Defense Weather Systems Directorate (DWSD) DMSP, DWSS and McMurdo Overview Satellite Direct Readout Conference 4 – 8 April 2011 Capt Harvey S. Gaber Ground Systems Branch Chief Defense Weather Systems Directorate
DMSP Imagery: Pre and Post Japan earthquake DMSP F18 OLS Visible / Air Force Mark IVB (Before) 09 Mar 2011 1040Z (After) 11 Mar 2011 1016Z Sendai
Agenda Portfolio Overview Defense Meteorological Satellite Program Defense Weather Satellite Program DWSD at McMurdo
Defense Weather Systems Directorate Mission and Overview DWSD MISSION Develop, Acquire, Field, and sustain systems for the collection and distribution of worldwide environmental data for U.S. Government Users DWSD VISION Worldwide weather for the Warfigher Overall picture of wing mission, how programs are related at a basic level. Mr. John Baldonado Acting Director
Portfolio Overview Also in Portfolio Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) AF Weather Weapon Systems Also in Portfolio Space Situational Awareness Environmental Monitoring (SSAEM) SSA Environmental Effects Fusion (SEEFS) Communication/ Navigation Outage Forecast System (C/NOFS)
Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP)
DMSP Overview Contract Facts LM responsible for spacecraft integration and testing NG manages sensors (OLS) NG-Azusa (SSMIS) Air Force Research Laboratory (SSJ5, SSM, SSIES) Naval Research Laboratory (SSULI) Applied Physics Laboratory (SSUSI) Sandia National Laboratory manages SSF Funding and support provided via MIPR Integral Systems Incorporated certifies S/C flight software Independent Verification and Validation DMSP DMSP Mission Description Collect and disseminate global high-resolution visible and thermal cloud cover imagery to DoD forces and the intelligence community Program Status F18 launched Oct 2009 4 Satellites in orbit providing RTD, Fine and Smooth Stored data F19: Integration and test under way for late 2012 launch F20: Last DMSP Satellite being prepared for 2016 or beyond launch
DMSP Mission Collect meteorological, oceanographic and solar geophysical data on a global basis: Visible and infrared cloud data, night time lights, sea ice thickness, sea surface wind speed, contrails predictions Collect solar optical & radio, solar wind, magnetospheric, ionospheric and ultraviolet (UV) spectrum data UHF scintillation forecasts, U2 high-flyer radiation warning, energetic particle/charging warnings Deliver data to military/national users worldwide AF& Navy weather centers and worldwide tactical terminals Overall picture of wing mission, how programs are related at a basic level.
Operational Constellation (Sun Synch – Local Time Ascending Node) F16, 2001 LTAN F18, 1954 LTAN F15, 1926 LTAN F13, 1831 LTAN F17, 1731 LTAN F14, 1714 LTAN PRIMARY MID-MORNING PRIMARY EARLY MORNING BACK-UP TACTICAL ONLY
DMSP Sensor Suite Special Sensor Microwave Imager Sounder (SSMIS) Ultraviolet Limb Imager (SSULI) Spectrographic Imager (SSUSI) Special Sensor Microwave Imager Sounder (SSMIS) Operational Linescan System (OLS) Special Sensor F (SSF) Ionospheric Electron Scintillation (SSIES-3) Magnetometer (SSM) Electron/Ion Spectrometer (SSJ5)
OLS Products and Users Primary input to AFWA and FNMOC (Fleet Numerical Meteorology Oceanography Center) – Cloud and Weather Forecasting Primary high resolution imagery source for the National/Naval Ice Center Major waterway monitoring Arctic and Antarctic sea ice progression and regression
SSMIS Products SSMIS – Special Sensor Microwave Imager/Sounder Provides atmospheric temperature and humidity profiles from the Earth’s surface to an altitude of 30 kilometers
Supported Capabilities Command & Control DMSP image of sand storm Force Protection (sand/dust storms) Sand and Dust Source Region Sand and Dust Storm
