B.E.S.T. Academy Ruben L. Barkley MEDT 6461 Summer 2008 Media Center Floor Plan
Background 2 Since breaking ground in the early 1980’s, B.E.S.T. Academy’s media center floor plan has been revised twice; most recently in Serving as Best Academy’s hub, the media center is a sq. ft. rectangular space located on the second floor in the center of the building. Circulation desk flanked by two double door entrances No windows Limited functional office space for LMS Current floor plan accommodates: 12 computers 15 tables 4 offices 1 college corner (reading nook).
3 43 ft. 40 ft. Magazines. College Corner Biographies 100’s – 900’s Periodicals offices office Circulation Desk Copy machine offices AV Room & Storage Existing Media Center
Proposed Revisions 4 Warmth: Warmth: Walls - beige painted concrete blocks Walls - beige painted concrete blocks Carpet – brown Carpet – brown Table and chairs – maple Table and chairs – maple Book shelves – gray Book shelves – gray No bathrooms No bathrooms Two double door entrances Two double door entrances Technology: Technology: 1600 students 1600 students 12 computers 12 computers 1 printer 1 printer 1 projector 1 projector 1 scanner 1 scanner 1 copy machine 1 copy machine Work space: Work space: Minimal Minimal Circulation desk placement limits optimal flow Circulation desk placement limits optimal flow Though B.E.S.T. Academys’ current floor plan allows media specialists to view students at work and provide seamless traffic flow, it lacks the optimal warmth, technology, and work environment necessary to realize ideal program success. Warmth : Warmth : –Walls – Drywall or warmer beige painted concrete blocks –Carpet – multicolored floor tiles and area rugs –Table and chairs – maple –Book shelves – Columbia Blue –Renovated LMS offices with bathrooms. –Single double door entry Technology: Technology: –1600 students –44 computers including new computer lab. –6 printers –2 Flat screens with smart board capabilities –5 scanners –2 copy machines Workspace: Workspace: –Enhanced for student and faculty projects –Circulation desk moved to provide greater traffic flow and viewing capability
5 43 ft. 40 ft. Magazines. College Corner Biographies 100’s – 900’s Periodicals offices office Circulation Desk Copy machine offices AV Room & Storage Proposed Revisions Offices are combined to form computer lab Podium placed o n center wall, flanked by two flat screen TVs smart board equipped. Enhanced with additional seating and stimuli Work space for student projects
Drum Roll Please... 6
7 43 ft. 40 ft. 100’s – 900’s Magazines. College Corner office Periodicals Copy machines Computer Lab (20) AV Room & Storage Circulation Desk Biographies Work station CNNFOX Smart board Ideal Media Center
Rationale 8 The B.E.S.T. Academy School faculty and staff endeavors to be a two time nationally recognized school of excellence and feels very strongly that funds, previously decreased, must be earmarked for media program enhancements in order to reach their goal. B.E.S.T. Academy's does not lack an adequate book and resource supply however, the environment in which consumption occurs is less than optimal. Proposed plan calls for larger College Corner with additional stimuli such as chess boards and DVD players for individualized learning. Walls will be brightened to provide a warm and friendly environment upon media center entry. Chandeliers will be hung to add ambiance and elegance to a currently austere environment. Multicolored carpet tiles will provide the needed color and charm currently lacking. New architecturally enhanced double door entry way will be added to provide additional wall space and control traffic flow and security breaches.
Rationale Continued… 9 Technology is pervasive in today’s society. B.E.S.T. Academy must be adequately equipped with the appropriate technology to ensure students are successful when pursuing higher education and beyond. The current student to computer technology ratio is vastly disproportionate and must be addressed. Further, access to printers, scanners, and copiers is limited. Following are recommendations: Dedicated computer allowing for individual classroom instruction Additional computers (double the current number) providing access to more students Printers and scanners at the end of each computer station increasing productivity Additional copy machine in newly created work station supplying project preparation Two 50” flat screen televisions with smart board capabilities providing up to the minute news and presentation platforms New podium for presentations and smart board controls
Rationale Continued… 10 Staff members and students alike frequently admonish the current media center work space environment; virtually nonexistent. Ideally, a workspace similar to those reflected at Kinko’s would greatly enhance learning and preparation. Once considered an upper middle class Atlanta Public School, B.E.S.T. Academy currently educates students residing in moderate to lower income households. Many students often lack monetary resources for supplies necessary to complete school projects. Additionally, they lack the space in which to complete them: Round table equipped with basic school utensils allowing creativity and optional meeting space. Workspace located immediately outside of new computer lab with access to copiers and scanners. Newly renovated LMS offices with private bathrooms providing a space to eat lunch and conduct media program business. Staggered tables and computer stations allowing greater traffic flow and visibility.