d fe,Kiev,+Kyiv+city,+Ukraine&gl=us&sa=X &ei=b1R5Uc3yJeP9igLMm4HABA&ved=0CDQQ8g EwAA information/kiev-travel.htm
Sources (continued) photos-en/Kiev-image-wallpaper Ukraine-Independence-Square-Ukrainian- Ni shtml Kyiv-Maidan_Nezalezhnosti.JPG ine- winner_of_kiev_islands_master_plan_competition/
Kyiv Tour
Airline The airfare including all taxes and is round trip is $
You get off the plane and drop off your stuff at Uarent Apart Hotel, which is $68 per night.
Day 1 (continued) After reaching the hotel you take a bus to independence square. Tickets cost ₴1.50 (hryvnya) each (about 18¢), and they can be bought on board, then you validate your ticket, by having it hole punched. Independence square has six fountains, an artificial waterfall, and a central independence column. There is also a statue of the four founders of the city. The founders are brothers, and they named the city after the eldest brother Kyi
Day 2 Take the Kurenivsko-Chervonoarmiyska bus Line to the Cherynobyl Museum. The exhibits are all in Ukrainian, so you need to rent an English audio guide. Now take the bus to the Golden gates of Kyiv
Day 3 Take a trolley from the subway station to the Kiev Pechersk Lavra. It is a cave monastary. Only four Lavras were designed in Ukraine, and this is the oldest one. It was founded in 1077 by St. Anthony To enter you need to buy a candle for ₴1.00 (about 12¢)
Day 4
Day 5