Quiz 12 Nonparametric statistics
1. Which condition is not required to perform a non- parametric test? a) random sampling of population b) data are normally distributed c)
2. Which condition is not necessary before conducting an nonparametric test? a) data must be normally distributed or nearly b) groups must be independent c) data must come from random sampling
3. What is the significant correlation for a Spearman Rank r for =0.05 and 20 pairs of values? a) b) c) d) 0.377
4. Which is the correct test to use when you want to compare three groups of different participants and the data are not normally distributed data? a) Kruskall-Wallis b) t-test for independent groups c) analysis of variance d) test of independence
5. a) area under curve is equal to one b) distribution is symmetrical c) is skewed positively d) it is asymptotic to the right
6. a) there is at least one significantly different group b) all groups are significantly different c) all groups have equal means
7. Which post hoc test is the most conservative and has the least power? a) Scheffé b) Tukey HSD c) Bonferroni d) Dunnett’s multiple range
8. Given the following SPSS output which is the correct conclusion? a) E different from VG b) no differences c) E different from G d) VG different from G