Don’t Hit Rock Bottom Haruto the Rock Star’s Lesson
Objective To help Haruto get out of debt whilst maintaining his rock star lifestyle – he is earning less than he used to, but has spent a lot on credit cards. Starter How much do you think these activities cost?: Flying by private jet from London to New York ? Eating out at the best restaurants every night ? Booking a top suite in a 5* London hotel ? Buying a top of the range Lambourghini ?
Objective To help Haruto get out of debt whilst maintaining his rock star lifestyle – he is earning less than he used to, but has spent a lot on credit cards. Starter How much do you think these activities cost?: Flying by private jet from London to New York £60,000 one way Eating out at the best restaurants every night £1400 a week Booking a top suite in a 5* London hotel £8000 a night Buying a top of the range Lambourghini £360,000
Haruto is spending £100,000 a month. He needs to start thinking about the future as the sales from his last album were a lot lower than expected. His income is now only £75,000 a month. To make matters worse, he already owes £2,500,000 to the bank from spending on credit cards. He needs to balance the books, whilst still enjoying being a rock star.
Haruto is planning an album launch party - he needs to make sure that the party generates him more money than it costs to help him clear some debt. Haruto can make money by.. 1.Selling tickets The more tickets Haruto sells the more money he makes, but the more people he will have to cater for. He will also have to decide who to invite: his friends which will make him happy or industry experts who might want to invest in him.
Haruto is planning an album launch party - he needs to make sure that the party generates him more money than it costs to help him clear some debt. Haruto can make money by.. 1.Selling tickets The more tickets Haruto sells the more money he makes, but the more people he will have to cater for. He will also have to decide who to invite: his friends which will make him happy or industry experts who might want to invest in him. 2. Impressing music industry VIPs Impressing people in his industry will bring Haruto money in – but the music VIPs are impressed by lavish parties, which aren’t good for Haruto’s wallet!
How many tickets should Haruto sell? Don’t forget – inviting more guests will make the party more expensive.. 50 tickets £ tickets £ tickets £ tickets £+40 Now decide many should go to his friends, and how many to music industry VIPs. For every 10 friends +1 to Haruto’s happiness. For every 10 music industry VIPs +1 to Haruto’s popularity. Remember – if Haruto’s popularity is 50 or above at the end of the party, he will get an investment of £+50. This is Haruto’s current happiness, popularity, and money P +10 £ 0
Venue a.His own penthouse -5P +10£ 0 b.Rent out a cool bar +8P +20£-15 c.Rent country mansion +8P +30£-40 What should Haruto do for his party? Choose an option from each category.. Food a.Let the guests eat before -5P -5£ 0 b.Fancy 3 course dinner +5P +10£-10 c.Canapés and nibbles 0P +5£-8 Drink a.Champagne all night +15P +10£ -25 b.Guests can bring their own +5P -10£ 0 c.Soft drinks only 0P -10£ -8 Entertainment a.Haruto’s band play +10P +20£ -5 b.Stage a full-on concert +10P +15£-40 c.Assorted dance troops +8P +10£-10 Decoration a.Real flowers and jewels +5P +10£ -30 b.Keep it stylish and minimal -3P +2£-5 c.Lights and laser show! +3P +10£-25 Staff a.Hire waiting staff only +8P +10£-10 b.Hire staff for everything +10P +12£-20 c.Haruto handles everything -20P -5£ 0 The costs are for a party of 50 people. For every extra 50 people you invited add £-2 to each cost (unless the cost is £0). Remember to add £+50 if your popularity score is above 50..
Group Work Please present your party plan and the answers to the following questions to a partner / your group. Did you manage to make a profit on the party? What were your final scores for popularity, and happiness? Would it be better for Haruto to actually run out of money so that he can’t afford to party? Do people who have this amount of money as well as a big ego always treat people as they should? Is that right? Do people who have this amount of money face the same financial decisions as those who have less?