Net-Centric Software Consoritium (Kavi) 1 Net-Centric Software Engineering and Technology Consortium Tomorrow’s Needs, Yesterday’s Technology – DoD’s Architectural.


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Presentation transcript:

Net-Centric Software Consoritium (Kavi) 1 Net-Centric Software Engineering and Technology Consortium Tomorrow’s Needs, Yesterday’s Technology – DoD’s Architectural Dilemma & a Plan for its Resolution -- Ray Paul, OSD Presenter: Krishna M. Kavi Department of Computer Science and Engr. University of North Texas

Net-Centric Software Consoritium (Kavi) 2 The University of North Texas, the University of Texas at Arlington, the University of Texas at Dallas and Southern Methodist University, as well as Lockheed Martin, Raytheon and Metallect are proposing the formation of the Net-Centric Software Technology Consortium (Net-Centric Software Consortium, for short) as an alliance of academic and commercial institutions, as well as federal and state governments, to collectively promote and undertake research, education, technology development, technology transfer, and technological workforce development to enable the nation to transition into the new, net-centric operations (NCO) paradigm. Net-centric software technology is of strategic significance to national defense and homeland security because the technology holds the promise of revolutionary transformations to 21 st century warfare. Net-Centric Software Consortium

Net-Centric Software Consoritium (Kavi) 3 In this new paradigm, applications are no longer viewed as having a fixed set of capabilities but as a set of services that can be dynamically created from acquired services, verified, and validated in real time in the field without human intervention. These services must be always available, reliable, dependable, fault- tolerant, and meet security requirements. Unlike other Net-Centric consortia that address standards, policies, or market adaptation strategies, the North Texas Consortium will develop the fundamental research needed for high-quality net- centric software systems. Net-Centric Software Consortium

Net-Centric Software Consoritium (Kavi)4 Net-Centric Software Consortium Members Inventing novel software technologies for building next generation network- ready, interoperable, trustworthy service-oriented systems. And more... We invent future

Net-Centric Software Consoritium (Kavi)5 Net-Centric Software Consortium Our Vision The Net-Centric Software Engineering Technology Consortium will be a premier source of fundamental software research and technology for net- centric systems. By joining forces, the participating academic institutions and high tech companies, the Net-Centric Software Consortium, will greatly enhance the research capabilities of the participants and revolutionize our national research competence. The Net-Centric Software Consortium, will earn fame in the nation as leading technology innovator, technology incubator, and source for technology commercialization.

Net-Centric Software Consoritium (Kavi)6  The Consortium will provide competency to enable end users to conceive, create, configure and deploy net-centric systems in real time.  The consortium ’ s research will address challenges in specification, modeling, analysis, design, implementation, Verification and validation, testing, deployment of net-centric systems.  The consortium will provide coordinated education and training to meet the future software workforce needs of our nation.  It will convert North Texas into a major research region in the nation and attract the best research faculty and students from all over the world and tens of million dollars in research funding.  It will contribute significantly to the economic growth of Texas because numerous high-paying jobs and leading high tech companies will move into North Texas due to the research and technology innovation capacity, and the quality of the technological workforce brought about by the consortium. Net-Centric Software Consortium Our Goals

Net-Centric Software Consoritium (Kavi)7 Congressional earmark DoD: OSD, ARO, AFOSR To jumpstart and leverage the other funding opportunities Funding Sources Texas Emerging Technology Fund RCIC Matching funds Research superiority funds Other regular programs NSF: I/UCRC The industrial members of the Consortium must be paid members Each university must bring $150K per year in industrial contributions DoD: AFRL, ARO, etc. NASA, and Homeland Security

Net-Centric Software Consoritium (Kavi)8 Plan and Projected Impact Fundamental research Product development Commercialization Improvement Technology innovation

Net-Centric Software Consoritium (Kavi)9 Net-Centric Software Consortium How do we differ Conventional SE A virtual center Independent institution research Not focused on net- centricity Single institution Defense contractor/ business consultant. Focus on net-centric technology innovation & commercialization N.Texas-based, with track record in research collaboration Industry as a stakeholder

Net-Centric Software Consoritium (Kavi) 10 Net-Centric Software serves all branches of the United States military, the National Guard, the Department of Homeland Security, the Federal Aviation Administration, and other U.S. national security agencies, as well as international customers. Net Centric Warfare Be able to put together a battle plan utilizing “ services ” across all military branches Create dynamic scenario based simulations in real-time Facilitate policy based Command and Control structure Need “ Unified Command Structure ” Tactical -- not just Strategic Software Programs include civilian applications, command and control systems, integrated communications systems, and networked sensor systems. Net-Centric Software Consortium

Net-Centric Software Consoritium (Kavi) 11 Military services are shifting from platform- to network-centric systems -- from independently operating planes, ships and missiles to increasingly complex and diverse integrated computing infrastructures. Net-Centric Software Consortium Defense contractors are addressing the resulting integration challenge with COTS software and other techniques intended to reduce costs, improve time to market and accommodate subsequent technology shifts. However, effective integration remains a very difficult challenge, affecting system availability, reliability, security, interoperability, cost and time. Fundamental Software Engineering research is needed.

