The Age of the Pyramids By Hannah Willis.


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Presentation transcript:

The Age of the Pyramids By Hannah Willis

Who came up with the idea of making pyramids? In 2630 B.C. the construction of the first pyramid began. Djoser a ruler of ancient Egypt came up with the idea of making the pyramid, so that it could be his tomb when he died.

How the pyramids were built. For each pyramid built thousands of people worked, sometimes there could be up to 100,000 people working on a pyramid. They dragged rocks that could way up to 2 tons, to the site where the pyramid would be built. The workers were farmers, peasants and the unemployed.

What were the pyramids made of The pyramids were built with many different stone materials. The stone rough, low grade limestone used to build the pyramid core. Fine white limestone was often used for outer casing and to cover interior walls, Basalt or alabaster was used for floors.

The Pyramid of Djoser It was constructed between 2630 B.C.-2611 B.C. in the third dynasty. People call it the Step Pyramid of Djoser because it was supposed to be a giant stairway up to heaven for Djoser. When he died he was placed in a tomb inside the pyramid with many riches that the people believed he could take to the afterlife with him.

Pyramid of Menkaure The smallest of the three Giza Pyramids. Built to be a tomb for the Egyptian pharaoh Menkuare. Many statues were found in the tomb. Salaind’s son and heir attempted to destroy it, but they only made a small mark.

Pyramid of Djedefre Egypt’s farthest north pyramid. Built for the son of Khufu, Djedefre. It was among the largest pyramids to be built in Egypt. It was mostly destroyed.

Pyramid of Userkaf Built in 2490 BC for Userkaf, the pharaoh and founder of the 5th dynasty. It is located in Saqqara. It is now ruined and known as “heap of stones”

Pyramid of Sahure First pyramid built in Abusir, Egypt. Built to be the tomb for the pharaoh Sahure. Milestone in ancient Egyptian tomb architecture, it defined a standard that lasted for 300 years. Is now destroyed and a mound of rocks.

Pyramid of Khafre Second tallest and second largest of the pyramids in Giza. It was built for the fourth dynasty pharaoh, Khafre, to be his tomb. After Khafre was buried there, the tomb got robbed frequently.

Great Pyramid of Giza Oldest and largest of the three pyramids of Giza. Built to be the tomb of Khufu, the fourth dynasty Egyptian pharaoh. Different chambers in the pyramid.

Bent Pyramid Built under the Pharaoh Sneferu, was the second one he’d built. Transition from step-sided to smooth-sided. Supposed to be a “true pyramid” but ended up being bent.

Pyramid at Meidum Built for Huni, but was continued by Sneferu. Imhotep’s pyramid design, modified by his successor. Extensions turned the original step pyramid into a “true pyramid”

Red Pyramid Largest of three major pyramids in Dahshur necropolis. Named for the red hue of the granite stones. Third largest Egyptian pyramid. First successful attempt at making a “true smooth sided pyramid”

Pyramid of Zawyet el’Aryan Unfinished, known as the Pyramid of Baka. 4th dynasty, during the Old Kingdom. Thought to have been made for a king named Bikheris, but is unknown. First layer of the pyramid started, only the base was put down.

Pyramid of Neferirkare Built between 2477 BC-2467 BC for the pharaoh Neferirkare Kakai. It is at the necropolis of Abusir. Largest pyramid built in Egypt’s fifth dynasty.

Pyramid of Unas Built in the fifth dynasty for Unas. Mummy found in the pyramid’s chamber, but not certain who it is. Had spells written on the walls, that were supposed to help the pharaoh on his way to the afterlife.

Pyramid of Teti Smooth-sided pyramid. Second known pyramid with pyramid text. Burial chamber for Teti. Looted many times, despite limestone rocks that blocked the passages.

Pyramid of Senusret | Built to be the burial chambers for the pharaoh Senusret. Ramps were used to help construct the pyramid. Built differently from the others, but it was not sufficient and broke down easier.

The Black Pyramid Built for the King Amenemhat lll, during the Middle Kingdom. First pyramid to hold both the pharaoh and his queens. Dark decaying appearance, brought the name “Black Pyramid”