ENACTUS TRAINING Auditing Developed by D Caspersz & D Bejr, 2013
Auditing in enactus 3 parts: Team Engagement – how many active members, how many recruits Team Operational Review – financial records, Faculty Advisor involvement, team sructure Project Audit (includes a site visit) – review of project inputs, outputs and outcomes
Self-Auditing Should be done regularly! Can be done by team or by third party Prepares for audit by Enactus Australia Benefits team by seeing if meeting goals, providing credibility to future recruits Create an Audit Strategy For more information on self-auditing, see page 37 of the 2013 Enactus Team Handbook2013 Enactus Team Handbook
Auditing by enactus Australia Once a year National Champion, Final Four + four randomly chosen teams are audited Told in advance of time and place to be conducted
What To Prepare For An Audit Team’s financial records Current Active Team Sheet Current Team Data Sheet Team Bio Annual Report used at the National Conference Audio-visual Presentation used at the National Conference Project /Action Plan documents, including any agreements with beneficiaries Other project tracking and evaluation tools Other team organizational tools (hierarchy chart, tracking tool for hours invested, etc.) Have people available to talk to answer questions – Faculty Advisor, Executive Council, Project Managers and others
What Might You Be Asked To Explain? Explain any element of your team’s operation and details of the projects, especially those reported in your annual report and via presentation at the competition Explain the operation of your project plan (relevance, need, how target audience was chosen, showcase evaluation tools, frequency and mode of communication; in-person versus virtual/ /phone trainings, etc.). Provide all applicable documentation that may support your project outcomes. Identify project plan errors (shortfalls) and/or new opportunities, including future plans. Explain internal administrative processes (practices and procedures, etc.) Remember that the Have people available to talk to answer questions – Faculty Advisor, Executive Council, Project Managers etc
If Audited, Remember… To be courteous, professional and collaborative Penalties apply for teams that fail the audit Self-audit regularly, and create an audit strategy Have a positive mindset and attitude Learn and apply feedback given