Ancient Greece: Accomplishments


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Presentation transcript:

Ancient Greece: Accomplishments The Catapult!

Warm-Up 1. Personal needs 2. Copy homework into agenda 3. Title your next clean page in your binder – Ancient Greek Accomplishments. Go through your notes from the class before….and choose, in your opinion, the 5 most important accomplishments of the Greek world. Explain why these 5 are the most important in your opinion.

Objective Students will be able to understand the importance of Archimedes discovery of the lever and pulley by designing a catapult and experimenting with its various uses and strategies.

What Is A Catapult? A catapult is a device used to throw or hurl a projectile a great distance without the aid of explosive devices—particularly various types of ancient and medieval siege engines.

Definition The word 'Catapult' comes from the two Greek words "kata" (downward) and "pultos" (a small circular battle shield). Katapultos was then taken to mean "shield piercer".

Forms of Catapults An early invention of a mechanical arrow-firing catapult (katapeltikon) was first recorded by a Greek task force in 399 BC One of the oldest types of catapult is the Ballista (“to throw”) an ancient missile weapon. Ballistae were used in land battles and were even mounted on warships and used to hurl fire onto other ships.

So What? Although the catapult has been used since ancient times, it has proven to be one of the most effective mechanisms during warfare.

So…Are They Still Used Today? YES!!! There are many types of Catapult. In modern times, the word catapult can be used to describe any machine that hurls a projectile. This can include a slingshot used to hurl pebbles and a machine that launches airplanes off aircraft carriers.

Directions Design a catapult Follow the directions provided to you. Then take small objects (eraser, paper clip, small paper ball, etc.) and test your catapult. You should focus on: distance, height, and accuracy. Use the floor tiles for measurement….each square is 12 inches or one foot! Easy Measurements. Caution: you are not allowed to fire your catapult into the direction of any human, animal or other living creature. Also, you are not allowed to fire your catapult near any of my objects which may be destroyed, hindered, or altered in any form.

Extension Activity for Catapults 1. Measure the distance that the objects are catapulted. 2. Vary the objects that are catapulted. 3. Make a connection between mass of the object and the distance it is catapulted. Mass = beans, cotton balls, paper balls, etc. 4. What is the relationship between force and distance? Force = rubber bands