1 ADNI2 - Private Partner Scientific Board (PPSB) Susan De Santi (Piramal Pharma, Inc.), PPSB Chair
Current ADNI 2 PPSB Partners
Dorothy Jones-Davis Scientific Project Manager, Neuroscience Foundation for the NIH (301) FNIH Coordination and Organization
ADNI Cores MRI Cliff Jack PET Bill Jagust Biochemical Biomarker Les Shaw and John Trojanowski Biostatistics Laurel Beckett Clinical Ron Petersen & Paul Aisen Genetics Andy Saykin Neuropathology John Morris Publications Robert Green Pat Cole Adam Schwarz Holly Soares Johannes Streffer TBD Veronika Logovinsky Nandini Raghavan Nadeem Sarwar Leanne Munsie Enchi Liu Robert Paul Mark Schmidt Greg Klein Lee Honigberg RARC Tom Montine Enchi Liu Holly Soares PPSB Core Liaisons ADNI PI Mike Weiner PPSBPPSB PPSB working groups Biofluid Biomarkers WG Johan Luthman Clinical Endpoints WG Veronika Logovinsky, Nandini Raghavan 1.pAD/MCI Endpoints and Methods 2.Novel Tests for pre-MCI 3.List of Datasets 4.Computerized Cognitive Batteries PET Endpoints WG Mark Schmidt PPSB Chair Susan De Santi 2015 Informatics Art Toga
A goal of ADNI is to develop and validate methods for clinical trials PPSB has formalized a DD process for the selection of measures to be included in ADNI 3 and provide recommendations to ADNI Core leaders (e.g. clinical, cognitive, imaging, biomarkers, biofluids, etc.) An increase in commercial and competitive measures and markers being considered for ADNI; adding and subtracting precompetitive measures Inclusion of measures into ADNI 3 will be based on a solid analysis using objective criteria outline key criteria for consideration of measures assure transparency on how measures are identified, vetted and selected define clear, efficient timeline (e.g. < 4 months) avoid duplication of efforts achieve alignment for the final recommendation DD team assembled (no links to possible providers) for full vetted process Academics and industry scientists are working together Due Diligence (DD) Process for ADNI 3