Net-Centric Software Consoritium (Kavi) 12 Network-Centric Computing Interoperability requirement of Network-Centric Computing –When a system is developed, it must be network ready, and can interoperate with existing and future systems in an integrated manner Observations on present status –Current network-centric interoperability is often interpreted to mean data interoperability, which is quickly translated into the requirement to have XML as the data exchange mechanism -- A far cry from system operational interoperability, which addresses how system can collaborate and cooperate in operations and missions, during run time

Net-Centric Software Consoritium (Kavi) 13 Interoperability at many levels We are here

Net-Centric Software Consoritium (Kavi) 14 Some Work Is Underway Recent innovations from DoD funded projects such as  DoD Architecture Framework  Global Information Grid Enterprise Systems (GIG)  UML and extensions are valuable And yet  they are not sufficient for modern agile war-fighting, and  leave significant unmet needs Fundamental Software Engineering research is needed.

Net-Centric Software Consoritium (Kavi) 15 Other Related Projects DARPA managed related programs using Intelligent Agents and Agent Markup Languages

Net-Centric Software Consoritium (Kavi) 16 How Agents Help:Breaking down the stovepipes Provide tools to help the run-time coupling of decision-making and analysis tools with appropriate data and sensing resources Development is focused on (shared) information needs information Sensors Databases Models Decision Makers System Designers Analysts Information Agents

Net-Centric Software Consoritium (Kavi)17 Target Identification and Attack INTELLIGENCE PREPARATION OF THE BATTLESPACE INDICATIONS & WARNING SURVEILLANCE & SENSORS TARGET/STRIKE PLANNING ATTACK OPERATIONS EXISTING LEGACY & EVOLVING SYSTEMS MILITARY- SPECIFIC TASKS Information Agents Search CollateIdentifyUpdateMonitor AGENT CAPABILITIES Interoperability Grid Source InfoCapability SpecsInput SpecsStatus Info Resource Data

Net-Centric Software Consoritium (Kavi) 18 More Research Is Needed Agent research currently limited to integrating data Analysis techniques are limited Need to expand on agent technologies Agents as service providers Agents to assure security, reliability, performance Need formalisms and tools to build such systems Fundamental Software Engineering research is needed.

Net-Centric Software Consoritium (Kavi) 19 Key Propositions per Paul Network Centricity poses fundamentally new software engineering requirements on DoD systems Existing approaches (methods, tools, etc.) are not sufficient to the task, leaving some gaping holes Extension of existing approaches is fundamentally incorrect, since  it adds yet another ‘patch up’, and increases interoperability complexity, which is one of the key problems that needs to be addressed  makes existing complex systems more so, making it even more difficult to understand & use them Any new software engineering approach must  lay primary emphasis on unique characteristics of Network Centricity  be discriminating in deciding what to include in the approach; critical if the goal is to achieve any measure of “analyzability”

Net-Centric Software Consoritium (Kavi) 20 What is needed per Ray Paul A new software engineering methodologies that permits dynamic publication, discovery, composition of services with an ability to analyze reliability, trust, performance, etc. Agile and adaptive acquisition Agile war-fighting with dynamic changing tactics Dynamic system architecture composed at runtime Dynamic system reconfiguration or re-composition at runtime even during war-fighting Rapid but reliable system engineering High assurance for C2 applications Dynamic and real-time system interoperability between two systems not knowing each other before

Net-Centric Software Consoritium (Kavi) 21 Current Status 1. The academic partners have signed MoUs Key: every projects will involve at least 2 institutions seed funding from the universities 2. Currently finalizing terms for defining membership and governance structure to include industrial members Paid membership and privileges Advisory board (paid members) Executive board and executive director 3. Core competencies and capabilities of members

Net-Centric Software Consoritium (Kavi) 22 Consortium Expertise I. Agent Oriented Software Engineering (Krishna Kavi, UNT, Dave Kung, UTA, Eric Wong, UTD, Jeff Tian, SMU) II. Automated Recovery and Continuous Monitoring (Krishna Kavi, UNT, Dave Kung, UTA, Yu (Jeff) Lei, UTA) III. Automated System Synthesis and Adaptation (I-Ling Yen, Farokh Bastani, Gopal Gupta, UTD; Robert Brazile, UNT) IV. Net-Centric Operations (Lockheed-Martin, Raytheon) V. Real-time Systems and Reconfigurable Systems (Krishna Kavi, Philip Sweany, UNT; I-Ling Yen, Farokh Bastani, UTD)

Net-Centric Software Consoritium (Kavi) 23 Benefits To academic institutions Funding to support basic and applied research Support for student stipends, fellowships and internships projects and theses Industry driven research Joint research with industry (DoD or other) Classified research with aid from industrial members Technology transfer New educational and training programs

Net-Centric Software Consoritium (Kavi) 24 Benefits To industrial concerns Access to faculty research Access to students as interns and employees Help with research, assessment and critique Joint research with universities (DoD or other) Influence research directions Technology transfer Help with training and education of employees

Net-Centric Software Consoritium (Kavi) 25 Other Efforts Stanford+Berkley++ NSF Cyber Security Center models and analysis for trustworthy systems Rutgers -- Discolab middleware for seamless integration of distributed systems CMU -- Highly Dependable Systems technologies, models, analyses University College Of London ++ SENSORIA (Software engineering for service-oriented overlay computers)

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