your world, your imagination Mandeep Singh Roger Runquist Karmon Runquist Mandeep Singh Roger Runquist Karmon Runquist
Second Life (SL) is the most successful example of an embodied, dynamically collaborative content creation platform that’s personally and economically transformative, and scalable to the entire world. Embodied A 3D space navigated by user-controlled avatars that are convincing enough to make their owners feel a personal and social investment in the simulated world they’re in. Dynamically collaborative content creation platform A medium where online multi-user content creation is updated in real time. SL is often called “a 3D wiki” – an apt analogy. ( reference - ) Second Life
Personally transformative The striking thing is just who is doing this work, even making a living at it. Often they are : business-savvy homemakers talented bohemians physically or mentally impaired people retirees tech workers in developing nations and people who’ve been otherwise kept out of the mainstream job market through real-world barriers that become irrelevant in Second Life. Economically transformative SL’s virtual currency (which can be bought and sold for US$) and intellectual property rights to user-created content (which are retained by their creator, even in non-SL projects) are transferable in and out of the global economy. ( reference - )
Scalable to the entire world Last January, Linden open-sourced its client code, and from this flowered a variety of alternate access portals into SL, including Wii controllers, cell phones, and thanks to a 15 year-old female hacker, the web itself. This makes SL a lead contender to become a universally accessible mirror world, where all our physical data is modeled in a dynamic network, an inconceivably valuable resource for scientists, governments, corporations, and beyond. ( reference - )
What is Second Life? 3-D online digital world entirely imagined, built and owned by its Residents -Second Life Second Life is an open-ended virtual world who’s primary focus is socialization & Education. Second Life gives its users tools to shape its world -Google Second Life (abbreviated as SL) is an Internet-based virtual world where its Residents interact with each other through motional avatars, providing an advanced level of a social network service. -Wikipedia
Total Residents – 9,038, % of Second Life's users are from USA, Germany is the second-largest country with 10.37% of residents The average age of adult users is 30, and the average age of teen users is 15 Metrics Demographics ( reference - )
Residents increased from 1 million in 2006 to more than 9 million in 2007 ( reference -
43.03% of users are female, 56.97% users are male ( reference - )
Second Life is growing at a rate of 15% per month ( reference - )
Commercial Second Life has its own economy and a currency referred to as Linden Dollars (L$) Residents buy from and sell to one another directly, using the Linden, which is exchangeable for US dollars or other currency Second Life economy generated US $3,596,674 in economic activity during the month of September 2005 and as of September 2006 Second Life was reported to have a GDP of $64 Million ( reference -
Second Life's 2007 GDP is estimated to be between $ 500 million and $ 600 million, about nine times that of 2006 There are on an average $5 million USD in virtual transactions per month conducted between users 75% of users are buyers, 25% are sellers Commercial ( reference -
Linden to US dollar exchange rate ( reference -
Education Second life has sold more than 100 islands for educational purposes according to New York Times There are a number of universities, schools, national organizations, Educational organizations, libraries and museums in Second life such as Open University (UK) Harvard University Stanford University Ohio University New York University
Land There are 2,000 "simulators" used for Second Life, constituting square kilometers of virtual reality In July 2007 number of islands owned are 9195 Number of islands added in July 2007 are 859 Average L$ paid per square meter is Main island use has doubled and Island growth has tripled in this year
Other Metrics Total hours spent in Second Life doubled between January 2007 and May 2007! (Jan=10,817,668 May=20,767,557) Germany now leads France as the second most active country based on Avatar count ( reference - )