Ruth Garay & Melissa Hernandez Operations Analysts Office of the Registrar University of Nevada, Las Vegas Transfer 101
Transfer Articulation TWO Types: New Student Transfer—first time UNLV Advanced Standing—current UNLV students ONE Process: “Fetch” and “Post” courses to a “Model” on student’s account
Transfer Articulation Receive Transcript(s) Students MUST submit all previous education to the Admissions office.
Transfer Articulation Receive Transcript(s) Recorded in External Ed The Admissions office inputs information from transcripts into this area of People Soft.
Transfer Articulation Receive Transcript(s) Recorded in External Ed Daily lists alert us to student records with pending transfer credit. Submitted to Registrar
Transfer Articulation Receive Transcript(s) Recorded in External Ed Analysts create a “model” for each college, indicating their start term (year without the zero)+ digit for month of term start (2142: Spring 14, 2148: Fall 14) Submitted to Registrar Articulation—Part 1
Transfer Articulation Receive Transcript(s) Recorded in External Ed Information is “fetched” from External Ed onto the model—during this process existing transfer rules are applied. Submitted to Registrar Articulation—Part 1 Articulation—Part 2
Transfer Articulation Receive Transcript(s) Recorded in External Ed Any transfer course without an existing rule to be applied is manually equated. Submitted to Registrar Articulation—Part 1 Articulation—Part 2Articulation—Part 3
Transfer Articulation Receive Transcript(s) Recorded in External Ed Repeat codes are applied to multiple attempts of the same course—pre and post articulation. Submitted to Registrar Articulation—Part 1 Articulation—Part 2Articulation—Part 3 Articulation—Part 4
Transfer Articulation Receive Transcript(s) Recorded in External Ed Submitted to Registrar Articulation—Part 1 Articulation—Part 2Articulation—Part 3 Articulation—Part 4 Post Credit Once all credit is articulated, the model is “posted” and now visible on the student center.
Transfer Evaluation TES: Transfer Evaluation System After credits have been articulated, students can request a “re- evaluation” of specific courses This request is initiated with an Academic Advising Counselor and accomplished through TES, a web-based system
Transfer Evaluation Process (in TES): Counselor selects the course in question from the outside institution Counselor identifies UNLV course that it is believed to equate to Counselor submits these courses to appropriate department/individual for review The request is approved/denied or requires more information.
Transfer Evaluation APPROVALS: “This student only”: The student for which the request was initiated will be updated to reflect the new approved equivalent. “For ALL Students”: A RULE will be built for this course so that any future students who may transfer it in will receive the same approved equivalent.
Transfer Evaluation Denials: A RULE will be built to ensure that the course is brought in as a general elective for its subject area (ex: ENGLD/ENGUD) Each rule built based upon a denial will include a note indicating the scenario that was denied, by whom, and a date.
Transfer Evaluation Requires Further Information: In some instances, students need to obtain more information on a course for a decision to be made More detailed course description, course syllabus, etc Dependent on what is received, and approval or denial will be assigned