Medicare Fee For Service (FFS) EDI ACT (June 13, 2013) Leader’s Line: Conference ID:
Purpose of Power Point Top 5010 errors 837I and 837P Current issues eRx $0.00 denials missing N365 Monitor Your Business Go Green Contacting EDI
Top 5010 Errors – Med A 837I Invalid Entities Additional/Secondary Identifier Invalid Billing Providers NPI 2010AA NM109 Billing Provider’s TAXID Not Associated to Billing Providers NPI 2010AA REF02 Invalid Subscriber’s Contract/Member Number 2010BA NM109 Invalid Codes HPCPS2400 SV202-2 HIPPS2400 SV202-2 Patient Discharge Status2300 CL103 Principal Diagnosis Code2300 HI Hospital Admission Type2300 CL101 Subscriber’s Postal/Zip Code 2010BA N403 Other Insured’s Postal/Zip Code 2330A N403 Other Carrier Claim Filing Indicator2320 SBR09 Invalid Billing Provider’s Specialty/Taxonomy Code 2000A PRV03 Duplicate ST-SE Relational field in error for service(s) rendered Invalid NUBC Occurrence Code(s) and Date(s)2300 HI
Current Med A Issues – PcPrint – CARC code 97 is currently being mapped to the NCVD/DENIED field in PCPrint, which is causing providers difficulty in posting. This will be changed on a future release to map to the LINE ADJ AMOUNT field for Outpatient claims and to the CLAIM ADJS field for Inpatient claims.
Top 5010 Errors – Med B 837P Billing provider not authorized for this submitter (not linked to sub ID or rendering NPI sent in billing loop) NPI Crosswalk Error - Billing provider NPI not related to TaxID Invalid Provider NPI Invalid Health Insurance Claim Number Duplicate File (ST-SE) submitted Invalid codes Diagnosis Code (ICD-9) Zip (can not be padded with 0s or 9s) HCPCS Modifiers SV101-7 code description required for NOC/NOS codes Other Insured's Adjustment Quantity; 2430.CAS must not be equal to zero Missing or invalid Payer ID Future Dates in DTP03.
Current Med B Issues Canadian Beneficiary Address Sporadic delays in sending responses (999, 277CAs or 835s) Incorrect Common Edit Module 277CA rejections for various reference files. eRx $0.00 denials
Med B Issues - eRx Incentive $0.00 Procedure G8553 billed as $0.00 are not denying with N365. eRx line items will be denied for payment, but are passed through the claims processing system to the National Claims History database (NCH), used for eRx claims analysis. The remittance should include a standard remark code (N365). N365 reads: “This procedure code is not payable. It is for reporting/information purposes only.” CMS and Standard System Maintainer are aware issue and expect to be fixed in July Work around: If billed as low value 0.01, claims will deny correctly.
MSP Claims MSP claims are not an ASCA (Administrative Simplification Compliance Act) exception and must be sent electronically. Avoid front end rejections, delays and Unprocessable rejections: When determining the beneficiary’s insurance coverage, it is important to determine the correct insurance type code. Always give the MSP insurance type code. Other Insured's Adjustment Quantity; 2430/CAS must not be equal to zero. Primary paid amount should not exceed the billed amount. Primary paid amounts at the claim level should agree with the amounts submitted at the line level. Instructions:
PC-Ace Pro32 Providers may download PC-Ace Pro-32 software at the link below to submit 5010 file formats: This free 5010 errata software with instruction regarding set up posted on web site New PC-Ace users must test Existing PC-Ace users are not required to test. Current version 2.44
Monitor Your Business!!! Use the tools available to you to monitor your business Identify contingencies Read your 999 responses Read your 277CA responses Review your remittances Monitor your cash flow Identify and correct in a timely manner any issues identified. Use these tools to monitor your business so when you call, you’ll already have an idea what the issue may be.
Contingency Plans Approved vendor, billing services, clearinghouse and Network Service Vendor (NSV) lists: PC-Ace Pro32 Clearinghouse options? What are your contractual arrangements with vendor and/or clearinghouse? Paper claim submission is not a contingency option Other?
Help Us Help You… When you call have information available which will help us identify your file and research your issue: Submitter ID NPI ISA Control Number that was sent to WPS Medicare (this is especially important for clearinghouse customers. ISA13 is NOT Protected Health Information) Claims Count Date of Submission Dollar Amount of submission Other ways to contact EDI…
IL, MN, WI Transition to MAC J , and will transition to NGS effective September 7, NGS is providing information regarding transition. Any questions regarding transition to NGS should be addressed to NGS.
WPS Connectivity Options Dial Up Bulletin Board System (BBS) Network Service Vendor (NSV)
Go Green!!! Even if you don’t post electronically you can take advantage of 835. Over 78% of all remittances are sent electronically in format. PcPrint and MREP are free and easy to use.
Medicare Remit Easy Print (MREP) and PcPrint Software MREP for Part B; PC Print for Part A Will enable physicians and suppliers to view and locally print a Medicare Part B / DMERC HIPAA compliant 835 file in a format that mirrors the Medicare Standard Paper Remittance Advice (SPR). Eliminates physical filing and storage space needs. Print remit same day as 835 is available. Print and forward claims for other payers. Quick and easy access to claim information. No waiting for mail. Several useful reports. Save time and money. It’s FREE!
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Future EDI ACTs 2013 These teleconferences are to address your EDI questions. No reservations are required. Who should attend? Providers, billing staff, vendors and clearinghouses with Medicare EDI questions calls (all times 1-2:30 pm cst): Date Dial In ID August 8, October 10, December 12,
Questions and Answers We want to hear from you… Also visit our EDI site for additional information:
EDI Addresses & Numbers Medicare J5, J8 MAC Part A & BMedicare Part B Legacy (Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska and(Illinois, Minnesota, Wisconsin) J5 National) (Indiana, Michigan)WPS Medicare Electronic Data Services WPS Medicare EDI912 N Pentecost Drive 1717 West Broadway Marion, IL Madison, WI Fax : (618) Fax:(608) Med B EDI Hotline:(877) J5 J8 Hotline: (866) Reminder: Please use the appropriate call center numbers. Michigan J8B trading partners should dial , option 2.
Important Dates Next EDI ACT August 8, 2013, 1 pm CST; Dial in: , Passcode:
Resources CMS 5010 and D.0 Webpage Educational Resources: Technical Review Type 3 guides: X12: Washington Publishing WPS 5010: