4-H Presentations April Dillon Extension Agent, 4-H Youth Development Lincoln County Updates from Shannon McCollum and Mitzi Downing
Calvin’s First 4-H Presentation
Express themselves clearly Why Should Youth Participate? Learn how to gather information Organize their ideas Learn to speak in front of a group “I Can Do It!” attitude
Two Types of 4-H Presentations Demonstration –Making something –Showing how to do something Illustrated Talk Using visuals to tell your story
Types of Speeches Informational –Share knowledge Persuasive –Sell ideas/products Entertaining –Express your opinions
Forms of Speeches Extemporaneous –Off-the-cuff Prepared Speeches –4-H Presentations –School reports
How to get kids started? Introductions Party Talk Red Carpet Interviews Talking on the telephone Taking messages Reading aloud Show & Tell
Selecting and Developing Your Demonstration Topic
Select your project: Safety Choose your specific topic: Seat Belts Decide on your purpose: to convince the audience of the need to use seat belts, how seat belts save lives - persuade audience to use seat belts Exercise in Selecting and Expanding Your Topic 4-H Project General Topic AreaSpecific AreasBreakdown of One Area Fire InsuranceDemonstrate with dummies CampingAlcohol & DrugsTypes of injuries they prevent ChildrenSeat belt laws Lawn MowerKinds of seat belts Changing tiresHow they operate Safety features PoisonsAir bags AnimalsSafe driving skills Highway laws Auto 1 st Aid Kits Seat Belts Safety Automobile
Organization Introduction –Attention Getter –Who are you and why are you here? –What are you going to share with us today? Body –What are you going to talk about... So what! Why is that information important to me? Summary & Conclusion –Re-tell your information and sum it up! –Ask if there are any questions –Make and ending statement – connect this to your attention getter.
INTRODUCTION Well researched topic Catchy theme Clear introduction, body and summary Attractive posters and visual aids Confidence
RESEARCHED TOPIC 5 to 12 minutes minutes for a 9-10 year old minutes for a year old minutes for a year old 4-H Project Curriculum Expert in the occupation World Wide Web Library resources Give credit to resources
CATCHY THEME/TITLE Attention Grabber! Dairy Foods - key to health is keeping your body in tune with dairy products (piano) Electric - saving power saves money (super hero) Egg Cookery - EGGS-citing Fisheries & Aquatic Resources - The CATCH to fishing with flys Small Engines - Get your MOTOR running (song lyric)
ORGANIZATION Introduction Body, main points, logical order Summary Develop an outline before writing & making posters
Help you remember what to say Large enough for the audience to read Neatly written, computer type, stencils Generic labels on props Will not bend or fall Display organized, attractive, in order Add interest and sparkle Dress/Costume Visuals Posters/Display Boards/Science Fair Boards
PowerPoint R Presentations will be judged the same as posters Youth are responsible for all equipment, set-up, break-down and technical issues Visuals, Continued PowerPoint R
Tips - General Lettering at least 1 1/2 inches in height Headings – all caps List – begin with caps Posters – to your right Organize visuals from your right to your left Clear containers Plain fonts Fancy fonts for bold statements/headings Use bullets
Tips – General Use a table covering Pull posters from front to back Are the judges ready? Do the judges have any questions? Packing list!
CONFIDENCE Eye contact with total audience Loud, clear, friendly, natural voice Neat appearance Gestures, Posture, Body Language Voice dynamics/articulation Handling questions Handling distractions Smile and enjoy Practice, practice, practice
SUMMARY Researched topic Catchy theme Organized Visual Aids Confidence
General Rules Age eligibility is established on January 1 Divisions are 9-10, 11-13, and Cloverbuds (ages 5 to 8) can participate in their club and county activity day 4-H’ers may compete in no more than one presentation program per year Each county may enter two presentations per age division category.
General Rules A team is composed of only two individuals, except in Dairy Bowl and 4-H Entertains If the team giving a presentation is composed of individual's in two different age divisions (9-10, 11-13, 14-18), the team must compete in the older youth’s age division.
No live animals may be used in any presentation. No real handguns or firearms are allowed to be used during presentations. 9-10, & Presenters in Breads, Dairy Foods, Fruit & Vegetable Use, Egg Cookery and Peanut Foods will be asked to demonstrate a mastery of preparation steps Note: each category has basic ingredient requirements. Note: Presenters are required to prepare a dish (new for 2008) Depth of knowledge is stressed on the score sheets for General Rules
The same presentation may be repeated from one year to the next; however, the individual's personal development will be much greater if the presentation is revised and improved. 4-H members may continue to compete in a particular presentation category until declared state winner.
A County Winner ribbon is given to each participant. Medals will be given to each Gold, Silver and Bronze winner in each age division. One presentation in each category will be designated as the district winner and will be eligible to compete on the state level. Silver medal winners in the & age divisions are eligible to compete at state finals. Awards
General Rules & level district runners-up in presentations are eligible to participate in the state contest at the 4-H Congress. There will be no scholarship available for runners-up to attend Congress unless the district winner decides not to participate.
