Caring for those additional needs! LI: To identify and describe the 7 stages of care management.
This is known as care plan delivery! Task 1 In groups, decide how might a care worker approach the care of some one with additional needs. What will be considered? Who will be involved? What services will be offered/used? This is known as care plan delivery!
It must be printed off before the lesson. Assignment Due 18th. Jan Task 6 Outline the 7 stages of the care management process stages involved in assessing people with additional needs methods used to assess, implement, monitor, evaluate/review the care plan for the individual (PIES) which individuals are involved in the care management cycle what are their key roles what are the benefits of professionals working in partnership Task 7 Explain how evaluation procedures can lead to the modification of individual care/learning plans to ensure needs are being met It must be printed off before the lesson. Anyone who is having problems see me before the lesson or e-mail it to me .
The care management process! A process of caring for someone with additional needs must me: Tailored to the individual Continually assessed and reviewed Have clear objectives to be met “the resources are the best fit for the service user and not which resources best fit the client” Applied As health and social care textbook
The stages involved in care management Determining the level of assessment Publishing information Applied As health and social care textbook Read P159 – 167 and annotate this diagram.
The stages of care management Stage 1: Publishing information It is the government and local authorities responsibility to communicate legislation of care to care practitioners. Local authorities have legal requirements to publish information about services. Ensuring that users and carers receive all necessary information. Presenting information in accessible ways. Developing information systems and proformas. Accessing, processing and recording information. Computer literacy. Reference:
The stages of care management Stage 2: Determining the level of assessment This can be complex or simple. The assessment type offered will vary to meet the needs of the individual. In order to develop the health care facilities the practitioner must have: Knowledge of statutory requirements. Capacity to interpret eligibility criteria as defined by agency policy. Awareness of the role and resources of other agencies. Skill in picking up indicators of needs beyond the presenting demand. Reference:
The stages of care management Stage 3: Assessing need Need, risk and services have to be taken into account using local authorities eligibility criteria. Carers and practitioners have to assess the needs of an individual to create a care plan which is adapted to their specific needs. Inter-personal skills in establishing a partnership with users and carers. Facility for open communication and active listening. Understanding of the black and minority ethnic needs. Ability to synthesise the assessments of different agencies and individuals into a coherent whole using the shared assessment framework. Capacity for defining desired outcomes with users and carers. Skill in working with interpreters and facilitators. Reference:
The stages of care management Care planning Planning to care for someone with additional needs become cyclical at this stage. Health care professionals will work in partnership to deliver the best care plan to meet the needs of an individual. (doctor, nurse, health visitor, support worker, social worker, radiologist, physiotherapist, occupational therapist etc) Should clearly identify the aims and objectives of the intervention. A record of unmet needs as well as contingency plans. Review and evaluation will ensure as the needs of the individual change the care plan is adjusted to fall in line. The care plan cycle Reference:
The stages of care management Stage 4 Care planning Health care professional need to have the following competencies to all the care plan to be constructed. Knowledge of resources across all sectors. Appreciation of the user's own resources and those of his/her care network. Capacity to adapt services to individual needs, specifying the service requirements. Creativity in making best use of the available resources and service options. Ability to reconcile the sometimes conflicting objectives of users, carers and other agencies. Awareness of wider service planning issues, identifying current shortfalls in service provision. Reference:
The stages of care management Stage 5: Implementing the care plan Health care professionals and agencies will have clearly defined, time bound tasks to work towards. Negotiating and contracting skills, costing services and setting standards (depending on local arrangements). Capacity to manage a budget (depending on the level of delegation). Ability to mobilise and co-ordinate the resources of users, carers, service providers and community networks. Skill in managing conflicts that arise at the interface of needs and resources. Reference:
The stages of care management Stages 6 and 7: Monitoring and reviewing Checking to ensure the objectives of the care plan have been met, and if not why? Also health care personnel will be required to develop new strategies to meet any unfulfilled objectives. Skill in motivating and supporting users, carers and service providers. Ability to work with others in confronting service providers over any deficiencies. Capacity as a trouble shooter. Competence in making review meetings work. Expertise in evaluating objectives and outcomes. Awareness of the wider quality assurance and inspection issues. Reference:
Writing a report Introduction: A paragraph to explain what you are going to write about. Main text: the body of your report. Each point should have a new paragraph It’s important to PEE (point, explain, evidence) Always link back to your aim. Conclusion: A summary paragraph which brings all that you have said before together.
Helpful websites for your report… Remember to reference whatever you use.
It must be printed off before the lesson. Assignment Due 18th. Jan Task 1 Outline the 7 stages of the care management process stages involved in assessing people with additional needs methods used to assess, implement, monitor, evaluate/review the care plan for the individual which individuals are involved in the care management cycle what are their key roles what are the benefits of professionals working in partnership Task 2 Explain how evaluation procedures can lead to the modification of individual care/learning plans to ensure needs are being met It must be printed off before the lesson. Anyone who is having problems see me before the lesson or e-mail it to me .
Referencing and bibliography A list of every book, web-site or article you have read and used to produce your report. Referencing Every time you use a direct quote or piece of research in your report you should reference it. “and they all live happily ever after” Santa Claus 2001 Then at the end of report you must state where you found the information. Santa Claus, 2001, Christmas Tale, North Pole Publishers. Don’t worry about it now, because we will go over it all again at the end. However I need you to make sure you keep a list of sources as you go along.