PARTICIPATING AGENCIES / UNITS Bureau of Indian Affairs Colorado River Agency Fort Yuma Agency Western Regional Office Bureau of Land Management Colorado River District United States Fish & Wildlife Service Bill Williams National Wildlife Refuge Cibola National Wildlife Refuge Havasu National Wildlife Refuge Imperial National Wildlife Refuge Kofa National Wildlife Refuge United States Forest Service Prescott National Forest
CONTENT WildCAD Incidents Wildfire Prescribed Fire Resource Mobilization Qualifications Management National Fire Danger Rating System Staffing Accomplishments
WILDCAD INCIDENT HISTORY 2008: 1, : 1, : 1, : 1, : 1, : 1,040 incidents April - September 847 incidents (85% of incidents) Average 5 incidents per day 41% of incidents occurred on Saturday & Sunday 42% of incidents occurred between 1000 & 1400 Top 5 Incident Categories -2013
WILDFIRE - BLM COLORADO RIVER DISTRICT 44 Fires 5,596 Acres 28 Human Caused 31 Acres Size Class ABC 28 Fires Size Class D+ 0 Fires 16 Lightning Caused 5,565 Acres Size Class ABC 15 Fires Size Class D+ 1 Fire Size Class A: B:.26 – 9.9 C: 10 – 99 D: 100 – 299 E: 300 – 999 F: 1000 – 4999 G: Largest Fires of 2013 Dean Peak: 5,413 acres, lightning caused, started on 6/29 Coyote: 55 acres, lightning caused, started on 6/30 Grand Wash: 53 acres, lightning caused, started on 8/17 Horseshoe: 36 acres, lightning caused, started on 9/7
WILDFIRE - USFS PRESCOTT NATIONAL FOREST 40 Fires 7,422 Acres 20 Human Caused 6,956 Acres Size Class ABC 19 Fires Size Class D+ 1 Fire 20 Lightning Caused 466 Acres Size Class ABC 19 Fires Size Class D+ 1 Fire Size Class A: B:.26 – 9.9 C: 10 – 99 D: 100 – 299 E: 300 – 999 F: 1000 – 4999 G: Largest Fires of 2013 Doce: 6,770 acres, human caused, started on 6/18 Eastwood Mesa: 400 acres, lightning caused, started on 8/15 Crooks: 97 acres, human caused, started on 2/19 South Fork: 69 acres, human caused, started on 4/29
WILDFIRE - BIA COLORADO RIVER & FORT YUMA AGENCIES 18 Fires 19 Acres Colorado River Agency 12 Fires 12 Human Caused 13 Acres 0 Lightning Caused 0 Acres Fort Yuma Agency 6 Fires 5 Human Caused 6 Acres 1 Lightning Caused.25 Acre Size Class A: B:.26 – 9.9 C: 10 – 99 D: 100 – 299 E: 300 – 999 F: 1000 – 4999 G: Largest Fires of 2013 Dike Road (AZ-CRA): 9 acres, human caused, started on 8/22 Confluence (AZ-FYA): 4 acres, human caused, started on 4/27
WILDFIRE - USFWS BILL WILLIAMS, CIBOLA, HAVASU, IMPERIAL & KOFA REFUGES 13 Fires 3,223 Acres Bill Williams 1 Fire.2 Acre Cibola 5 Fires 2 Acres 4 Human Caused.5 Acre 1 Lightning Caused 1 Acre Havasu 1 Fire.1 Acre Imperial 5 Fires 3,221 Acres 1 Human Caused 3,200 Acres 4 Lightning Caused 21 Acres Kofa 1 Fire.1 Acre Size Class A: B:.26 – 9.9 C: 10 – 99 D: 100 – 299 E: 300 – 999 F: 1000 – 4999 G: Largest Fires of 2013 Island Lake (AZ-IMR): 3,200 acres, human caused, started on 5/19 Clear Lake (AZ-IMR): 20 acres, lightning caused, started on 8/22
2013 RESOURCE MOBILIZATION Overhead Processed 1,456 requests Resources included BIA, BLM, FWS, USFS and AD overhead Equipment Processed 247 requests Resources included BIA, BLM, FWS, USFS and contract vendor equipment Crews Processed 34 requests Resources included USFS crews only Aircraft Processed 49 requests Resources included seasonal aviation assets within the PDC span of control Supplies Processed 786 requests Requests included ongoing fire and incident replacement (NFES and non-NFES supplies)
2013 QUALIFICATIONS MANAGEMENT Prescott Dispatch Center Responsibilities Manage IQCS accounts for 241 responders 174 Prescott NF overhead 67 Prescott NF AD overhead Hard-copy file management / Audits Assist BIA, BLM and FWS as needed
Prescott Dispatch Center Responsibilities Operate the Weather Information Management System (WIMS) for 10 DOI RAWS and 4 USFS RAWS Document and disseminate NFDRS Indices and Components to field units Maintain 4 USFS fixed-site RAWS and 1 USFS portable RAWS according to NWCG standards Produce Prescott NF Fire Danger Pocket Cards according to NWCG standards Calculate the Local Preparedness Level for Prescott NF and disseminate to field units Update and implement the Prescott NF NFDRS Operating Plan Utilize FireFamilyPlus software to provide fire management with tools to aid in decision making Prescott Dispatch Center Responsibilities Operate the Weather Information Management System (WIMS) for 10 DOI RAWS and 4 USFS RAWS Document and disseminate NFDRS Indices and Components to field units Maintain 4 USFS fixed-site RAWS and 1 USFS portable RAWS according to NWCG standards Produce Prescott NF Fire Danger Pocket Cards according to NWCG standards Calculate the Local Preparedness Level for Prescott NF and disseminate to field units Update and implement the Prescott NF NFDRS Operating Plan Utilize FireFamilyPlus software to provide fire management with tools to aid in decision making
2013 PDC STAFFING Center Manager: Kristi Sullivan Assistant Center Manager: Barry Wallace Assistant Center Manager: Steve Webb IA/Aircraft Dispatcher: Jennifer Coleman IA/Aircraft Dispatcher: Bec Sandle
2013 PDC ACCOMPLISHMENTS Maintained/monitored network of weather stations with no down-time or loss of data Took over responsibility of Prescott NF AD Program, including timely processing of travel and time as well as hard-copy file management Represented Southwest Area on WildCAD User Committee Provided cadre for local and regional training courses Deployed PDC Website, providing staff and participating agencies a platform for tools and products to help with operations Redesigned dispatch center with new workstations which maximized square footage, increased efficiency and helped ergonomics Implemented networked database for ArcMap, enhancing mapping capability Successfully incorporated Department of Interior agencies (BIA, BLM, FWS) into PDC As a group, the PDC team won the Prescott NF Partnership Award for 2013