Guidelines - Time Presentations are recommended to be between 5 to 12 minutes in length. Note: Category Exceptions! Horse Individual ages 9-10 & 11-13: 4 to 12 minutes Horse Individual ages 14-18: 9 to 12 minutes Horse Team ages 9-10 & 11-13: 5 to 15 minutes Horse Team ages 14-18: 10 to 15 minutes Horse Public Speaking ages 9-10 & 11-13: 4 to 10 minutes Horse Public Speaking ages 14-18: 8 to 10 minutes
Guidelines - Time Public Speaking – 7 minute maximum Chicken Barbecue hours Turkey Barbecue hours Pork Cookery - 2 hours Beef Char-Grill - 2 hours Chicken and Turkey BBQ ages 14 to 18 require oral presentation (5 to 12 minutes) Beef Ambassador – 5 to 8 minutes
Guidelines – General Open Class: Only presentations that do not fit any other category. Presentation Setup: The speaker is responsible for setting up all equipment for the presentation. Interruptions: The judges will determine if the participant should begin where they left off or start anew. Note cards: The speaker is allowed to use note cards but they should be used as a tool for referencing material (the speaker should not read directly from their cards).
Guidelines - Questions Questions: –Only “Judges” are allowed to ask participants questions. (Questions are not allowed in the Public Speaking category). –Youth may opt to repeat the question, paraphrase the question or include the question in their answer but this is NOT a requirement. –You have given an acceptable response when you admit you are unable to answer the question.
39 Presentation Categories Artistic Arrangement Fabric & Fashion Design (Apparel & Textiles) Breads Wheels & Engines – All Age Divisions Beef Char-Grill - (9-10 & 11-13) Crop Prod. & Utilization Chicken Barbecue Small & Companion Animal Dairy Foods Electric Egg Cookery Soil, Water & the Environment Bugs & Bees (Entomology) Exp. Arts & Comm. Fisheries & Aq. Res. Health & Fitness (Health) Careers & Entrepreneurship Horse Interior Design & Home Space (Home Energy & Envir.) Hort. Prod. & Marketing Horse Public Speaking Livestock & Dairy Prod. Landscaping Open Class 21st Century Communications Peanut Foods Poultry Prod. & Prep. Pork Cookery Public Speaking Safety Science & Technology Turkey Barbecue Forestry & Wildlife Fruit & Veg. Use Woodworking & Heritage Crafts Hospitality, Etiquette & Social Graces Veterinary Science only **Citizenship & Civic Responsibility **Community Service & Volunteerism
Guidelines – Beef Ambassador The contestant must be 13 but not older than 16 by January 1 Entry forms must be submitted by June -- Contestants should give the presentation at least 2 times prior to the state competition. Examples include fairs, 4-H presentations, school groups, etc. Speech should be 5 to 8 minutes No visual aids or note cards permitted Three Areas of Evaluation in the Competition Presentation of a speech regarding beef and/or the beef industry or Beef Checkoff Programs. Questions asked by the judges after the presentation An interview conducted by a panel of judges to determine one- on-one communication strengths and weaknesses.
Guidelines – Food Categories 9-10,11-13 & Presenters in Breads, Dairy Foods, Fruit & Vegetable Use, and Peanut Foods will be asked to demonstrate a mastery of preparation steps. Note: each category has basic ingredient requirements Depth of knowledge is stressed in addition to food preparation Taste is not considered in judging
Guidelines – Food Categories Dairy - a serving of a recipe should have the calcium equivalent of 1/2 cup milk. Egg Cookery - dish must contain a minimum of: 1/2 egg per serving if as a dessert, appetizer, snack, or beverage; 1 egg per serving if it is a salad or main dish Fruit & Vegetable - a serving of a recipe should contain at least 1/2 cup fruit, vegetable or a combination Peanut – Must have 4.75 grams protein. 2 Tablespoons or 1/8 cup raw peanuts. (Approximate Protein Equivalents for 2 Tablespoons Peanuts - peanut butter, creamy or chunk is 1-1/3 Tablespoons or 1 Tablespoon & 1 teaspoon)
Guidelines – Outdoor Cookery Chicken BBQ and Turkey BBQ Two 1 to 2 pound whole chicken halves (chicken parts not allowed) Two 1/4 to 1 pound pieces of turkey breast filets or tenderloins A gas grill is not allowed. The chicken and turkey at the District contests will be furnished by the contestants. The chicken and turkey at the State contest will be furnished only by the Department of Poultry Science at N.C. State University. May not use a precooked product and can not inject barbecue sauce into the chicken or turkey.
Guidelines – Outdoor Cookery Beef Char Grill and Pork Cookery Contestant is responsible for the purchase meat The amount of meat to prepare should consist of at least 3/4 of a pound of beef or pork. A charcoal or gas grill may be used.