AF GEOSPACE (Auroral Oval) Space Environmental Support Systems GPS Error Auroral Boundary UHF Scintillation Auroral Boundary AF GEOSPACE (Auroral Oval) Electron Density Radiation Levels
Defense Weather Satellite System (DWSS)
DWSS Overview DMSP Contract Facts DoD Contract for Space Segment Northrop Grumman (NGAS) prime integrator NGAS modified C-bus Sensor Subcontractors Raytheon El Segundo (VIIRS) Microwave Sensor – under development JHU/APL (SEM-N) NOAA/NASA for Ground System Common Ground System (CGS) shared with NPP, JPSS, and international partners DMSP DWSS Mission Description Provide early morning polar orbital plane data for weather mission based on NPOESS IORD II as modified by JROCM 101-06 Program Status 13 Aug 11 – Acquisition Decision Memorandum approved for DWSS program NGAS provide 2 spacecraft w/VIIRS, SEM-N, and Microwave Sensor FY Funding and contract restructure in progress Memorandum of Agreement in draft for CGS DWSS F1 scheduled to launch in 2018 DWSS F2 scheduled to launch in 2021
VIIRS Overview Advanced modular multi-channel imager radiometer DWSS Primary sensor, supports 23 EDRs Heritage OLS, AVHRR/3, MODIS & SeaWiFSsensors Continuous Cross-track scanner 22 spectral bands Data Products Atmospheric, clouds, earth radiation Clear-air land/water surfaces, sea surface temperature, ocean color, and low-light visible imagery Supplier: Raytheon Space and Airborne Systems, El Segundo CA
Proposed Microwave Sensor Collects global microwave radiometry & sounding data Produces microwave imagery and other meteorological and oceanographic data Conically-scanning passive microwave sensor supporting EDRs Provides critical weather information, such as soil moisture, sea surface temp & wind direction capabilities Deployed Configuration Microwave 3-D view - water vapor, rain rate, vertical characteristics thru clouds
SEM-N Suite of particle sensors for the detection/measurement of the space environment Measures energy spectrum and directional distribution of charged particle fluxes near the spacecraft Comprised of 3 sensors Special Sensor J5 (SSJ5) for detection of low-energy particles Energetic Particle Spectrometer (EPS) for medium-energy particles Omni-directional detectors for high-energy particles Sensor suite integrated by Johns Hopkins University/Applied Physics Laboratory (JHU/APL) Provided as GFE to NGAS for integration
DWSD at McMurdo
DWSS Overview DMSP Contract Facts Harris - DMSP Equipment McMurdo Station – Ross Island 77.5°S (similar in Latitude to Svalbard) 166.6°E (below Australia/New Zealand) Contract Facts Harris - DMSP Equipment Raytheon - Antennas and JPSS Equipment Raytheon Polar Services – Logistics NSF – touch labor maintainance DMSP Program Status Raytheon completed Antenna build during 2010 – 2011 season Harris successfully completed Critical Design Review Season kickoff meeting scheduled for 13 Apr 11 Testing planned for Mid-December 2011 IOC of DMSP planned for Jan 2012 McMurdo will be available for JPSS as part of CGS State 2 McMurdo Mission To incrementally reduce DMSP stored mission data latency, SPO identified McMurdo as ideal southern hemisphere readout site (latency goal is 15 minutes as opposed to 101 minutes max today) Dramatic increase in DMSP fine resolution OLS cloud imagery data from 35% /rev to ~100% /rev global coverage
Current Latency
Latency After McMurdo is Online
McMurdo Project spans Legacy DMSP JPSS Common Ground System Architecture Layout McMurdo Project spans Legacy DMSP and JPSS Common Ground System
Conclusion DMSP is the Military Weather flagship and will be for years to come DWSS will continue the 40+ year legacy of DMSP McMurdo will cut latency of DMSP by almost half and is a key site for JPSS and DWSS