Agentless Purpose Built Scalable Veeam Backup & Replication
Your backups are only as good as your ability to recover !
#1 Priority Instant VM Recovery true verification any application proper test environment
Compressed/ Deduplicated Backup File vPower Backup storage Production storage Back to work in 2 minutes! Migrate online Hypervisor Instant VM Recovery
#1 Priority < 2 minutes Sure Backup and Replica true verification any application proper test environment
Compressed/ Deduplicated Backup File vPower Backup storage Production storage Hypervisor SureBackup VM OS App Report Verification Job
< 2 minutes true verification Universal Application-Item Recovery any application proper test environment #1 Priority
Veeam Explorer for Exchange Visibility: Instant visibility into Exchange 2010 and 2013 VM backups. E-discovery: browse and search mailboxes and mailbox stores Item recovery: Export, attach or restore directly to mailbox store, also supports sending data directly to Office 365.
Veeam Explorer for SharePoint Visibility: Instant visibility into Sharepoint 2010 and 2013 VM backups. E-discovery: Browse and search form templates, documents, pictures and reports. Item recovery: Export, attach or restore directly back to Sharepoint.
Veeam Explorer for SQL Visibility: Instant visibility into SQL backups. E-discovery: Browse and search databases. Item recovery: 1-Click Database Recovery, tables, items, and point in time restore.
Veeam Explorer for Active Directory Visibility: Instant visibility into AD backups. E-discovery: Browse and search NTDS databases. Item recovery: User Accounts, Computer Accounts, Passwords, OU’s, and more. Export for use with LDIFDE.
Compressed/ Deduplicated Backup File vPower Backup storage Production storage Hypervisor Universal Application Restore Virtual Lab Proxy Appliance U-AIR Wizard
< 2 minutes true verification any application On-Demand Sandbox proper test environment #1 Priority
On-Demand Sandbox
Backup Copy Jobs Production storage Primary backup storage BackupBackup copy StorSimple
Veeam Backup Enterprise Manager
StorSimple Simplified Approach For Managing Storage Growth Primary Storage Archival Storage Disk based backup storage Tape infrastructure and management Off-site DR and geo- resiliency Primary storage growth Pay-as you- grow for infrequently accessed, “cold” data Pay-as you- grow for backup and long term retention A single, consolidated solution provided by one vendor Simplified DR to any StorSimple solution
Characterizing HCS Enterprise Workloads Capacity Time Data Grows Exponentially (50–60% Annually) However, most I/O happens to the “Working Set” data CapEx, OpEx of Traditional Storage CapEx, OpEx of StorSimple Microsoft Azure Storage StorSimple StorSimple is ideally suited for workloads that rely on Tier-2/ Tier- 3 data Access Time File Shares/Archives Veeam SharePoint VM sprawl(Archives)
ON PREMISES DATA CENTER Application or File servers MGMT DATA iSCSI SAN (over IP) StorSimple SSD SAS Block storage PUBLIC CLOUD Object storage Internet connection Physical servers OR Virtual servers Holds data accessed frequently Low latency, high throughput Smallest capacity on-premise tier Periodic data access Medium latency, & throughput Largest on-premise capacity tier Rarely accessed data High latency, low throughput Largest capacity Big Picture: Microsoft Azure and StorSimple
Flow Of Data With Automated Tiering SSD Application or File servers SAS Automatically moving data to the next tier occurs when tiers reach a threshold for fullness The least recently accessed data in the tier is the first to move to the next tier
SSD SAS Structure Of A StorSimple Volume Volume data can reside on any tier
Integrated Data Protection SSD SAS Local Snapshot
Instantaneous and provide short term data recovery Volume Data Volume Metadata Snapshot 1 Snapshot 2 Snapshot 3
Cloud Snapshot Metadata is preserved in its entirety Only changed blocks are copied to Cloud SSD SAS 5
Example of data protection plan Backup TypeSnapshot TypeFrequencyRetention Period Short-term backupLocal & CloudDaily~1 week Medium-term backupCloudWeekly~4 weeks Long-term BackupCloudMonthly~52 weeks
Fortescu e Worlds fourth largest producer of iron ore Operations located in the Pilbara region of Western Australia Corporate office in Perth Recently opened Kings Valley project and celebrated completion of our 155mtpa expansion C1 costs of US$34.88/wmt in line with guidance of US$34/wmt for FY14 reflecting operational efficiencies (1 Australian tonne = 2204 lb)
Fortescue C1 costs of US$34.88/wmt in line with guidance of US$34/wmt for FY14 reflecting operational efficiencies Every Cent saved reflects positively on C1 cost. Consume IT and pay for it when needed “as-a- service”.
Rate of data on servers is growing Thus rate of backup blobs in repositories is growing And ultimately a lot more money than you think!
So we have to start somewhere …
The “old school way”
Traditional vs. StorSimple/Veeam Traditional Storage + Data Protection Architecture Servers Primary Volume Snapshot Disk Array ($100K; Double if Replicated) Media Server ($25K) Disk Backup/ VTL ($100K; double if replicated) Encryption Appliance Physical Tape Infrastructure ($50K) Offsite Vault StorSimple Cloud-integrated Storage with Veeam 50 TB Primary Volume Local Snapshot Cloud Snapshots To Nearby Cloud Storage Service Region Cloud Clones To Remote Cloud Storage Region for DR Veeam Servers
Veeam Configuration requirements
Best Practices
Beating the technical challenge, and more … We meet business the Fortescue business vision and Fortescue IT Strategy objectives.
Our challenges and advice
What's next?
Getting Started Go online and request a demo from a StorSimple & Veeam Resources Request a demo during a MTC visit Contact your Microsoft representative for hands-on StorSimple experience using the Total Data Center Immersion (TDI)
Windows Server 2003 End of Support on July 14 th, 2015 Immersion provide an opportunity for you and up to 30 of your peers to get hands-on in a facilitated session that will foster conversation and discussion on how IT practices can be improved today. You’ll be amazed to see how interconnected all of the Microsoft products are. Understanding this connectivity will translate into a better investigation of how you can improve your IT organization. Investigate and learn how the Microsoft Cloud OS vision can benefit the way your entire organization functions Envision Identify gaps in the way you perform certain activities today, and discuss opportunities for transformation Evolve Get hands-on with a completely configured environment and experience Microsoft solutions first hand Contact your Microsoft Account Representative to schedule a customized Immersion session. Immersion | Transform the Datacenter Hands on Experiences Experience Get your hands on IT! SQL Server 2012 Microsoft Azure System Center 2012 R2Windows Server 2012 R2 Immersion | Get your hands on IT!
Come Visit Us in the Microsoft Solutions Experience! Look for Datacenter and Infrastructure Management TechExpo Level 1 Hall CD For More Information Windows Server 2012 R2 Microsoft Azure System Center 2012 R2 Azure Pack cloud/products/windows-azure-pack