Tips – Outdoor Cookery Grilling Materials 1 table for grill Grill Meat thermometer Charcoal Lighter fluid Matches/lighter Food tongs/forks Oven mits Cap or hair net Plastic gloves Hand sanitizer Water container Ice chest Serving Materials 4 paper cups 4 small paper plates 1 place setting (plate, knife, fork, spoon, napkin, glass) 1 serving plate 1 knife for cutting meat 1 fork for cutting meat Toothpicks for samples Table cloth Screen/net cover for plate 1 table for food display Drink to serve judges Presentation Materials Table decoration (theme) Garnish for presentation plate Screen/net cover for plate Easel for poster Recipe cards Poster with your name & name of dish
Tips – Outdoor Cookery The internal temperature of poultry should be 165 degree F or greater. Pork should be prepared to 160 degrees F internal temperature as a rule. Single muscle cuts of beef should be cooked to medium rare 160 degrees F. Ground beef should be prepared to well done 170 degrees farenheit.
Tips – Outdoor Cookery Contestants should be prepared to answer questions about the cut of meat used. Use aluminum foil to line the bottom of the charcoal grill. This protects the grill and makes clean up easier.
Tips – Outdoor Cookery Fire Base Vermiculite, sand or other non-flammable granular material that will allow the fire to breathe for faster & more even cooking. Sand should be dry; coarse sand or gravel may explode if wet Cover bottom of the grill with about one inch Starting the Fire Use enough charcoal to cover an area large enough to evenly distribute heat 1/2 inch between briquettes for beef will help prevent flame-ups. Place charcoal in a pyramid, soak lightly with charcoal lighter fluid, allow to stand two minutes, then light. When the coals are covered with gray ash, spread with tongs.
Awards - National Trip - NJHA Only youth 15-years or older are eligible to attend the National Junior Horticulture Association Contest. –Peanut Foods –Fruits & Vegetables –Artistic Arrangement –Horticulture Production & Marketing –Landscaping
Awards – National Trips 4-H Egg and Poultry Conference Egg Cookery Chicken BBQ Turkey BBQ Horse and Horse Public Speaking Beef Ambassador
4-H Presentation Rubrics Current Presentation Rubrics from 2007 will be used for 2008 with the exception of the numbering - will number 1,3,5,7 etc.
Judging Rubric Scoring of 1-4: Topic Subject Knowledge Presentation Voice Manner & Appearance Visual Clarity Questions
Judging – Public Speaking Rubric Scoring of 1-4: Topic Subject Knowledge & Coverage Organization Voice Manner & Appearance Opening & Closing Effectiveness
Judging – Oudoor Cookery Beef & Pork (7 pts) Safety and efficiency (8 pts) Appearance of contestant (15 pts) Food Handling & Safety (20 pts) Cut selection and Imaginative use (35 pts) Palatability and overall acceptance (15 pts) Attractiveness of final product
Judging – Outdoor Cookery Chicken & Turkey BBQ Degree of Doneness Appearance Texture Taste Aftertaste Equipment and Utensils Appearance and Cleanliness Starting Fire Controlling Fire Preparing Meat for Cooking Skill in Barbecuing Time
Judging – Foods – Ages Knowledge (60%) Accurate information Topic relates to theme Supports Dietary Guidelines Able to answer judges' questions correctly Subject matter relevant to current issues in food, nutrition, and health, Appropriate depth Other Criteria (10%) Audience appeal Appropriate for age level Within time limit Presentation Manner (30%) Neat appearance Voice clear, appropriate volume, and enthusiasm Introduction: purpose clearly outlined Well paced, no long pauses Logical sequence Supplies and equipment coordinated Presentation area well organized, visible to audience Audio visuals clear and integrated well, if used Unexpected happenings handled Theme summarized
Judging - Horse Possible 100 points Introduction ( out of 10) Organization ( out of 25) Content and accuracy ( out of 25) Stage presence ( out of 10) Delivery ( out of 15) Effect on audience ( out of 5) Summary ( out of 10)
Judging – Horse Public Speaking 100 Possible Points Introduction ( out of 10) Organization ( out of 15) Content and accuracy ( out of 20) Stage presence ( out of 15) Delivery ( out of 20) General ( out of 10) Conclusion ( out of 10)
Judging – Beef Ambassador General Information – 25 points Depth of Ideas – 20 points Spontaneity – 15 points Introduction – 10 points Composure – 10 points Conclusion – 10 points Delivery – 10 points
Dates County Activity Day – May 29 District Activity Day – June 26 State Competition – July 22 Start Time for :30 Start Time for 9-10, Noon –Subject to Change Athens Drive High School - Presentation LR Harrill Youth Center - Outdoor Cooking
2008 Changes Building an orientation process for Judges - will put on DVD No Tuesday Afternoon Assembly - will present medals in classroom for state finals only. No certificates - only medals Online Registration - Required for State Finals Activity Winners will not be recognized at 4-H Congress - will be handled at each Activity. Food Categories - All ages will do a Demonstration Title Changes for 2008 are listed in handbook
2008 Changes cont. Get Plugged In - 21st Century Communications Twigs - Artistic Arrangement Ground Breakers and Inside Dirt - Landscaping Plant It Green - Hort. Production/Marketing Added - Community Service/Volunteerism Added - Citizenship & Civic Education Dropped - Masters Class
Presentation Information Web Address: Click on Youth Click on Awards & Incentives Click on Presentations
Wrapping It Up Public Speaking is critical to a youth’s... future –Career –Education –Relationships –Success in life!