{ Panama Talent 21 project By Nicole Cirigliano, Taylor Dimino, Kylie Patterson
Panama’s flag
The breakfast in Panama usually consists of deep fried tortillas heaped with eggs, fried meat, and other goodies. Coffee is a must, and eggs with toast is easy to come by. The typical meal includes meat, coconut rice, and beans. It also includes local fruits like yucca, squash, and plantains, a few other foods are tamales, empanadas, Gallo pintos and Ceviche. Some desserts in Panama are tres leches cake which is a cake soaked in 3 different types of milk, and raspados which are snow cones. The next page will have picture of some foods from panama. Main foods in Panama
{{ Raspedos Tres laches cake Desserts in Panama
{{ Eggs and bacon coffee The breakfast in Panama
{{ Coconuts Beans, Meat, Coconut rice, and eggs
The government of Panama does not collect statistics on the religious affiliation of citizens, but various sources estimate that 75 to 85 percent of the population identifies itself as Roman Catholic and 15 to 25 percent as evangelical Christian. [2] The Bahá'í Faith community of Panama is estimated at 2.00% of the national population, or about 60,000 [3] including about 10% of the Guaymí population; [4] the Bahá'ís maintain one of the world's seven Baha'i Houses of Worship in Panama. [2] The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- day Saints (Mormons) claim more than 40,000 members. [5] Smaller religious groups includeSeventh-day Adventists, Jehovah's Witnesses, Episcopalians with between 7,000 and 10,000 members, Jewish and Muslim communities with approximately 10,000 members each, Hindus, Buddhists, and other Christians. [2] Indigenous religions include Ibeorgun (among Kuna) and Mamatata (among Ngobe). [2] There is also a small number of Rastafarians.PanamaRoman Catholicevangelical Christian [2]Bahá'í Faith [3]Guaymí [4]Baha'i Houses of Worship [2]The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- day Saints [5]Seventh-day AdventistsJehovah's WitnessesEpiscopaliansJewishMuslimHindusBuddhists [2]IbeorgunKunaMamatataNgobe [2]Rastafarians The religion in Panama
In Panama the main sport is soccer, well as they call it “football” The other sports in panama include boxing, horse racing, tennis, golfing, rugby, cycling, basketball, baseball, and many more. They also have under water sports.
TE TE TE National anthem