Property-Value Movement in Old North Durham By Katerina Valtcheva
Old North Durham - Overview Developed with the construction of tobacco warehouses and related commercials and industrial ventures Considered a bad area despite proximity to CBD Farmers market, North Durham Elementary School have had some effect on the area Hypothesis: Recent commercial upturn has had a positive impact on the area (Fullsteam Brewery, Motorco Music Hall, Geer Street Garden, CocoaCinnamon)
Old North Durham – Motorco Area
Old North Durham - Data Forty house values collected annually for the first month of each year starting in Jan 2006 and ending in Jan 2013 (Zillow estimates) Houses located on: W Geer St., North St., Hargrove St., Glendale Ave, Northwood Cir, and N Mangum St. Built between 1910 and 2004 Average house size: 1375 ft 2 (± 523 ft 2 ) Average lot size: 6121 ft 2 (±1640 ft 2 ) Average year built: 1937 (±20 years)
Control Area: East Durham and Edgemont
Why this area as a control? Similarly industrial: historical roots in milling and textiles Similar houses, built around the same time period Approximately the same distance from CBD Also economically depressed area
East Durham and Edgemont
East Durham and Edgemont - Data Houses located on: Hart St., S Driver St., Roberson St., Angier Ave, Vale St., S Plum St., E Main St., Clay St., and Ashe St. Built between 1900 and 1992 Average home size: 1432 ft 2 (±476 ft 2 ) Average lot size: 7047 ft 2 (±1413 ft 2 ) Averages year built: 1929 (± 21 years)
Findings - Continued Difference between the slopes of the best-fitting line: in favor of the control area
Findings - Continued
Old North Durham: with the addition of data points through 2013, the slope of the price curve falls from.0206 to.0108 East Durham/Edgemont: the slope of the line describing the overall trend of house prices went from positive.0319 (between ) to negative.0275 (when data points are included through 2013)
Statistically Significant Differences Running a Student’s t test comparing mean home prices on a year-by-year basis: the difference in mean home values between the two neighborhoods was statistically significant from 2010 (p<<0.001)
Running Multivariable Regressions on House Size, Lot Size, and Year Built