The Art of Soul with Kayleen Asbo Dante’s Divine Comedy Fridays at St John’s in Petaluma at 7 pm Begins March 9 with a free open house and introduction
Apollo, Dionysus, Nietzsche and Music History Kayleen Asbo
“Music has a power of forming the character, and should therefore be introduced into the education of the young.” "Any musical innovation is full of danger to the whole state, and ought to be prohibited... when modes of music change, the fundamental laws of the state always change with them.“ (Aristotle, The Politics, translated by T. A. Sinclair)
Musike Therapeia
Richard and Cosima Wagner
King Rudolph II and Neuschwenstein Castle
The Wagner’s home at Tribschen
Countess Marie d’Agoult and Franz Liszt
The “impossible” Tristan und Isolde and conductor Hans von Bulow- it took eight years to bring it to stage
“The Birth of Tragedy presented a view of the Greeks so alien to the spirit of the time and to the ideals of its scholarship that it blighted Nietzsche's entire academic career. It provoked pamphlets and counter-pamphlets attacking him on the grounds of common sense, scholarship and sanity. For a time, Nietzsche, then a professor of classical philology at the University of Basel, had no students in his field. His lectures were sabotaged by German philosophy professors who advised their students not to show up for Nietzsche's courses.” -Marianne Cowan
Pythia, John Collier (1891) Delphi
What is Valued? Apollo : Intellect, Light, Elegance, Grace Dionysus: Raw Emotion, Tragedy, Darkness, Intensity Oracle at Delphi: Never Leave the Middle
Orpheus- son of Apollo, priest of Dionysus Symbol the snake and the egg
Theater of Dionysus, Athens
Athenian Theater reached its height in 6 th century BCE
The more you can hold sorrow, the better you can find joy -William Blake
Apollo God of Light, the Sun, medicine, architecture, mathematics Order, balance, harmony, clarity Abstract thought Refined, elegant Major key mode Clearly defined meter Regular, moderate rhythm String instruments (lyre, kithara)
Apollo and the Muses, Simon Vouet (1640)
Apollo, Giovanni Tiepolo, (1752)
Stoa, Athens
Apollo Petrous Tabouris Ensemble Parthenio Ton Alkman The Head- intellect Lyre (strings) Balance Elegance Moderation Clarity and logic Symmetry, proportion Major key mode Predictable rhythm and melody Civilization: form and rules God of sun and light Lyric poetry- rhyme
Apollo Belvedere
Apollo and the Muses at Parnassus Nicholas Poussin (1632)
Apollo Slaying the Python
Apollo and Daphne, Bernini
John William Waterhouse, Apollo and Daphne (1905)
The Festival of Daphne Lord Frederic Leighton
Apotheosis of Homer, Ingres (1827)
Dionysus- God of: Tragedy and Comedy, Stillness and mania, music, Ecstasy, wine, paradox, wildness, nature, Dismemberment, the Raw
Gustave Moreau Birth of Dionysus
Birth of Dionysus 405 B.C.
Hermes Delivering Dionysus to Mount Nyssa
Silenus Baby Dionysus
Tragedy= “Goat Song” Chorus of satyrs
Dionysian Mask, 2 nd century BCE: Arts as Religion, not Entertainment
Young Dionysus with Muses and Nymphs
Lawrence Alma- Tedema The Women of Amphissa( Bacchantes)
Bacchante Frederic Leighton
The Many Faces of Dionysus
Effeminate Androgyne Luigi Valadier (1774)
Wild Masculine
The Boy Bacchus Guido Reni (1620)
Dionysus, Bouguerreau
Dionysus as Mature Man
Dionysus Jacopo Sansavino (1515)
The God Who Comes- Epiphany Dosso Dossi (1524)
Dionysus and Satyr 480 B.C.
Silenus, Dionysus, Maenad and Satyr 370 B.C.
Dionysian Procession Roman Mosaic (Museum El Djem)
Return of Dionysus from the East Museum El Djem
Rites of Dionysus Tim Shaw
Pentheus (The Bacchae)
Rites of Dionysus Tim Shaw
The Denigration of Dionysus: From God of stillness, ecstasy and divine communion
Dionysus God of wine, drama, dance Ecstacy and Dismemberment Tragedy and comedy Emotional (and tempo) extremes Wildness, nature and the Raw Minor key mode Aulos (woodwinds) and percussion Shifting meters Dramatic dynamics
Bacchus, Caravaggio (1593)
Bacchus, Caravaggio (1596)
Bacchus (1640) Peter Paul Rubens
Theater Masks, Mosaic at Hadrian’s Villa
Fastnacht, Germany
Kukeri, Bulgaria (Thrace)
Apollo God of Light, the Sun, medicine, architecture, mathematics Order, balance, harmony, clarity Abstract thought Refined, elegant Major key mode Clearly defined meter Regular, moderate rhythm String instruments (lyre, kithara)
Dionysus God of wine, drama, dance Ecstacy and Dismemberment Tragedy and comedy Emotional (and tempo) extremes Wildness, nature and the Raw Minor key mode Aulos (woodwinds) and percussion Shifting meters Dramatic dynamics
What is Valued? Apollo : Intellect, Light, Elegance, Grace Dionysus: Raw Emotion, Tragedy, Darkness, Intensity Oracle at Delphi: Never Leave the Middle
Orpheus Loses Eurydice Bergamo (16 th Century) Tragoudi (Petros Tabouris)
Claudio Monteverdi and L’Orfeo (1600)
Orpheus A balance between light and dark Major and minor Order and freedom Passion and Control The Renaissance Baroque composer JS Bach
Age of “Enlightenment” and Apollo
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Moonlight Caspar David Friederich
Romantic Music Nocturnes, Impromptus, Fantasy, Elegie, Humoreske Tempo disruptions: Rubato, Morendo, Ritardando Shift to minor key mode Dynamic and range extremes Playing “by heart”
Hector Berlioz and the Symphonie Fantastique
Extremes: Mahler Symphony No. 8
Rite of Spring (1913), Nijinsky
Irregular Rhythms in Rite of Spring
Igor Stravinsky by Pablo Picasso (1920) “The more art is controlled, limited, worked over, the more it is free... The Dionysian elements which set the imagination of the artist in motion... must be properly subjugated before they intoxicate us, and must finally be made to submit to the law: Apollo demands it." Igor Stravinsky, Lecture at Harvard 1940
Apollo Orpheus- 1947
Estonian Composer Arvo Part
Andy Goldsworthy and the Orphic Egg
Oakmont OLLI Winter Session: The Hero’s Journey Through Myth, Music and Art Thursdays from 3-5 pm
OLLI at Sonoma State The Heroine’s Quest Mondays 9:30-11:30
The Art of Soul with Kayleen Asbo Dante’s Divine Comedy February 2013